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The year is 2020, and the world is in spiritual turmoil. Man has finally returned to his pagan roots and considers himself a god or equal to God as warned by Church teachings and the prophecies of many. Man has finally committed the Unpardonable Sin outrightly.Truth is no longer absolute but subjective. Absolute Truth is again crucified in favour of Barabbas, the anarchist, murderer and scoundrel. The Evil One intends world domination and the toppling of God's Church before making his grand entrance; and his Useful Idiots are hard at work to ensure this happens very soon.It seems Man is witnessing first hand, a continual onslaught of unprecedented biblical proportions that baffles the mind. Will he survive this natural and supernatural attack? Who are the elected who will be deceived by the False Prophet who will welcome the Antichrist? To answer these questions, we must begin from the beginning...
The unpardonable sin is lurking like a deadly shark preying on its next unsuspecting meal. ... Will you be its next victim? One of the most confusing and debated teachings of the Bible is the unpardonable sin, found in Matthew 12:31: "Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men." Some attribute this frightening sin to cursing the name of God, while others believe it has to do with murder. Whatever it is, millions of Christians live in fear that they've committed it and have no real hope. But even worse, others might be close to living beyond God's mercy and don't even know it! What is the Bible truth about the unpardonable sin? What is so awful about it and why can't God forgive it? You don't need to guess! Pastor Doug Batchelor tackles these questions to give you all the information you need to know about this perplexing topic. Not only will you get clear and penetrating answers, you'll discover new hope and a strategy to stay right with God.
Most Christians have wondered at one time or another if they have committed the unpardonable sin. If this is your fear, be encouraged. You have not committed the unforgivable sin. You are not eternally damned. You are not forsaken by God. You are not hated by God. You are not outside the bounds of His love and grace. Quite to the contrary, you are loved by God more than you possibly know. You are forgiven. You are accepted. In this book, Jeremy Meyers shows why you have not committed the unforgivable sin. He surveys the various views about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and examines Matthew 12:31-32 to show what Jesus meant when He talked about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, the sin that no one talks about is a book born under the anointing and inspiration of the Holy spirit of God. While we walk in the Christian path and follow the footsteps of Christ, we sometimes lost our focus on who God really is. For God is a Spirit, and the people that worship him, should worship him in the Spirit and in truth, for he is truth. Sometimes the focus is lost on seeing God as a Spirit, and it amazes me how Christians give less reverence to the Spirit of God and also how easily a Christian can blaspheme the Holy spirit, whether consciously or unconsciously. At times the focus is placed upon a physical being, but god is not physical, he is a Spirit. It sheds light on how one can improve their relationship with God on a more intimate level. For having a relationship with God is the most desired of all relationship one should pursue or yearns after. This book enlightens one's understanding on the unforgiven sin of blasphemies against the Holy Spirit of God. It explains and expands what that sin is, how to avoid it and lets one knows if they had already committed such a sin, in which place there is not anything that can be done, for God is not slack concerning his word, whatsoever he speak shall come to pass. There is not one jot to be taken out of his word, his promises are yes and amen. This book also encourage Christians on how to grow in their Spiritual walk with God and man, moving from drinking the milk of the word, to eating the meat of the word. For milk is liquid and meat is solid, and remains longer in the body. The word of God have to become solid in our body, soul and spirit. As Christians, we are encouraged to walk circumspectly and uprightly before God, and to live lives that are pure and holy, for such is the desired plan of our God for us.
In The Code of the Holy Spirit, Perry Stone shares a unique view of the Holy Spirit through the lens of Old Testament writings and Jewish tradition.
John Reimer, a Mennonite preacher in Lakeview, Chicago, might be on the downslope of his ministerial career. At least that’s how he feels most days. Then one morning in March a hungover waitress at the Melrose diner tells him to look into the murder of a bike messenger at North Pond—and begs him to keep the cops out of it. Before too long Reimer is making tracks through Chicago, asking a lot of questions, and leaving many people uncomfortable. Reimer encounters a menagerie of characters in his beloved city—among them a brooding detective who trusts Reimer’s instincts; a Moody Bible Institute drop-out trying to stay on his antipsychotic medication; a charismatic alderman; and the church moderator, Nancy Huefflinger, an attorney who knows when to swagger and when to turn on the charm. Complicating things is Reimer’s despair for his wife Vi, in hospice with an incurable neurological disease, and whose condition has shaken his faith to the core. When Reimer figures out that whoever killed the young man at North Pond is coming after him, too, he must summon all his inner resources—including some he didn’t learn in seminary—if he wants to survive.
Nelson's Annual Preacher's Sourcebook, Volume 1 is the same sermon planner you have come to depend on for over ten years with a new topical focus.
DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT THIS IS? YES! CAN YOU COMMIT THIS SIN YOU"RE ABOUT TO FIND OUT...For some reason it makes me mad... I don't know why.... I don't think people are trying to mislead anyone, but still, anger is there... You cannot teach something you HAVE NOT EXPERIENCED for yourself... If you don't believe this don't buy this book. To my knowledge, this topic has been debated by those with NO experience. In this book you will find truth from personal experience.
Paul Washer escorts readers through a biblical overview of the good news about Jesus. Presenting passage after passage from the Bible, Washer describes the holy character of God, the human problem of sin, and the divine solution found in Jesus's redemptive life, death, and resurrection for all who repent and believe. If you are interested in knowing the basic claims of the gospel or know someone exploring the truths of Christ, this succinct treatment of the greatest news the world has ever heard is just what you need.