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Knowing God and His attributes, how He saves and answers prayer is foundational to all truth and eternal life. Section one deals with proper attitudes we bring to the Old Testament text, knowing it is God's self-revelation Section two points out passages where two Persons manifest divine attributes or are called God, Jehovah or Lord: and Who is the Angel of the Lord. Section three explains the texts where three Persons are called God, Jehovah or Creator. Here we see the lie of the Da Vinci Code as hundreds of years B.C. Jesus is called God. God's self-revelation in the Old Testament is proved by hundreds of fulfilled prophecies we enumerate. The appendices deal with: the eternal personality of the Spirit; How to pray with Trinitarian Resources; Biblical words and phrases twisted by sectarians; the Trinity in the New Testament and Divine Names given equally to Jehovah and Jesus.
Knowing God and His attributes, how He saves and answers prayer is foundational to all truth and eternal life. Section one deals with proper attitudes we bring to the Old Testament text, knowing it is God's self-revelation Section two points out passages where two Persons manifest divine attributes or are called God, Jehovah or Lord: and Who is the Angel of the Lord. Section three explains the texts where three Persons are called God, Jehovah or Creator. Here we see the lie of the Da Vinci Code as hundreds of years B.C. Jesus is called God. God's self-revelation in the Old Testament is proved by hundreds of fulfilled prophecies we enumerate. The appendices deal with: the eternal personality of the Spirit; How to pray with Trinitarian Resources; Biblical words and phrases twisted by sectarians; the Trinity in the New Testament and Divine Names given equally to Jehovah and Jesus.
A constructive study of Trinitarian theology that aims to clarify our knowledge of the triune God by rightly ordering the theological language we use to praise him. The Triune God reaches its conclusions about how this doctrine should be handled on the basis of the way the Trinity was revealed. As such, theologian Fred Sanders: Invites a doxological invitation to the reader to contemplate the mystery of the Trinity. Establishes the biblical exposition and draws the doctrinal implications from it. Offers dogmatic principles for Trinitarian exegesis. Though Sanders does interact with major voices from the history of doctrine—and his arguments are indebted to and informed by the great tradition of Trinitarianism—he is clear throughout that Trinitarianism is a gift of revelation before it is an achievement of the church. The most patristic way to proceed toward a well-ordered doctrine of the Trinity is, after all, to study Scripture. -ABOUT THE SERIES- New Studies in Dogmatics seeks to retrieve the riches of Christian doctrine for the sake of contemporary theological renewal. Following in the tradition of G. C. Berkouwer's Studies in Dogmatics, this series provides thoughtful, concise, and readable treatments of major theological topics, expressing the biblical, creedal, and confessional shape of Christian doctrine for a contemporary evangelical audience. The editors and contributors share a common conviction that the way forward in constructive systematic theology lies in building upon the foundations laid in the church's historic understanding of the Word of God as professed in its creeds, councils, and confessions, and by its most trusted teachers.
