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'The TRUMP We Love To Love' examines the mystique that surrounds the 45th President of the United States of America. That he is a true phenomena is undisputed; this book examines the real man and what drives his supporters to chant 'We LOVE You!' as they follow him daily. This is a fun and fact filled book that embraces his journey to become the leader of the Free World and the journey of those who are so enmeshed in supporting him.Donald Trump is an enigma that all of us can learn from. He is 'cool' enough to attract the attention of our youth while retaining the old fashioned ideals that made our country the shining beacon of light on the hill. We all had our thoughts about the man he must be, mostly based on articles we have read and stories we have heard. He is a successful businessman, a billionaire whose extravagant lifestyle may have been more imagined than real.We learned over time that he worked far more than he played and that he was a strict father who demanded obedience and a good work ethic from his children. He taught by example. For his own personal reasons he avoided alcohol and drugs in a life where either would have been easy to embrace. Donald Trump has a history that includes great public losses but far more wins in his column. The losses were likely his best teacher. We have been treated to four years of information we never hoped to learn about our Federal Government and the corruption that had overtaken it. As we learned these facts we were also treated to an example of how to stand tall and keep your shoulder to the wheel to move things forward. Donald Trump reminded us of why grit and perseverance are essential to winning. Like the giant Sequoia he refused to be felled by lies and bitter attacks. He has traversed a path from open scorn to crowds chanting "'We LOVE You.' It was this that inspired me to write a story about a man who has earned the right to be addressed as, 'To Sir with Love!'
Offers an argument for secular non-believers maintaining that following Jesus Christ as a teacher, example, and primary guide for living can serve to give meaning and direction to those who don't believe in the supernatural elements of Christianity.
A New York Times bestseller and “a brilliant and bracing analysis” (Mark R. Levin) of Donald Trump, his presidency, and his vision of America’s future—now updated for 2024 In The Case for Trump, award-winning historian and political commentator Victor Davis Hanson explains how a celebrity businessman with no political or military experience triumphed over sixteen well-qualified Republican rivals, a Democrat with a quarter-billion-dollar war chest, and a hostile media and Washington establishment to become an extremely successful president. Trump alone saw a political opportunity in defending the working people of America’s interior whom the coastal elite of both parties had come to scorn, Hanson argues. And Trump alone had the instincts and energy to pursue this opening to victory, dismantle a corrupt old order, and bring long-overdue policy changes at home and abroad. After decades of drift, America needed the outsider Trump to do what normal politicians would not and could not do. Now updated for the 2024 election with a comprehensive new introduction, this is the essential book on what Donald Trump means for America.
In an unorthodox approach, Georgetown University professor Cal Newport debunks the long-held belief that "follow your passion" is good advice, and sets out on a quest to discover the reality of how people end up loving their careers. Not only are pre-existing passions rare and have little to do with how most people end up loving their work, but a focus on passion over skill can be dangerous, leading to anxiety and chronic job hopping. Spending time with organic farmers, venture capitalists, screenwriters, freelance computer programmers, and others who admitted to deriving great satisfaction from their work, Newport uncovers the strategies they used and the pitfalls they avoided in developing their compelling careers. Cal reveals that matching your job to a pre-existing passion does not matter. Passion comes after you put in the hard work to become excellent at something valuable, not before. In other words, what you do for a living is much less important than how you do it. With a title taken from the comedian Steve Martin, who once said his advice for aspiring entertainers was to "be so good they can't ignore you," Cal Newport's clearly written manifesto is mandatory reading for anyone fretting about what to do with their life, or frustrated by their current job situation and eager to find a fresh new way to take control of their livelihood. He provides an evidence-based blueprint for creating work you love, and will change the way you think about careers, happiness, and the crafting of a remarkable life.
Why I love Donald Trump - 10 Reasons why Donald Trump is the best president ever A true declaration of recognition and respect for Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States of America (USA) I am a true advocate of Donald Trump. I believe he is the best thing that ever happened to our country. It is my aim, that everyone knows my feelings for this man and the reasons why I think as I do. In this book, I will explain to you the 10 main reasons why I am a true Donald Trump fan. Of course, there are a lot more than 10 reasons. I could probably fill a whole library with reasons, but then the book would take too long. Find out, what mostly distinguishes himself and his presidency. Order this book today, so that you... ... perceive, how great this man is. ... finally are able to make a good case for Donald Trump, to contradict his haters and fake news. You will not regret it... ... so this is my advice: Don't hesitate to buy this book!
Rage is an unprecedented and intimate tour de force of new reporting on the Trump presidency facing a global pandemic, economic disaster and racial unrest. Woodward, the #1 international bestselling author of Fear: Trump in the White House, has uncovered the precise moment the president was warned that the Covid-19 epidemic would be the biggest national security threat to his presidency. In dramatic detail, Woodward takes readers into the Oval Office as Trump’s head pops up when he is told in January 2020 that the pandemic could reach the scale of the 1918 Spanish Flu that killed 675,000 Americans. In 17 on-the-record interviews with Woodward over seven volatile months—an utterly vivid window into Trump’s mind—the president provides a self-portrait that is part denial and part combative interchange mixed with surprising moments of doubt as he glimpses the perils in the presidency and what he calls the “dynamite behind every door.” At key decision points, Rage shows how Trump’s responses to the crises of 2020 were rooted in the instincts, habits and style he developed during his first three years as president. Revisiting the earliest days of the Trump presidency, Rage reveals how Secretary of Defense James Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats struggled to keep the country safe as the president dismantled any semblance of collegial national security decision making. Rage draws from hundreds of hours of interviews with firsthand witnesses as well as participants’ notes, emails, diaries, calendars and confidential documents. Woodward obtained 25 never-seen personal letters exchanged between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who describes the bond between the two leaders as out of a “fantasy film.” Trump insists to Woodward he will triumph over Covid-19 and the economic calamity. “Don’t worry about it, Bob. Okay?” Trump told the author in July. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll get to do another book. You’ll find I was right.”
