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Guarded for centuries by saints and ascetics in the forests and mountains of India, the universal principles of Vedanta were deemed too precious to be understood by the masses until Swami Vivekananda first introduced them in the West at the end of the nineteenth century.Today Vedanta?s principles of self-awareness, self-knowledge, and self-control are available for anyone who wants to enrich their life by following this ancient tradition. Fusing science, philosophy, meditation, and contemplation, these timeless teachings encourage spiritual growth by inviting critical inquiry, encouraging honest doubt, and providing realistic explanations of the mysteries of spiritual quest.This comprehensive guide examines in detail the tenets of Vedanta, its relationship to other spiritual paths, as well as its applications for your own spiritual journey, such as:
Discover how the crown jewel of Hindu teachings can enrich your life and spirituality. Guarded for centuries by saints and ascetics in the forests and mountains of India, the universal principles of Vedanta were deemed too precious to be understood by the masses until Swami Vivekananda first introduced them in the West at the end of the nineteenth century. Today Vedanta’s principles of self-awareness, self-knowledge and self-control are available for anyone who wants to enrich their life by following this ancient tradition. Fusing science, philosophy, meditation and contemplation, these timeless teachings encourage spiritual growth by inviting critical inquiry, encouraging honest doubt and providing realistic explanations of the mysteries of spiritual quest. This comprehensive guide examines in detail the tenets of Vedanta, its relationship to other spiritual paths and its applications for your own spiritual journey, such as: Re-establishing Contact with the Ultimate Reality Acting in the Living Present Awakening Spiritual Consciousness Mastering the Restless Mind Grasping the Essentials Liberating the Soul And much more ...
The yoga way maintains that spiritual quest is not a matter of choice but a vital necessity for total well-being. This comprehensive guide for spiritual seekers of all faiths and backgrounds presents a roadmap to Self-knowledge, the goal of spiritual quest, and shows that reconnecting with the center of your being, your true Self, is real, tangible and attainable.
Guru: Yes. My definition of enlightenment is what colour is for the blind man. We can describe colour to him and he will understand and know it intellectually, as a mental concept. But what it really is as an experiential experience, he will only know after eyesight has been given to him. Or, say we have a glass of water in front of us. The water exists as it is; waterness is its nature. Speaking of it, is water in terms of the mind. Such water is a concept. The word water is not water. No matter how detailed we describe it-even if it is described by 100 Einsteins-such a description will never be what water really is. We have the triad: the subject (the seer), the object (water) and the process of perceiving water. We can know water only when we drink it, shower with it, etc. That knowing then is a direct existential experience. That knowing is drinking is quenching thirst, therefore, is blissful. The three-fold aspects knowing, drinking and being blissful are one in the event called drinking. It is an impersonal event that occurs as part of the functioning of Totality. It is not an act of an individual "me" embodied in a body-mind organism with the sense of personal volitiona and doership. While drinking, the triad drinker, water, and the process of drinking is dissolved. Drinking occurs as one impersonal event, comprising the drinker, the water and the process of drinking. In this case drinking is the impersonal "What-is." The actual drinking of water is not a concept. At the moment of drinking there is no individual, separate "me"-entity, a drinker drinking water. The "me" comes in afterwards as a further, additional "me"-thought as in "’I’-drank water. ‘I’ experienced drinking water." The fact is, while drinking water happened there was no "me." A body-mind organism was drinking water as part of the functioning of Totality. When we inquire closely, we find that such a "me"-entity does not exist, except as a thought, as a notion, as a concept.
"This new edition of two classic spiritual biographies of Sri Ramakrishna offers an intimate portrait of the life of this great teacher. An essential spiritual guide for people of all faiths and backgrounds, it presents a unique look at the deeper spirit within the Ramakrishna legend, and illuminates an important link in the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda movement."--BOOK JACKET.
Gain insight into the historical context and major themes of the Gospel of Philip and a deeper understanding of its overarching message: Deciphering our own meaning behind the symbols of this world increases and enriches our understanding of God.
How did a Jewish teacher, healer, sage and mystic become the vehicle for so much hatred and harm directed against his own people? Dialogue is demanding and difficult. It is often painful. It entails deep listening, letting others define themselves and being willing to confront and transform deep-rooted prejudices in ourselves. It requires the courage to re-envision absolutely everything we tend to cherish and protect, and to relinquish our entrenched vainglorious ego attachments, our inflated sense of I, me and mine. This challenge to grow beyond tribalism, to approach others in a fair and reasonable way, is an essential step in our human evolution. from the Invitation to the Reader Judaism and Christianity have had a volatile relationship in their two-thousand-year history. Anger, rivalry, insensitivity, bloodshed and murder have marred the special connection these two Abrahamic faiths share. In the last several decades, scholars, activists, laypeople and clergy have attempted to expose and eliminate the struggles between Jews and Christians. This collaborative effort brings together the voices of Christian scholar Ron Miller and Jewish scholar Laura Bernstein to further explore the roots of anti-Semitism in Christian faith and scripture. In a probing interfaith dialogue, Miller and Bernstein trace the Jewish-Christian schism to its very source in the first book of the New Testament, the Gospel of Matthew. Illuminating the often misunderstood context of Matthew s gospel a persecuted Christian minority writing some sixty years after Jesus s death this examination of a foundational Christian text discerns the ways in which the Jewishness of Jesus was forgotten and Jews and Judaism became Christianity s foil. More important, it takes a renewed look at Matthew with contemporary retellings that present a new and better future of conciliation and compassion between the two faith traditions.
Vedanta provides the ultimate answers regarding our real nature, this life and the world we are in, and thus guides us in leading a life of peace and happiness. Bhaja Govindam reveals the subtle and profound message of Vedanta (the wisdom of the Upanishads) in a simple, direct and concise manner, and that too through exquisite poetry. Importantly, it presents practical ways to apply Vedanta to daily life, cutting through the numerous terms and concepts in spirituality. For most people, Bhaja Govindam – authored by Adi Shankaracharya – is just a beautiful song, ever filling their hearts with devotion towards Lord Krishna. But, in reality, every verse presents us with an understanding of life and shows us how to lead a life that is filled with peace and happiness, and finally leading us to fulfilment. Bhaja Govindam shows us how we suffer in life because of the wrong perceptions (delusions) regarding ourselves and life in this world. That is why this text is formally referred to as Moha-mudgara? (literally meaning: ‘the hammer that destroys delusion’). It helps us remove the wrong perceptions so that we can be free from suffering and be endowed with ever-lasting happiness. This book is a translation and commentary (in English) on Bhaja Govindam and offers quotes from other texts, including Bhagavad Gita, Vivekachoodamani, Srimad Bhagavatam and Upanishads. Thus, this book becomes a comprehensive guide for any spiritual seeker, even for those who are not familiar with the various concepts of Vedanta.
“The Powers Of The Mind” is a speech delivered at Los Angeles, California, on January 8, 1900 by Swami Vivekananda explained his thoughts on the Powers of the Mind. This book brings together that speech for followers everywhere in his exact words.