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The city of Westcrown is perched on the edge of chaos, its nobility cowering and the city guard in turmoil as the Council of Thieves, now in the control of ambitious and dangerous new leaders, makes its bid for control. News of the disorder in the city has reached the Chelish capital city, and an armed force is said to be gathering to come down to bring order -- if the player characters can't defeat the Council of Thieves and restore order before the Chelish General and his troops arrive, riots will be the least of their problems. Of course, more than mere thieves work for the age-old Council -- for undead and devils and worse stand between the heroes of Westcrown and a brighter future. A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for character levels 12-14. With support articles, five new monsters in the Pathfinder Bestiary, and the final installment of best-selling author Dave Gross' Pathfinder Journal fiction, this volume ends the Council of Thieves Adventure Path with a bang
Sasha's prince is wicked, Sun's is missing-they take up the sword, L.A. style! Sasharia En Garde Book 2 In the magical world of Khanerenth, there's a long way to go before Sasha and her dream prince, Jehan, can get to perfect. Jehan's deception has left her unable to trust him, and grimly determined to search for her missing father. Jehan only wants to protect Sasha from the dangerous undercover mission he's undertaken to heal the broken kingdom, but he knows she can't afford to listen to him-not when he's the one living a lie. Enemies, allies-and temptation-make the ballroom floor as dangerous as pirate raids. In a world where love is danger and honor is difficult to define, the crown is not the only thing on the line for a wicked prince and a princess with a core of steel. There's a royal price for love.
"Time travel, UFOs, mysterious planets, stigmata, rock-throwing poltergeists, huge footprints, bizarre rains of fish and frogs-nearly a century after Charles Fort's Book of the Damned was originally published, the strange phenomenon presented in this book remains largely unexplained by modern science. Through painstaking research and a witty, sarcastic style, Fort captures the imagination while exposing the flaws of popular scientific explanations. Virtually all of his material was compiled and documented from reports published in reputable journals, newspapers and periodicals because he was an avid collector. Charles Fort was somewhat of a recluse who spent most of his spare time researching these strange events and collected these reports from publications sent to him from around the globe. This was the first of a series of books he created on unusual and unexplained events and to this day it remains the most popular. If you agree that truth is often stranger than fiction, then this book is for you"--Taken from Good Reads website.
As the Holy War approaches its climax, emperors will fall, and terrifying revelations will come to light, in the final novel of the acclaimed fantasy epic. All opposition to the man once derided as the Prince of Nothing has vanished or been vanquished. Their leaders slain, the heathen Fanim have fled in disarray. One final march will bring the Holy War to the fabled city of Shimeh. But so very much has changed. Anasurimbor Kellhus, the Warrior-Prophet, now leads the Men of the Tusk. The cuckolded sorcerer Achamian serves as his tutor, betraying his school to protect the man he believes can prevent the Second Apocalypse. The Scylvendi barbarian, Cnaiur, succumbs finally to madness. The Consult, sensing the endgame near, work frantically to prepare for the coming of the No-God. The final reckoning is at hand. Faceless assassins will strike in the dead of night. The sorcerous Schools will be unleashed. And Anasurimbor Kellhus will at last confront his father and the dread revelation of the Thousandfold Thought.
Galactic Spectrum Award nomination • Locus Recommended Reading List • Epic fantasy series with character-driven intrigue and spectacular magic The royal line of Branion have been blessed, or cursed, with the power of the Flame, a magic which—if wielded properly—none can stand against. But if called upon by one untrained, the Flame is as likely to destroy its human vessel as whatever foe it has been unleashed against. Yet even the Flame is less dangerous than Her Most Regal and Sacred Majesty Melesandra the Third, an unyielding and terrifying ruler. No one understands this better than Crown Prince Demnor, who is convinced he is his mother’s most-treasured victim. Often at odds with Melesandra, Demnor knows he will receive no support from her when faced with the prospect of an unwanted, politically motivated marriage. But all his personal conflicts must be thrust aside when the realm of Branion is drawn into a far greater struggle as the eternally rebellious Heathland plots a bold new campaign of war. Only time will tell whether Demnor can survive the traitors within the Court and the ever-growing rebel forces—even as he strives to master the power which is his birthright.
