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WOW - so you might buy this ebook. Well I think that it is one of the most exciting, funny and fantastical adventure books that you could ever, ever read! Check it out and let me know! Tom Jolleys.
The Rainbow Warriors is a story of wonder, magic, mystery and adventure where your child will learn to become a warrior alongside the characters in this story. A journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where we bridge the gap of the spiritual and physical worlds and give hope a place to thrive in the hearts and minds of the children, our only true hope for the future. The Rainbow Warriors have been given a mission to help all humans remember their connection to the Earth, how to be happy, and how to listen to their hearts once more. The Rainbow Warriors are just like you and me. In fact, we can all choose to become a Rainbow Warrior. We are hoping you will join us!
The Rainbow Warriors is a story of wonder, magic, mystery and adventure where your child will learn to become a warrior alongside the characters in this story. A journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where we bridge the gap of the spiritual and physical worlds and give hope a place to thrive in the hearts and minds of the children, our only true hope for the future. The Rainbow Warriors have been given a mission to help all humans remember their connection to the Earth, how to be happy, and how to listen to their hearts once more. The Rainbow Warriors are just like you and me. In fact, we can all choose to become a Rainbow Warrior. We are hoping you will join us!
Rainbows Shadow and the Covenant of Wisdom picks up where Rainbows Shadow and the Tablets of Fate leaves off. Will, Jimmy and Bryan are back to their normal lives until Will is rushed to the hospital with a bizarre case of vertigo. With his head spinning like a top and dreams of his grandfather back in full force, Will is convinced he is being called back to Rainbow Alley for something big. He has secretly tried to gain access back into the portal for months, and his failed attempts to open the vortex have frustrated him beyond belief. Convinced the portal is permanently closed, Will sits in his hospital room confused. It was temptation which lured Bryan to take the shiny black stone as a souvenir from Rainbow Alley. Little did he know he had provided a way for evil to rejuvenate. As he admires the shiny black stone he finishes reading yet another Sorcerers Shadow novel entitled The Pirates Revenge. With the book resting up against the stone and another novel entitled The Island Where Magic Began, it only takes a few seconds for the evil forces of the Sorcerers Shadow to emanate from the stone and open the portal. As the two novels meld together and the portal opens, Will finds himself confronted by an eccentric messenger who instructs him to return the stone. Once the stone is returned the Covenant of Wisdom will be revealed and provide the necessary knowledge to open the path to true paradise. Will and Jimmy find themselves on a new journey into a surreal world as they find access into the portal and into a new adventure. Their mission at first is to save Bryan but quickly transforms into a quest for all mankind.
Nation-building imperatives compel citizens to focus on what makes them similar and what binds them together, forgetting what makes them different. Democratic institution building, on the other hand, requires fostering opposition through conducting multiparty elections and encouraging debate. Leaders of democratic factions, like parties or interest groups, can consolidate their power by emphasizing difference. But when held in tension, these two impulses—toward remembering difference and forgetting it, between focusing on unity and encouraging division—are mutually constitutive of sustainable democracy. ?Based on ethnographic and interview-based fieldwork conducted in 2012–13, The Black and White Rainbow: Reconciliation, Opposition, and Nation-Building in Democratic South Africa explores various themes of nation- and democracy-building, including the emotional and banal content of symbols of the post-apartheid state, the ways that gender and race condition nascent nationalism, the public performance of nationalism and other group-based identities, integration and sharing of space, language diversity, and the role of democratic functioning including party politics and modes of opposition. Each of these thematic chapters aims to explicate a feature of the multifaceted nature of identity-building, and link the South African case to broader literatures on both nationalism and democracy.
There is a terror that roams about seeking to devour the children of the earth. It desires to consume and to enslave possessing in whole or in part ingesting, incorporating agents of the great beast to its insidious will. The children see it approaching in the spirit world, in their dreams, a terrifying horror. They run but the dark magic slows every move so they cannot escape and they awaken horrified. This phenomenon is a universal experience all young people share and how is it that a dream can be shared by everyone? These and other questions prompt a group of young people to visit the Elders of Turtle Island. Ceremony and healing occurs through talk medicine and answers to many riddles are discovered. It is a spiritual journey and prophecies are fulfilled. The Rainbow Warriors will bring balance, peace and harmony to the universe. The Way of the Warrior returns and the children of the earth discover they possess many great skills and a power to diffuse the great beast in every aspect of their lives.
In 1652 a small group of Dutch farmers landed on the southernmost tip of Africa. Sent by the powerful Dutch India Company, their mission was simply to grow vegetables and supply ships rounding the cape. The colonists, however, were convinced by their strict Calvinist faith that they were among God's “Elect,” chosen to rule over the continent. Their saga—bloody, ferocious, and fervent—would culminate three centuries later in one of the greatest tragedies of history: the establishment of a racist regime in which a white minority would subjugate and victimize millions of blacks. Called apartheid, it was a poisonous system that would only end with the liberation from prison of one of the moral giants of our time, Nelson Mandela. A Rainbow in the Night is Dominique Lapierre's epic account of South Africa's tragic history and the heroic men and women—famous and obscure, white and black, European and African—who have, with their blood and tears, brought to life the country that is today known as the Rainbow Nation.