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The way of recovery is to recover Christ as our life and everything, to recover the vitality and functioning of every member of the Body of Christ, and to recover the ground of the oneness of the church. For this, there are several important things that we must carry out in our service, including preaching the gospel, endeavoring to lead people to salvation and the knowledge of Christ, and leading the brothers and sisters to function in a living way, coordinate in service, and maintain the testimony of the Lord on the ground of oneness. All this service must be for the church. The ultimate goal of our service is to build up the church, because the church is what God wants to obtain in the universe.
On the day of Pentecost Peter preached the gospel, the Spirit was outpoured, and close to three thousand souls were saved. These newly saved believers spontaneously began to meet together in their homes: "And day by day, continuing steadfastly with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house, they partook of their food with exultation and simplicity of heart" (Acts 2:46). In these home gatherings, all believers were able to function, and the early church flourished and spread (v. 47). In The Furtherance of the New Way for the Lord's Recovery Witness Lee sounds a call for the church to return to this biblical pattern. Drawing on numerous examples from the Scriptures, he highlights the central role of the home in presenting the gospel to unbelievers and in building up new believers. Returning to the God-ordained way of bringing the gospel to unbelievers and teaching the truth to new believers in their homes will open the way for the building up of the Body of Christ.
Throughout the centuries of church history the Lord has progressively carried out His work of recovery. In this book, Witness Lee shows that the Lord's present advance is to recover the priesthood of the gospel, the organic building up of the Body of Christ, the perfecting of the believers, and the speaking of God's word for the building of the Body of Christ. He concludes with help as to how we can practice these four matters.
I consider Watchman Nee to be a unique gift given by the Head to His Body.... I fully respect him as such a gift....I am more than grateful to the Lord that immediately after being saved I was brought into such a profitable relationship with Watchman Nee and put into the closest relationship with him in the work of His recovery through so many events over a long period of time.The revelations concerning Christ, the church, the Spirit, and life which I saw through Watchman Nee, the infusions of life which I received from him, and the things concerning the work and the church which I learned from him will require eternity to evaluate their true worth. By Witness Lee
This book emphasizes the need to practice the Lord's present recovery for the organic building up of the Body of Christ by entering into prophesying as revealed in 1 Corinthians 14 and into the perfecting of the saints as revealed in Ephesians 4:11-16.
The church should help the brothers and sisters in the way of visiting people to preach the gospel to save sinners, nourishing and taking care of the new believers, and teaching and perfecting them so that all can prophesy and speak for the Lord. When the church does this, sinners will be saved, believers will grow, saints will be perfected, and all will prophesy one by one. Then the church will be flourishing and the testimony will be strong.
The most important work of God on earth is the speaking out of His word through man. In the Old Testament God's word was released through the ministry of the prophets, and in the New Testament it was released through the ministry of the Lord Jesus and later through the apostles. Even though God is pleased to allow us to speak His word, the greatest measure of our usefulness as a minister of the Word is not the amount of our Bible knowledge or even the ability to eloquently present the truth; rather, it is the degree to which our inward parts have been molded and shaped by the Holy Spirit. The Ministry of God's Word contains a series of messages given by Watchman Nee in 1948 and 1949 after nearly thirty years of ministry. These messages are deep, profound, subjective, and full of light, revealing both the depth of his experience and extent of our need to open to the Holy Spirit's inward operation.