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Jeff Turner was raised in Custom House in the East End of London, with seven siblings to share a three-bedroom council house. When the Sex Pistols' God Save the Queen hit, his brother Mickey picked up a guitar and Jeff picked up a microphone, and together they stormed the music scene as The Cockney Rejects. The Rejects stood for being young, working class, and not taking anything from anyone, resulting in aggression and violence being the main staple at their shows. However, the madness couldn't last forever, and as chaos at the gigs spiraled out of control, so did the band. Jeff was left dazed and penniless, and here tells his story.
Weitere Angaben Verfasser: JEFF TURNER, geboren und aufgewachsen in Custom House im East End von London, gründete The Cockney Rejects gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Mickey, nachdem ihnen die Sex Pistols ein einschneidendes Hörerlebnis bereitet hatten. Die Band stieß unmittelbar auf große Akzeptanz und unterschrieb nach nur vier Auftritten einen Plattenvertrag bei EMI. Sie gilt als Urheber des Oi!-Genres, einem Ableger des Punk. Jeff lebt heute mit seiner Freundin Karon in Battle in Sussex. The Cockney Rejects geben nach wie vor Konzerte in ganz Europa, doch heute kommt es dort nicht mehr zu Ausschreitungen. Jeff besucht seine Mutter regelmäßig in Custom House, hält sich im The Peacock fit und besucht die Spiele von West Ham. GARRY BUSHELL ist vor allem durch seine Fernsehkolumne >Bushell On The Box bekannt. Davor war er Rockjournalist beim wöchentlich erscheinenden Magazin Sounds. Bushell ist außerdem Autor der Kriminalromane The Face und Two-Faced, der Iron-Maiden-Biographie Running Free sowie von Dance Craze: The 2-Tone Story. Auf DVD ist kürzlich The Best Of Gary Bushell On The Box
Meet Moof, Womble, Castaway, Churchyard and One Dad, a dog called Six Bits and a van known as the Bog Roll Express. Every summer weekend, the parks of Australia turn themselves over to countless thousands of club cricket matches. One of those clubs is the Yarras. This is the inside story of their most memorable season, told by the vice-president, chairman of selectors, newsletter editor, trivia-night quizmaster, karaoke impresario and club greyhound shareholder, Gideon Haigh. The Vincibles is about playing for love, winning with grace, losing with humour, valuing your community, and other anachronistic notions. It features 69 ducks and 257 dropped catches.(Not that we’re counting.) The spirit of cricket isn’t dead. It’s just upped and moved to the suburbs.
1980 was an important year for Top of the Pops: it was the year it began to transform from a light entertainment show into essential viewing for pop music aficionados. The transition didn't happen overnight, but when a Musicians' Union strike forced the programme off air for the whole of June and July, producer Michael Hurll took the opportunity to restructure the show. As a result the latter half of 1980 was often bizarre, occasionally quite grim, but always fascinating as Hurll threw all sorts of new formats at the screen to see what would stick. This transitional year is documented here. Hopefully you will find it a breathtaking rollercoaster of good and bad decisions made in the pursuit of television excellence. Or maybe it will just inspire you to dig out some old records you'd forgotten. Either's good.
As the Seventies drew to a close and the media declared punk dead and buried, a whole new breed of band was emerging from the gutter. Harder and faster than their ’76–’77 predecessors, not to mention more aggressive and political, the likes of Discharge, the Exploited, and G.B.H. were to prove not only more relevant but arguably just as influential. Several years in the making and featuring hundreds of new interviews and photographs, Burning Britain is the true story of the UK punk scene from 1980 to 1984 told for the first time by the bands and record labels that created it. Covering the country region by region, author Ian Glasper profiles legendary bands like Vice Squad, Angelic Upstarts, Blitz, Anti-Nowhere League, Cockney Rejects, and the UK Subs as well as the more obscure groups like Xtract, The Skroteez, and Soldier Dolls. The grim reality of being a teenage punk rocker in Thatcher’s Britain resulted in some of the most primal and potent music ever committed to plastic. Burning Britain is the definitive overview of that previously overlooked era.
When Feral House first published the award-winning Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground, little was known about the "black metal" genre of music, or how many of its members were involved in the murder of citizens, the torching of churches, or its link to Fascist ideas. We've all heard about the racist form of skinhead punk music, but little do we know of the groups involved, and how they got involved in right-wing political movements. The White Nationalist Skinhead Movement is the first book to provide much more than mere photographs of the scene, documenting the bands, their members, the releases, shows, and infamous events. Robert Forbes and Eddie Stampton can authoritatively speak of the movement, obtaining first-hand material from members of the scene. This book covers both British and American bands, and even if you revile the movement, its ideas, and its music, this is an important piece of pop culture history. Feral House's controversial Lords of Chaos has sold over one hundred thousand copies.
As a homeless child prodigy, Harley Flanagan played drums for bands at Max’s Kansas City and CBGBs, and was taught to play bass by the famed black band Bad Brains, and drank with the notorious Lemmy of Motörhead. Most famously, Harley became a member of the famous hardcore band The Cro-Mags, and disputes accusations of stabbing two band members.
The Ultimate Trainspotter's Guide to Underground Rock, 1970-1982