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One of the most popular and hotly debated topics in recent years has been the subject of what is commonly called “The Tribulation Period”. Theories, speculations, and predictions abound as to when this apocalyptic time begins and who will be a part of it. Some Bible teachers insist that Christians who have been born again during the “Church Age” will have no part whatsoever in this time while others teach that it is the Church’s prophesied destiny to endure to the end and wait for the cataclysmic 2nd coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Which one is right? Which one is wrong? The one thing that all current theories seem to have in common is an abundance of inconsistencies and missing pieces. This book seeks to explain many of the obscure passages in Scripture that seem to have been misunderstood and misapplied for the last two thousand years and bring to light a couple of important truths that have been right in front of us all along, which when properly understood, bring consistency to the puzzle of prophecy and causes many of the hitherto difficult pieces to fit.
One of the most popular and hotly debated topics in recent years has been the subject of what is commonly called "The Tribulation Period". Theories, speculations, and predictions abound as to when this apocalyptic time begins and who will be a part of it. Some Bible teachers insist that Christians who have been born again during the "Church Age" will have no part whatsoever in this time while others teach that it is the Church's prophesied destiny to endure to the end and wait for the cataclysmic 2nd coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Which one is right? Which one is wrong? The one thing that all current theories seem to have in common is an abundance of inconsistencies and missing pieces. This book seeks to explain many of the obscure passages in Scripture that seem to have been misunderstood and misapplied for the last two thousand years and bring to light a couple of important truths that have been right in front of us all along, which when properly understood, bring consistency to the puzzle of prophecy and causes many of the hitherto difficult pieces to fit.
A key factor in comprehending the prophetic landscape of the end times is to recognize the specific, prominent nations that will be involved. In the Scriptures, these nations are depicted in allegorical form, and for literally thousands of years, students of the word of God have labored to discern the identity and meaning of the four beasts (Daniel 7), the elements of Nebuchadnezzar’s image (Daniel 2), and the seven heads of the Dragon (Revelation 17). Many speculations and interpretations continue to be made, yet to this day, there is still a great amount of uncertainty regarding these prophecies. The Time of the End I provided the Scriptural foundation for a 10 ½ year timeline of the last days, and like the border pieces of a puzzle, this new perspective has provided new insight into the broader picture of prophecy. The Time of the End II sheds light upon and unlocks the concealed identifications of the Lion, the Bear, and the Leopard (Daniel 7), the feet and toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s image (Daniel 2), the seven heads of the Dragon, and how those nations relate to the four horns (Zechariah 1), the four carpenters (Zechariah 1), the four horsemen of the Apocalypse (Revelation 6), and the movements throughout history of Mystery Babylon (Revelation 17). Like its predecessor, The Time of the End II confidently rearranges some of the more popular and accepted ‘puzzle pieces’ of prophecy, and emerges with a notably different picture, one that is far more consistent with a literal interpretation of the Scriptures.
Mankind’s technology is advancing at a breathtaking pace. Things that were regarded a hundred years ago as fanciful imaginations are now a part of our everyday lives. Modern evolutionary science would argue that man is currently at his highest potential, yet the Bible paints a very different picture and indicates that shortly after the flood of Noah, human ingenuity reached its pinnacle…and God Himself had to stop it. Through careful and thorough study of the Scriptures, this book will display to the reader the blueprints of God’s universe, the secret passageways that He built into it and how beings from the spiritual realm can enter into the physical realm…….and visa versa. Once one begins to understand “the Doctrine of the Doors”, the diabolical purpose of the massive Tower of Babel comes into full view. The greatest existential threat the human race has ever seen since the Flood (circa 2348 B.C.) did not come in the form of a bomb, or in the form of a weoponized virus; it came in the form of a tower that was being assembled in a plain of the land of Shinar over 4,000 years ago. Humanity is getting closer and closer to discovering the knowledge that they once possessed. It will not be long before it is understood that “the truth” is not “out there”, but rather “right here”, and that the SKY really is the limit.
