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Betwixt and Between: place and cultural translation examines the often fraught relationship between conceptions of place and the attempt to ‘translate’ them critically, politically and ethnographically for native and non-native audiences. Examining translation in a number of key contemporary geo-political contexts, including Northern Ireland, Venezuela, India, Italy, Canada, Germany, France, and the Middle East, and in a variety of genres, including poetry, drama, film, television advertising and the novel, in multiple languages, Betwixt and Between argues for the curiously fruitful dislocation of translation as a discourse and practice. Contributors argue that, by attending to the curiously placeless place of the translator, translation studies might better police the quiet pieties of nationalism, ethnic singularity and cultural homogeneity which have so destructively determined the politics of the last two centuries and which threaten to overwhelm our understanding of current cultural and political antagonisms.
Conflict Resolution holds the promise of freeing approaches and policies with regard to politics of identity from the fatalistic grip of realism. While the conceptual literature on identity and conflicts has moved in this alternative direction, conflict resolution practice continues to rely on realist frames and acts as an unwanted auxiliary to traditional international relations. Perpetuation of conflict discourses, marginalization, and exclusion of affected populations are widespread. They are caused by the overreliance of conflict resolution practice on the binary frames of classic IR paradigms and also by the competitive and hierarchical relationships within the field. Philip Gamaghelyan relies on participatory action research and collective autoethnography to expose patterns of exclusion and marginalization as well as the paradoxical reproduction of conflict-promoting frames in current conflict-resolution practice applied to the Nagorno-Karabakh and Syrian crises. He builds on the work of postmodernist scholars, on reflective practice, and on discourse analysis to explore alternative and inclusive strategies with a transformative potential. The IR discipline that has dominated policymaking is only one possible lens, and often a deficient one, for defining, preventing, or resolving contemporary conflicts wrapped in identity politics. Other conceptual frameworks can help to rethink our understanding of identity and conflicts and reconstruct them as performative and not static phenomena. These transformative frameworks are increasingly influential in the conflict resolution field and can be applied to policymaking.
“Undoubtedly the most comprehensive analysis of the role of culture and emergent practices in capacity building currently at hand. d’Estrée and Parsons have produced a commendable amalgamation and scrutiny of local, cultural, and Indigenous mediation practices in a number of contexts that empower local people while interacting and integrating with Western mediation models in a blend of hybridity. The book is beautifully structured and will attract a wide readership including graduate and undergraduate students.” —Sean Byrne, Director, Arthur V. Mauro Centre for Peace & Justice, and Professor, Peace & Conflict Studies, University of Manitoba, Canada “Since late 1990s conflict resolution field has recognized the need to integrate culture in its processes. This book goes beyond such theoretical recognition and provides empirical evidence and solid concrete cases on how local actors from a wide range of cultural contexts integrated their cultural analysis and tools in their own sustainable conflict resolution processes. It also offers an effective set of guidelines and lessons learned for policy makers and peacebuilding practitioners on the need to deepen their reliance on local cultural practices of peace.” —Mohammed Abu-Nimer, Professor of International Peace and Conflict Resolution, School of International Service, American University, and Founder and Director of the Salam: Peacebuilding and Justice Institute in Washington, DC, USA “The evolving identities of communities impacted by deep historical divisions and population migration, in the context of life threatening resource shortages, present opportunities and challenges for conflict transformation professionals at every level. d'Estrée and Parsons respond to this challenge with a remarkable collection of stories from around the world that amplify the innovation in the field while capturing its history and complexity. It serves as the bridge between mediation and peacebuilding that is so necessary today.” —Prabha Sankaranarayan, CEO, Mediators Beyond Borders International “In this excellent book, Tamra Pearson d’Estrée and Ruth Parsons (and their impressive collection of case study authors) have analysed four generations of conflict resolution/transformation theory and practice. They highlight the diverse ways in which the burgeoning field of conflict resolution theorists and practitioners mirrored the ascendance and now decline of the neo-liberal western project. First and second generation efforts were based on notions of possessive individualism, rational choice theory and a general acceptance of the status quo. Culture was ignored or eliminated as were deeper questions of political and social inequality. But more importantly, there was an unwillingness to consider the power and the wisdom that resided in locality. Third and fourth generation conflict transformers, on the other hand, have engaged these deeper questions and focused more attention on emancipatory creative partnerships, social and economic justice, co-learning and hybridised models flowing from external engagement with local wisdom. This is a book that needs to be read by anyone interested in the transformative power of conflict resolution and long term social and political change.” —Kevin P Clements, Professor, Chair and Foundation Director, The National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Otago, New Zealand While waves of scholarship have focused either on the value of presumed universal models or of traditional practices of conflict resolution, curiously missing has been the recognition and analysis of the actual intermingling and interacting of western and local cultural practices that have produced new and emergent practices in our global community. In this compilation of case studies, the authors describe partnerships forged between local practice expertise and bearers of “western/institutional” models to build innovative approaches to mediation and conflict resolution. Including stories of these experiences and the resulting hybrid models that emerged, the book explores central questions of cultural variation and integration, such as the perception of purpose and function of resolution processes, attitudes toward conflict, arenas and timeframes, third party roles, barriers to process use, as well as how to remain true to culture and context. It also examines partnership dynamics and lessons learned for modern cross-cultural collaboration.
The collection of contributions to this volume addresses such burning issues as natural resource management, conflict transformation, and co-operation in sub-regions of the Horn of Africa. The individual pieces of action-oriented field research constitute the final report of the international research project on Environmental Conflict Management (ECOMAN). ECOMAN focuses on theory and practice of environmental conflict management in the Horn of Africa. On one hand it draws from the discussion launched in the mid-nineties about environmental security, and about political, legal, and institutional approaches to deal with highly complex and multi-party conflict. On the other hand it refers to traditional and/or local mechanisms of conflict regulations if and when resource use and distribution is involved. It adopts mainly a transformatory approach using process-oriented and interactive problem solving methods.
This book seeks to examine the causes of escalation and de-escalation in intrastate conflicts. Specifically, the volume seeks to map the processes and dynamics that lead groups challenging existing power structures to engage in violent struggle; the processes and dynamics that contribute to the de-escalation of violent struggle and the participation of challengers in peaceful political activities; and the processes and dynamics that sustain and nurture this transformation. By integrating the latest ideas with richly presented case studies, this volume fills a gap in our understanding of the forces that lead to moderation and constructive engagement in the context of violent, intrastate conflicts. This volume will be of great interest to students of conflict management, peace studies, conflict resolution, ethnic conflict and security studies in general.
An insightful guide to understanding conflicts over the conservation of biodiversity and groundbreaking strategies to deal with them.