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This book shows that science and religion should not be antagonistic since both relate to each other in the search for unity and truth. Swami Ranganathananda believes that the modern age demands the meeting of the challenges of life with an adequate philosophy. That adequacy can be ensured only if the philosophy achieves a happy synthesis between the physical sciences and spirituality. This is the specialty of Vedanta. Human Being in Depth illustrates the kinship between Vedanta and modern science. Religion expounded as a verified and verifiable science has a message for all humanity: that spiritual life is a fact, that the consciousness within man is a spark of divinity, and that this same divine consciousness pervades nature and the universe of physics. Vedanta, with its various yoga disciplines, has been explored by the author in its role in mental and spiritual development.
This book is primarily intended to be an Investigation into the Meaning and Religious significance of the important Vedic term dhi, which has been variously and often inadequately translated.
The fourth in the series - The True Advaita Shankara gives you the vision of Atman.
The work deals with the subject comprehensively. The treatment closely follows the basic texts of the various schools, which is a unique feature of the work. These volumes deal with the evolution of religious and spiritual thought and philosophical speculation from the principal Upanisads to the Puranas and the Gitas through the Manusamhita and Ramayana and explains the ideas common to them. The book is based on the study of the original texts. It deals with the epistemology, logic, ontology, psychology, ethics and theology of the different systems, though it specializes in their ontology. It gives comprehensive accounts of the Carvaka, the Vaisesika, the Nyaya, and the Navya Nyaya logic of Gangesa. It deals with BhartrhariÍs linguistic monism as expounded in his Vakyapadiya (Brahma-kanda), which is a unique type of philosophy. The subject matter of Vol. I is the philosophies of the Upanisads, the Epics, the Puranas, the Gita, the Philosophies of the Carvakas, the Vaisesika, the Nyaya, the Navya Nyaya, the Mimamsa, and the _abdika of Bhartrhari. Vol. II deals with the philosophies of Samkhya, the Yoga, Jainism, Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta and other Theistic Vedanta, Saivism, Saktism: while Vol. III contains the philosophies of Bhëskara, Saivism and different _aiva schools and the problem of post Sankara Advaitavada. Dr. Jadunath Sinha's significant work on Indian Philosophy in three volumes deals with the subject comprehensively. His treatment closely follows the basic texts of the various schools, which is a unique feature of the work. The topics included in the volumes are as under: Volume I: The major and minor Upanisads; Epics; Puranas; Gita, Carvaka, Vaisesika; Nyaya; Navya Nyaya; Mimamsa; Sabdika. Volume II: Samkhya; Yoga; Jaina; Early Buddhism; Schools of Buddhism; Background of Vedanta; Advaita; Bhagavad Gita; Bhagavata; Pancaratra; Ramanuja; Madhva; Nimbarka; Vallabha; Caitanya; Saivism & Saktaism. Volume III: Bhaskara; Kasmira Saiva; Pasupata; Saiva Siddhanta; Srikantha; Vira Saiva; Post-Sankara Advaita.
The book Tattvagyan by Yogi Anand Ji is an outstanding book on this complex subject. Owing to his complete mastery over the subject he unfolds the mystery in an easy to grasp manner. His lucid style with added clarity creates a mesmerizing effect on the reader. The author has nicely captured different aspects of Tattvagyan which is otherwise largely unavailable for spiritual seekers.
How did the universe come into being? What is the nature of God? Of the human spirit? All who seek understanding will find this book an illuminating presentation of India's oldest and most profound religious and philosophical tradition. The Wisdom of the Vedas was first published in 1931 by Kailas Press under the title India's Outlook on Life. The Theosophical Publishing House published a second edition in 1973, and again in 1980 under the Quest imprint. The present 1992 edition was edited to reflect the modern use of inclusive language, and includes an introduction by Vedic scholar David Frawley. Mr. Frawley explains to the Western reader, "The Vedas are the original scripture or source teaching of the Hindu tradition, from which its many branches of Vedanta, Yoga, and Tantra have emerged through time, and to which they all look back with reverence." The Vedas are also "..the background relative to which the Buddhist religion evolved, and Buddhism also preserves many Vedic terms and practices." The study then, of the Vedas is important to understanding many different Eastern teachings. The author is from India, and has an unusual ability to frame the subtleties of Eastern thought for the Western world.
Mysticism in India is a complete and informative description of the teachings, works, and lives of the great poet-saints of Maharashtra written by a scholar and professor who was also a mystic. Jnaneshwar, Namadev, Tukaram, Eknath, Ramdas, and the other saints discussed belonged to the great devotional religious movement that spread through medieval India. With the exception of Ramdas, they all belonged to the tradition of the Varkaris, the most popular sect in contemporary Maharashtra. Their compositions exemplify the universality of their faith and practice, and are recognized as literary treasures. Ranade was primarily interested in the poet-saints as mystics--teachers of the perennial philosophy--whose experiences have general metaphysical and religious implications. At the heart of his classic is a comprehensive, objective presentation of the thought of these saints, augmented by a deep appreciation of their value and relevance to present-day scholars and seekers. Mysticism in India is the only major study in English of medieval Indian religious literature. The book's enduring value has been enhanced by the addition of a foreword by a scholar currently working in Marathi literature, and a preface by a present-day poet-saint of Maharashtra.
"This is a second, revised edition of Kupperman's introduction to Asian philosophy via its canonical texts. Ranging from the Upanishads to the Bhagavad Gita, through Confucius to Zen Buddhism, Kupperman walks students through the most important texts of Asian philosophy, conveying the vitality and appeal of the works, and explaining their philosophical roots. This second edition includes revisions and updates throughout the text, clarifying where necessary, and a brand new chapter on al-Arabi's The Bezels of Wisdom, a classic of Islamic Sufism. Classic Asian Philosophy is a highly useful aid to students in philosophy, religion, or Asian studies courses who are studying these fascinating bust complex texts, as well as laypersons or specialists in other areas who need assistance in understanding them."--Page 4 de la couverture.
There are many books written in abstract language on the Tantra Upasana known as Sri Vidya. However, they contain highly technical words, mantras and rituals which are beyond the understanding of a layman who is alien to the concept of Hindu religion. Hence, more than enlightening the reader, they confuse him. In this aspect, this book is different in its diction. It tries to explain the abstruse subject of Sri Vidya in simplest possible terms, highlighting its most benign form of practices. Explaining the meanings of important mantras from the Upanishads, the connection between Sri Vidya and the Vedas has been established in this book. In addition, the four paths of Sri Vidya have been briefly touched upon, introducing the readers to the practical aspects of these four esoteric paths. Dispelling the fear of Tantra and the worship of God in his feminine aspect, the entire subject of Sri Vidya has been explained in this book. If the reader develops interest in the sadhana of Sri Vidya after reading this work, we feel our efforts in writing this book are fulfilled.