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S2This study, initiated by the Northeastern Forest Experiment Stations Forest Products Marketing Laboratory at Princeton, West Virginia, is the first of a series of studies designed to evaluate the performance of wooden pallets and develop criteria for operating a national pallet-exchange program. This study was concerned with the systems used in the food industry for handling shipments.S3.
S2In a study carried out on the George Washington National Forest, 72 of the existing 143 site-stand condition classes were designates as candidates for timber-stand-improvement or conversion projects. But which projects are worth undertaking, and which should receive priority? These are decisions that confront program administrators and forest managers alike. To help them in this we have made investment analyses of the 19 most prevalent (modal) project classes, which together encompass almost 124 thousand acres of this Forest in Virginia and West Virginia. By providing a basis for rating and comparing opportunities, these appraisals suggest what kinds of projects to favor in planning an efficient program for stand improvement and stand conversion.S3.