"Millions of Americans." declared Dallas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffries in 2017, "believe the election of President Trump represented God giving us another chance-perhaps our last chance-to truly make America great again. Our job was to elect him once God showed us the way. We thank Our Lord to this day that we did. We love Trump!Donald Trump got elected because a higher power whispered in the individual ears of millions of Americans. The voice said that together in this election, we could all make a difference, and Donald Trump would become that difference. The people trusted this self-made Billionaire to do what was best for America and not the bidding of slimy politicians or political donors and hacks. Donald Trump was the only candidate for president who offered Americans a breath of fresh air from the stodgy, bossy, establishment elites in both the Democratic and Republican Parties. In 2020, we need Trump again to defeat the Socialist Democrats and their hate. Our weapon again is Trump. Trump love will win the day. Trump once defied the status quo of rich donors controlling the government for their personal benefit. Donald Trump to many, including myself is a great gift from God himself. Donald J. Trump loves America and American traditional values. Just look at the goodness that he instilled into his own children. The corrupt anti-American mainstream press still does not like Trump because he represents normal God-loving and God-fearing Americans and not the fringe sectors of the country. They hate him. He calls them out as the fakes they are. They hate him because he is not controlled by anyone - Dem Party or wimpy swamp-dwelling Republicans. Neither gave Trump an inch and they undermine America by undermining our president. Donald Trump does pay attention to God and Americans are glad that he does. God is guiding our president to a second victory to help him lead America from 2021 through 2024.We know that the President already turned the economy around once and he is in the process of doing it again-this time while afflicted by the Coronavirus.Trump will overcome all of the country's issues included COVID-19, oppressive taxation; legal and illegal immigrants stealing the best jobs; regulations choking businesses; huge debt and deficits shackling our capital resources; a government Obamacare system that added taxes and made health worse; and corporate offshoring, which created a weaker nation. Joe Biden is ready to continue this because he supported Barack H. Obama's policies which had created the whole mess in the first place. Additionally, Trump freed our energy supply making us the world's largest energy producer. When Obama was in charge he redistributed wealth from producers to non-producers. He permit a huge, growing, inefficient government to operate. It continually lied, taxed too much and spent more than it had. Our government had become enemy # 1 of the people Mr. Biden wants to bring back those bad times calling them the good old days. A good plan, endorsed by Mr. Trump, along with good leaders such as Donald Trump & Mike Pence is now in place and the plan and the leaders are already saving US from Obama perdition. That's "Why God Gave US Trump!" Now it is up to use to thank god by giving Trump his second term. Amen!
Why I love Donald Trump - 10 Reasons why Donald Trump is the best president ever A true declaration of recognition and respect for Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States of America (USA) I am a true advocate of Donald Trump. I believe he is the best thing that ever happened to our country. It is my aim, that everyone knows my feelings for this man and the reasons why I think as I do. In this book, I will explain to you the 10 main reasons why I am a true Donald Trump fan. Of course, there are a lot more than 10 reasons. I could probably fill a whole library with reasons, but then the book would take too long. Find out, what mostly distinguishes himself and his presidency. Order this book today, so that you... ... perceive, how great this man is. ... finally are able to make a good case for Donald Trump, to contradict his haters and fake news. You will not regret it... ... so this is my advice: Don't hesitate to buy this book!
They said Trump’s ground campaign didn’t exist. I knew differently because I ran it from New Hampshire to California. The future of our country was at stake, and I quarterbacked the best door knocking teams across the country. We dominated over Hillary Clinton’s ground campaign. They also said there was no way Trump would win, but I knew we were going to. How? Because I had my finger on the pulse of America by the responses we were getting from door to door as we traveled from state to state. Our strike team from New Hampshire made the difference, which few people knew about. One of the many things I love about President Trump, he’s more like me than a politician. I too had never been involved in politics. On June 30, 2015, imagine you go to see Donald Trump at a house party in New Hampshire, strictly for the entertainment factor, and you like his America first speech. Soon you find yourself volunteering to help Donald J. Trump become president. You’re setting up rallies and driving in the president-elect’s motorcade. Next you’re hired to run a campaign office and then asked to run Trump’s ground campaign. You travel across the country on Trump’s strike team. You’re then designated as a WHIP at the Republican National Convention and perform another important role. Finally you went back to New Hampshire managing the ground campaign along with the Republican National Committee through the general election. You win the most important election of our lifetime. This was your Super Bowl, and you made a difference. This was your time to answer the call. Your reward, a political appointee position in Washington, DC, where the PC culture and media take you out in three weeks. Join me for a behind-the-scenes look and find out what it took to direct an unprecedented movement and help win a presidential election. Witness firsthand the incredibly good side of politics, along with just how ugly it can be. The good Lord took me on the journey of a lifetime to help save our country from the scourge of socialism. I’m both blessed and humbled to have done my job. God blessed America