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An annotated collection of over 500 quotations that provide strategies for life from a variety of authors.
Unwritten Laws is a wonderfully entertaining treasury ofmore than 500 rules, axioms and insights, each associatedwith a particular individual. None of the laws appears onthe Statute Book, yet they shape human affairs moreprofoundly than any Act of Parliament or by-law. AsCatt's Law states: No written law has ever been morebinding than ......
Some rules are meant to be broken, but these rules are meant to be followed. Compiled in to one easy to understand book, these are just a few of the rules of life that should be adhered to in every day situations. Some of the rules listed here are often forgotten and more often ignored. While most of what can be taken away from this book are rules that most of society knows and obeys, there may be a few surprises for some. With society being inundated with reality TV, the Internet and social media, the desire and the opportunity to learn about the fundamental rules of life has diminished. This book is a great reminder of these rules, giving a twist of humor while being very informative.
Originally published posthumously in 1954, this book presents a study of the unwritten law of the Albanian mountain tribes by the renowned Scottish anthropologist, classical scholar and ethnographer Margaret Hasluck (1885-1948). In recording the legal aspects of tribal life, Hasluck also provides detailed information on the everyday existence of the tribes. Four chapters are given to the vendetta system, describing minutely the obligations of vengeance, the manner of conducting a feud, the degrees of expiation and the ways of ending. Other chapters give information about the daily life of the household; the laws governing the division of property; the administrative hierarchy; oaths, verdicts and penalties; theft and murder. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in the writings of Hasluck, anthropology and the Albanian mountain tribes.
CAPONE'S LAW. You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone. LANCE'S LAW. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. MILLER'S LAW. The quality of food in restaurants is in inverse proportion to the number of signed celebrity photographs on the wall. WALPOLE'S LAW. Every man has his price. Unwritten Laws is a wonderfully entertaining treasury of more than five hundred rules, strategies, and ironical insights, with many amendments and corollaries, all associated with particular individuals. Organized alphabetically, from Lady Astor ("All women marry beneath them.") to Zeno ("The goal of life is living in agreement with nature."), from Woody Allen ("Eighty percent of success is showing up.") to Oscar Wilde ("There are two tragedies in life. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it."), Unwritten Laws contains a generous sampling of the collective wisdom of humankind. Hugh Rawson not only gives sources and dates for the law's, but annotates them with fascinating details. For example, Alfred Lord Tennyson's widely accepted "In the spring a young man's fancy turns lightly to thoughts of love" turns out to be a mistake, recent research showing that male testosterone levels are actually higher in the fall! This delightful book is as wonderful for browsing as it is for providing guidance over the rocks and shoals of life. "From the Trade Paperback edition.
The authors share what they have learned about social relationships over the course of years struggling with the effects of autism, identifying Ten Unwritten Rules as general guidelines for handling social situations.
While most financial and investment advice focuses on recent trends, or encourages consumers to buy a favoured product, this book breaks the mould, offering eternal wisdom that draws on years of expensive failures and enviable successes. Following on from the success of James Skakoon's The Unwritten Laws of Business (27,000 copies sold to date), this approachable but thoughtful gem brings together these useful lessons for the first time. Covering everything from reminders of the simplest of truths - 'Patience is a virtue' and 'Better safe than sorry' - to the more troublesome - 'Inflation is the stealthiest of enemies' and 'Guarantees are rarely guaranteed' - each law is presented in an accessible, easily digestible manner, and illustrated with examples. This is essential reading for savers and investors, novices and old hands - and these laws are applicable all around the world.
Reading between the lines: America's implicit Constitution -- Heeding the deed: America's enacted Constitution -- Hearing the people: America's lived Constitution -- Confronting modern case law: America's "warrented" Constitution -- Putting precedent in its place: America's doctrinal Constitution -- Honoring the icons: America's symbolic Constitution -- "Remembering the ladies" : America's feminist Constitution -- Following Washington's lead: America's "Georgian" Constitution -- Interpreting government practices: America's institutional Constitution -- Joining the party: America's partisan Constitution -- Doing the right thing: America's conscientious Constitution -- Envisioning the future: America's unfinished Constitution -- Afterward -- Appendix: America's written Constitution.