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Never before has the biblical book of Daniel been explained as by this author. Thirty years of study and research. This book explains the reason for wars, the loss of the dominions by the great nations. It explains the curse that hangs over the European royals if they marry with none royals: abdication of the throne, fatal accidents, divorce etc. It explains the reason for the slaughter of six million Jews. It explains why Hitler could not be killed by those who plotted to kill him. The book of Daniel predicted the death of Alexander the great, of the Russian royals, of Grace Kelly and the Princess Diana. It also predicts the death of Prince William should he venture on a non-royal marriage. It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the royals of Europe are the last to be on the thrones of Europe and that in their days the kingdom of god is to be re-established in the Holy Land. A fascinating book and a must read for all Bible researchers and scholars.
More than two-thousand years have passed since the seven chrono-specific predictive prophecies in the Book of Daniel were sealed up to prevent them from being prematurely understood. After the command to seal them was given by God, it was revealed in the Bible that the prophecies would not remain sealed up forever, but would again be unsealed for understanding at the time of the end. Now, twenty-five hundred years after they were sealed up in ancient Babylon, the prophecies have been unsealed in modern Israel. The event used to announce the unsealing to the world occurred in Jerusalem during the Six-Day War, namely, the return of the Temple Mount to Jewish sovereignty on June 7, 1967. The eschatological significance of that event went unnoticed by biblical scholars and theologians at the time it happened, but it has since turned out to be the key that was needed to unlock and understand all of the Danielic prophecies.Using the interpretative key that was revealed for the world to see when the Temple Mount was liberated by Israel in 1967, biblical scholar and sacred chronologist Dan Bruce has interpreted the Danielic prophecies anew for this generation. His Bible-based exposition fully explains the seven chrono-specific predictive prophecies that were sealed up in the Book of Daniel so long ago. His fresh new interpretations are cogent and unique, and give undeniable proof that the God of the Bible always has been, and still is, actively engaged in the affairs of mankind. By showing how the past two-thousand-plus years of Jewish history were foretold by the chrono-specific prophecies in Daniel and how, one by one, those prophecies have been fulfilled in history exactly as predicted—with some being fulfilled as recently as 1967—this book will open the eyes and ears of anyone who questions the reality of God's sovereign presence in the world today.Note that the interpretations of the Danielic prophecies in this book replace and/or make obsolete the interpretations of the prophecies found in the Book of Daniel, chapters 4 and 7-12, as explained in the commentaries of the following expositors: Jim Allen, Max E. Anders, Robert M. Anderson, Gleason L. Archer, Joyce Baldwin, Carl Beckwith, James M. Boice, C. C. Carlson, Corrine L. Carvalho, Robert B. Chisholm Jr., John Joseph Collins, Stephen L. Cook, Philip R. Davies, Franz Delitzsch, E. L. Doctorow, Iain M.Duguid, Jim Edlin, John A. Ellington, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Fyall, Kenneth O. Gangel, John Goldingay, Hersh Goldwurm, Donald H. Gowan, Bert H. Hall, Raymond Hammer, Allan M. Harman, Louis F. Hartman, Andrew E. Hill, H. A. Ironside, Nate Irwin, David Jeremiah, Ken Johnson, James B. Jordan, Clarence Larkin, C. F. Keil, Paul M. Lederach, Tremper Longman III, Ernest C. Lucas, John MacArthur, F. Wayne Macleod, Mark Mangano, Tim Meadowcroft, Robert Medlin, Stephen R.Miller, Watson E. Mills, James Alan Montgomery, Beth Moore, J. I. Motyer, William Nelson, Stuart J. Olyott, Sharon Pace, Dwight J. Pentecost, René Péter-Contesse, John Phillips, Norman W. Porteous, Paul L. Redditt, Larry Richards, A. J. Rosenberg, D. S. Russell, Choon-Leong Seow, Renald Showers, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher, Andrew E. Steinmann, Russell Stendal, Kenneth Stevenson, Rodney Stortz, George Sumner, Marvin A.Sweeney, Roy E. Swim, W. Sibley Towner, Bob Utley, John F. Walvoord, John Whitcomb, Warren W. Wiersbe, Richard F. Wilson, Leon J. Wood, E. J. Young, Otto Zockler, and many others.Also, note that the chronological interpretations in this book are the result of original Bible research by the author. The interpretations are NOT based on, derivative of, or associated with the work of any of the following groups or persons who have been active in the field of sacred chronology: The Watchtower Society, The Seventh-day Adventist Church, The LDS Church, The Institute for Creation Research and similar creationist groups, Donovan Courville, Rolf Furuli, David Rohl, Peter James, Immanuel Velikovsky, and similar.
Reprint of the original, first published in 1857.
