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"The Army is developing high-quality professional Space officers to work in the joint Space force, fielding a family of ground-based Space control negation and surveillance systems, and integrating Space into terrestrial operations." If someone asks you, "What is the Army doing in Space?" that should be your answer. This edition of the Army Space Journal addresses this last item of integration of Space into terrestrial operations. The Army Space Command is the primary conductor of Space operations. We in the Force Development and Integration Center (FDIC) and your Functional Area 40 (FA 40) proponent office, the Space and Missile Defense Battle Lab (SMDBL), the Space and Missile Defense Technology Center (SMDTC), and the Army Space Program Office (ASPO) are your schoolhouse and "TRADOC-like" support.
CMH Pub 70-91-1. Revision of the 1998 edition with added last chapter. Prepared by James Walker and James T. Hooper. Outlines the organizational and conceptual evolution of the Army Space Support Team (ARSST) from 1986 to 1998. Identifies trends and issues of significance, explaining how important problems were approached and why key decisions were made. Includes sections on the use of global positioning systems (GPS) and satellite weather support.
This country has sent men and women off to battle many times, but this time, elements of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command are involved. Space Operations Officers and others from SMDC are deployed in many locations around the world. One of our Space Operations Officers was awarded an Air Medal for his actions. Our soldiers and civilians are proving what we have known for a long time - Space control is necessary to both fight and win in the 21st Century. The "genie" is out of the box with Space technology. And this reliance on Space technology brings a new dimension to the battlefield. It also brings new problems for us because the adversary also has this capability. Sadly, though, many soldiers do not even know that their equipment - or the enemy's - relies on satellites.
As the United States creates the Space Force as a service within the Department of the Air Force, RAND assessed which units to bring into the Space Force, analyzed career field sustainability, and drew lessons from other defense organizations. The report focuses on implications for effectiveness, efficiency, independence, and sense of identity for the new service.
In the 21st century, the battlefield will extend vertically into the region of space. This operational concept is intended to focus the Army's effort to exploit the high ground of space, and seamlessly integrate it into land force operations. Achieving space dominance will be critical to gaining and maintaining the information superiority required for the advanced full-spectrum operations described in the Army's Objective Force Concept. This publication describes the contribution space provides to land forces and what the Army will do to contribute to joint dominance of the dimension of space. Army space operations will focus on five essential tasks to ensure that the Objective Force will successfully achieve decisive victory. These five essential space operations tasks are: * Support increased deployability and reduced theater footprint. * Achieve situational understanding (SU) "Off the Ramp" during entry operations. * Support precision maneuver, fires, sustainment, and information. * Enable continuous information and decision superiority. * Protect the force during all phases of the operation. Seamlessness will be the signature characteristic of well-integrated space and land force operations. From the user perspective, space support must be reliable and timely, and operational friction must be minimized. During operations at the tactical or operational level, undue delays or discontinuities will quickly make space support irrelevant. For this reason, the central thrust of Army space operations is to reduce technical and procedural seams in the system of systems. In effect, many of the actions outlined here will bridge, bypass, or remove seams that would otherwise lessen or nullify the effectiveness of space support to land force operations. The Army has been, is, and will continue to be, a prominent player on the joint space team. Preparations are now underway to develop new Army contributions to the functions of space surveillance, and negation of space control operations. Army forces will also provide support to space forces, such as those conducting space satellite control operations. Some of this support will be tied to the Army's role in homeland security, with an emphasis on Army national missile defense operations. This concept also touches on several advanced space operations for the near to mid terms. Space control capabilities to enhance information operations (IO) will continue to be a high priority. Procedures to enable direct tasking of satellites by tactical commanders, and expanded employment of direct downlinks from satellites to tactical users, will remain an ongoing initiative. In the far-term, this capability will be achieved through the Global Information Grid (GIG). The infusion of functional area (FA) 40 space operations officers, into existing headquarters, will ensure current and future space force enhancement tools and products are integrated into the Objective Force operations. Space awareness and analysis provide a combat multiplier required for achieving information superiority. Whether at home or abroad, near or far term, Army space operations will be consistent with the Army's responsibility to conduct prompt and sustained land combat, and win the nation's wars. As the Army moves forward in its transformation, and achieves Objective Force qualities, we must, in all our mission areas, ensure that we are truly "transformational" and not just "reforming." The words of J.F.C. Fuller, expressed in the early 1930's, should serve as a constant reminder: "Rather than refighting the last war, we should instead ask, 'Given an emerging technology, how can we fight war more rationally?'"
This is the 42nd volume in the Occasional Paper series of the U.S. Air Force Institute for National Security Studies (INSS). This volume presents two important papers on United States military space. The first paper, "What is Spacepower and Does It Constitute a Revolution in Military Affairs?", examines the concept of "spacepower" as it is emerging within the U.S. military and business sectors to establish the basis for military space roles and implications. It also posits military-commercial sector linkages as the best near-term road map for future development. As commercial activities expand the importance of United States space, and as technological advances enable military missions, Hays sees expanded military roles, including space weaponization, on the horizon. He concludes that military space has already had a significant impact on the American way of war. That trend will only continue as the promise of a true space-led revolution in military affairs awaits eventual space weaponization. Given an increasingly important U.S. commercial and military presence in space, the second paper, "Space-Related Arms Control and Regulation to 2015: Precedents and Prospects," presents a detailed analysis of existing regulations and controls that constrain and shape military space use and development. It also presents a comprehensive examination of current and future issues that will define likely arenas of international efforts to further control military space. The United States must be very aware of the possible consequences for its overall commercial and military space efforts in addressing these issues. Finally, the paper suggests areas where some current regulatory emphasis could benefit the United States, indicating areas for current policy emphasis. Together, the two papers provide a timely and important examination of the current state and the likely future of United States military space.
"[Seize the high ground is a] narrative history of the Army's aerospace experience from the 1950s to the present. The focus is on ballistic missile defense, from the early NIKE-HERCULES missile program through the SAFEGUARD acquisition site allowed by the 1972 ABM Treaty to the more advanced 'Star Wars' concepts studies toward the end of the century. [What is] covered is not only the technological response to the threat but the organizational and tactical development of the commands and units responsible for the defense mission"--CMH website.
CMH Pub 70-91-1. Revision of the 1998 edition with added last chapter. Prepared by James Walker and James T. Hooper. Outlines the organizational and conceptual evolution of the Army Space Support Team (ARSST) from 1986 to 1998. Identifies trends and issues of significance, explaining how important problems were approached and why key decisions were made. Includes sections on the use of global positioning systems (GPS) and satellite weather support.
The Air Force, exultantly, and the Navy, quietly, have organized separate space commands and are pursuing a multitude of space-related programs. The Army, despite playing a leading role in military space activities in the 1950s, does not yet have an operational space command. Its space-related efforts remain largely in the areas of research and development. Does the Army have a role in space? According to Colonel Arthur Downey, U. S. Army, the Army cannot ignore the potential applications of space technology to all military operations. Nor can the Army expect either the Air Force or the Navy to channel its resources to Army-specific missions. Colonel Downey recommends the Army tend its own business in space in three major areas: training space-qualified personnel, continuing research and development, and updating combat doctrine to take space technology into account. Downey argues space is not a mission, but a place, a place where many missions can be performed. He believes to prevent or win future wars, the Army must more actively investigate the uses of space.