You might be surprised to find that God is not a trinity. The Trinity is one of mainstream Christianity’s most widely accepted and revered doctrines held by millions of Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox believers. The belief that God is three persons—the Father, Son and Holy Spirit—coexisting in one being is how the trinity doctrine is often defined. But the word trinity appears nowhere within the pages of the Bible. You can not cling to long-held religious traditions if they contradict the Scriptures. Your beliefs must rest solidly on the teachings of the Holy Bible. This Bible Study aid, "Is God a Trinity?", goes into great detail explaning the non-biblical origins of the trinity and how this false gospel replaced the true teachings of Jesus Christ. Discover how the Bible communicates a true picture of God and learn about the awesome plan He has promised for you and all mankind. Chapters in this ebook: -- Is the Trinity Biblical? -- The Surprising Origins of the Trinity Doctrine -- Greek Philosophy's Influence on the Trinity Doctrine -- How Ancient Trinitarian Gods Influenced Adoption of the Trinity -- A Spurious Reference to the Trinity Added in 1 John 5:7-8 -- How Is God Revealed in the Bible? -- Jesus Was Sent by the Father -- Jesus Christ: "The Rock" of the Old Testament -- The Apostles Understood Jesus to Be the Creator -- Did Jesus Christ Claim to Be God? -- "In the Beginning Was the Word" -- The Claim of Jesus' Disciples -- "There Is One God, the Father...and One Lord, Jesus Christ" -- God's Plan to "Bring Many Sons to Glory" -- Jesus Christ's Submission to the Father -- How Is God One? -- "The Lord Our God, the Lord Is One" -- Seven Scriptures That Debunk the Trinity as a Single Being -- Elohim: The Plurality of God -- Is the Holy Spirit a Person? -- Does Matthew 28:19 Prove the Trinity? -- Why the Holy Spirit Is Sometimes Incorrectly Referred to as "He" and "Him" -- What About Passages That "Prove" the Trinity? -- The Holy Spirit: God's Transforming Power -- How to Stir Up God's Spirit -- God's Nature and Character -- God's Purpose for You -- The Likeness of God -- Do Some Verses Deny a Divine Family? -- The God Family Inside this Bible Study Aid ebook: "Most people assume that everything that bears the label “Christian” must have originated with Jesus Christ and His early followers. But this is definitely not the case." "Many historians and religious scholars, some quoted in this publication, attest to the influence of Greek or Platonic philosophy in the development and acceptance of the Trinity doctrine in the fourth century." God the Father is the One who calls us to baptism and a new way of life (John 6:44, 65), and it is His goodness that leads us to repentance and baptism (Romans 2:4). "As even the New Catholic Encyclopedia, quoted from earlier, acknowledges: “The majority of New Testament texts reveal God’s spirit as something, not someone; this is especially seen in the parallelism between the spirit and the power of God..."
What if the Trinity we've been taught is not the Trinity of the Bible? In this groundbreaking book, Matthew Barrett reveals a shocking discovery: we have manipulated the Trinity, recreating the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in our own image. With clarity and creativity, Barrett mines the Scriptures as well as the creeds and confessions of the faith to help you rediscover the beauty, simplicity, and majesty of our Triune God. You will be surprised to learn that what you believe about the Trinity has untold consequences for salvation and the Christian life. To truly know God, you must meet the One who is simply Trinity.
The exodus—the story of God leading his chosen people out of slavery in Egypt—stands as a pivotal event in the Old Testament. But if you listen closely, you will hear echoes of this story of redemption all throughout God's Word. Using music as a metaphor, the authors point us to the recurring theme of the exodus throughout the entire symphony of Scripture, shedding light on the Bible's unified message of salvation and restoration that is at the heart of God's plan for the world.
Have you ever heard someone say that Christians believe in three gods? If you are a new Christian or just curious about why Christians believe in the triune nature of God, then this book is a must read! The Bible doesn't blatantly say in one sentence that God is a trinity (three in one), so it takes a little research. In this book, you will find a litany of verses from the Old and New Testament that point to the God of the Bible as having three distinct personages: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You will see that God reveals Himself through each of these personages as Creator, Savior, Redeemer, and so much more. By the time you are finished reading, you will have a clear understanding of HIS triune nature and where to find evidence of it in the Bible.
Seeing the Trinity in Scripture Orthodox Christians affirm and worship a triune God. But how should this affect our reading of the Bible? In The Trinity and the Bible, Scott R. Swain asserts that not only does the Bible reveal the Trinity, but the Trinity illuminates our reading of the Bible. Swain reflects on method and applies a Trinitarian framework to three exegetical studies. Explorations of three genres of New Testament literature—Gospel, epistle, and apocalyptic—display the profits of theological interpretation. Through loving attention to the Scriptures, one can understand and marvel at the singular identity and activity of the triune God.
The underlying concept developed here is the paradigmatic function of the theophanic Glory-cloud in the creation of the image of God. Dr. Kline identifies the major symbolic models employed in Scripture to expound the nature of the divine image in humanity - the priestly and the prophetic.