More than 2500 years ago the Heavenly Messenger said the to the prophet Daniel, "Seal the book, even to the time of the end." Daniel 12: 4. By the sure word of the servant of the Lord we understand and know that the time of the end began in 1798, for since that date, "since 1798 the book of Daniel has been unsealed, knowledge of the prophecies has increased, and many have proclaimed the solemn message of the judgment near." GC 356. Chapters 10 thru 12 of the book of Daniel form a unit. The prophecy within this unit, which is primarily contained in chapter eleven, was to begin its historical fulfillment in 1798. The prophecy would thus begin to be understood, and people would be able to understand, and they would be able to understand it since that date. In Bible times, when Daniel wrote the book that bears his name, there were no verse and chapter divisions. Daniel 12 is a continuation and explanation of the prophecy of Daniel Eleven. "Let us read and study the 12th chapter of Daniel. It is a warning we shall all need to understand before the time of the end." Ellen G. White, Letter 161, July 30, 1903. A portion of chapter 12 is a recapitulation and further explanation of 11: 31. The 1290 and 1335 days of 12: 11-12 begin when 11: 31 meets its historical fulfillment, sometime in the future, when the "Sanctuary of Strength" is defiled and the "tamid" is taken away. That is to say, the "continuance" of Daniel 8: 11 (tamid ) is taken away. What happened in 66-70 A.D. when the temple in Jerusalem was under sieg and destroyed, is a miniature model, an example, of what shall take place at the time of the end-the last end-the last portion of the time of the end. This book, THE PROPHECY OF DANIEL11 "UNSEALED," is a fast-moving verse by verse interpretation of Daniel 11 and 12. There are no less than 3 charts. Of particular interest and importance is the last days' charts on pages 86A and 86B - the 1290 and 1335 days. The remaining portion of the prophecy of Dan
Finally, a book which simplistically, insightfully and systematically presents an integrated, concrete overview of the 22 chapters, or 404 verses, of the book of Revelation. "Revelation Unsealed" is unique in a number of major areas. It is the first book to approach the text of Revelation from what is termed the Pre-Wrath Rapture perspective. This is the hotly debated view that the church will enter the Seventieth Week, undergo the great tribulation of the Antichrist, and be gathered off the earth before the wrath of God unfolds. This view is presented in a logical scenario, which is then placed within the overall context of the Apocalypse. Also contained is an entirely fresh biblical perspective of the emergence of the Antichrist. Additionally, this book also fully covers the relevance of world events, the amazing track record of biblical prophecy, the fulfillment of the seven religious feast of Israel, the battle of Armageddon, and the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ. All of these issues are addressed in a concise and simple manner with numerous charts and illustrations to aid the reader in easily conceptualizing and visualizing what is outlined. Its contents will challenge both the newest Christian and the seasoned biblical scholar.
This book is the author's obedience to God. The purpose is to help the many individuals who are diligently seeking to understand their future as revealed in the Bible and the Jew who is interested in Israel's prophetic future. To accomplish this purpose, many Bible prophetic scriptures need to be correctly understood and put into a proper time sequence with the other scriptures. The author has sought to achieve this purpose by the arrangement of these Bible scriptures with minor commentary. Christians need to be prepared for the tribulation that is coming on those who truly trust in Jesus as Lord. Details of the true believers rapture (taking up) into Heaven need to be studied very carefully. Jews need to understand God's will for their acceptance of Jesus now as their Messiah. This requires that we be taught by the Holy Spirit with much prayer. Author James Robert (Bob) Baker is 81 years of age and has been married to his wife Laura for 56 years. They have 4 children, 7 grandchildren, and 3 great grandchildren. He has been a Bible teacher in several denominational churches for 45 years. He served in the US Navy during the Korean War as a Supply Corps officer primarily aboard the USS Wasp aircraft carrier. The author has a BBA degree in business from North Texas University and a BS degree from Texas Technological University in civil engineering. He worked as a test lab engineer at General Dynamics and then Lockheed for 37 years in Ft. Worth, Texas. His writing experience has been in the writing of technical test reports for management and the Air Force. He is now retired at their Keller, Texas home.
Uncover the PAST; Understand your NOW; Unseal your FUTURE! Is it possible that ancient prophecy could reveal the purpose of YOUR LIFE through interpreting World Events of the Past and Present; Discovering Prophetic Cycles Happening TODAY; Unmasking the Deceptions of the Dragon; Escaping the Mark of the Beast ; Trumpeting the World's Final Warning; Like no previous book written about Bible prophecy, Unsealed: the Time of the End unlocks the SECRETS of the FUTURE through the repetition of the past, based upon scripture compared with scripture. Containing modern-day research, prophetic charts, discussion questions, and a glossary of biblical symbols, this book offers a SIMPLE, yet COMPREHENSIVE, lay-person's perspective of Daniel 2, 7-12, and each chapter of Revelation. Its urgent portrayal of last-day events will stimulate your Bible study and spur your commitment to warn the world of Christ's imminent return!