After narrowly averting a city-wide disaster and thwarting the plans of the Council of Thieves, the heroes must consult a legendary hag -- the Mother of Flies -- who knows the many secrets of the thieves guild at the center of so many problems in the city of Westcrown. With the crone's unsettling advice, the heroes can infiltrate the trap-ridden headquarters of the Council of Thieves, defeat the vampiric force within it, and lift the curse of the shadowy menace from the beleaguered city. A Pathfinder adventure designed for character levels 11-12 The Council of Thieves Adventure Path is the first to take full advantage of the new Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules, and works with both the Pathfinder RPG and the standard 3.5 fantasy RPG rules set. This volume of Pathfinder also includes "The Ecology of the Thieves Guild," a comprehensive guide on how thieves guilds work and how to use them effectively in a campaign, including two sample thieves guilds from Korvosa and Port Peril.
Mysterious shadow beasts haunt the crumbling city of Westcrown, where 100 years ago devil-worshiping cultists wrested control of the empire from the hands of an effete aristocracy. Fresh from their earliest victories against the diabolical gang known as the Bastards of Erebus, the heroes must infiltrate the manor of a local lord and patron of the arts. To do this, they must join the cast of a controversial new play so that they might search the noble's home during an after-production party. The play, The Six Trials of Lazarod has never been successfully performed to completion without the deaths of the actors. And guess who just got cast in the lead roles? A Pathfinder adventure designed for character levels 5-6. The Council of Thieves Adventure Path is the first to take full advantage of the new Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules, and works with both the Pathfinder RPG and the standard 3.5 fantasy RPG rules set.
NATIONAL BESTSELLER • “Rice allows [her vampires] to do what they do best: wreak havoc and evoke terror. All while impeccably dressed.” —The Washington Post The vampire world is in crisis ... Old vampires, roused from deep slumber in the earth, are doing the bidding of a Voice commanding that they indiscriminately burn their kin in cities across the globe, from Paris to Mumbai, Hong Kong to San Francisco. Left with little time to spare, a host of familiar characters including Louis de Pointe du Lac, Armand, and even the vampire Lestat, must embark on a journey to discover who—or what—is driving this mysterious being.
The Council of Thieves Adventure Path starts with a bang in the crumbling metropolis of Westcrown, former capital of Cheliax, a once-proud empire now reduced to political infighting and ruled by a revolutionary aristocracy in league with the vilest devils of Hell. Decadent nobles and desperate rebels face off against a backdrop of crumbling buildings and badly eroded stability. When a gang of devil-blooded bandits called the Bastards of Erebus threaten Westcrown's delicate status quo, the heroes must face sinister beasts of shadow, relentless armored Hellknights, and whispered rumors of a return to power of the city's legendary criminal guild. What mysterious force is pulling the strings of the shadowy Council of Thieves, and what do its machinations mean for the heroes and all of Cheliax itself? A 3.5/Pathfinder RPG adventure for first-level characters. This is it! The first chance to get involved in a Pathfinder campaign using the newest Pathfinder RPG rules innovations! Don't get left behind in the next great step forward for tabletop roleplaying games!
The boldest explorers and adventurers in the world belong to the legendary Pathfinder Society, a brethren that seeks to chart the secret history of the world by exploring its forgotten corners and crumbling reliquaries. The Pathfinder Lodge in the city of Westcrown has laid dormant for a century since revolution thrust the Empire of Cheliax into the hands of a new devil-worshipping aristocracy, sealed with magical locks and wards to protect the secrets within. One such secret holds the key to defeating the shadow creatures infesting Westcrown. Facing magical guardians, devious traps, and the vampiric minions of their umbral enemies, the heroes must explore the sealed Pathfinder Lodge and learn the forgotten secrets of the Pathfinder Society! A Pathfinder adventure designed for character levels 7 - 8. The Council of Thieves Adventure Path is the first to take full advantage of the new Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules, and works with both the Pathfinder RPG and the standard 3.5 fantasy RPG rules set.