The rapture of the church is perhaps the most awaited hour of Christianity and perhaps one of the most disputed events. The irony is that scripture never mentions the word rapture but the event is accounted for in other language. It is referred to as the day of the Lord, the catching away, the resurrection, the second coming, and the gathering of the elect. It is the time when the Lord Jesus Christ will return to redeem His church out of this world. So, what is the mystery? What is the dispute? Like many things in scripture, the rapture is clouded in mystery. In the modern world, the events surrounding the rapture, to include the rapture itself, makes for great cinema and story. A picture of cataclysmic destruction and agony strike fear and anxiety in the heart of the hearer. Couple that with confusion to its timing and sequence in events leads to a misunderstanding of the times that Jesus said we are supposed to know. People like the shroud of mystery and inconclusive understanding. It tickles the ears of those who seek to have a divine revelation of these events and perpetuates the interests of the seemingly unknown. End time prophecy existed from the beginning and as we read throughout the Old Testament we find many scriptures that pertain to those times. Nearly one-third of the Bible discusses prophecy so its importance is significant. It seems that the Lord wanted us to know something. This is what He told His disciples. Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe. (John 14:28-30) Jesus spoke of His ascension to Heaven and His return from Heaven, the rapture. He said that He tells us things before they happen so when they happen, we might believe. His disciples worried about His going away but He reassured them of His return and as we look at what Jesus said throughout His ministry, He was not shy about discussing His return. After studying the Word and prophecy for many years, I know this truth. There is no doubt as we see the world shaping up today that the events discussed throughout scripture are happening. The news headlines are saying the same thing that scripture foretold and it builds my faith. It is so clear that those who profess Christianity around the world see that the prophecies are coming to pass. There seems to be a stirring among believers that Jesus Christ is getting ready to return. There is no doubt in their minds of this truth. The problem is the confusion surrounding end time prophecies and there doesn't have to be. While writing this book I was very careful to use scripture and nothing but scripture. Anything outside of scripture is opinion. I don't want opinion. I want to know what God has to say about these topics. The popular view of end time events sees it one way and in their view it as absolute, even if the possible shows another way. I wrote this book on tribulation and rapture so we can see what the Bible says. I hope to show you truth through scripture. You must evaluate that for yourself through study and prayer. This work has much scripture in it because people tend not to look up references. I encourage you, have your Bible with this book and look it up for yourself. We can know certain things by looking at the scriptures and we can understand with confidence how things will happen, to a certain degree. That's why God gave it to us, so we can know the signs of the time.
Church in Prophecy Today, the rapture of the church is one of the most disputed end-time topics in all the scriptures. No other end-time doctrine has divided the church more than this subject of the rapture. We have made this all about timing, rather than his return. Many are preoccupied with and distracted by their own particular prediction. The purpose of this book is not to refute one position in favor of another, but to come against the church's obsession and preoccupation with timing. Our focus should be directed toward his return, and not fixed on timing. This is the testimony of the scriptures! Whether he comes early, or whether he tarries, this does not matter to me. What matters to me is the readiness of the church! We need to be ready now and always if he comes early, but if delayed: we will need to be ready to go through the dark and difficult days ahead. We need to prepare our hearts now for what is coming lest it catch us off guard! We need to build our faith to stand under pressure, and we need to build our trust and confidence in Him now to keep us while in tribulation. We will need to settle the matter in our hearts concerning all those things coming on the earth, to lay our lives down at all cost! We will need to prepare our children and loved ones for the day ahead if the Lord tarry. If the Lord did return today, most would not be ready to evacuate! If he were to delay his coming, most are unprepared for the dark and difficult days ahead. I am afraid for the church! I am afraid many will fall away if the rapture does not occur as expected. I am afraid many are taking this too lightly, thinking they are guaranteed a seat on the rapture express but will be left behind because of complacency and indifference toward Christ and the gospel. Either way you look at it, the church is neither ready to leave, nor ready to go through!
Have modern Christians been enlightened or misled? 'Left behind' has been a catch phrase in American church culture for more than a decade, but pretribulation beliefs were virtually unheard of before the eighteenth century. Many modern-day believers await the return of the Lord to rapture the Church before a turbulent tribulation period, expecting unbelievers to be left behind to suffer the horrors of this seven-year period. This popular belief is promoted from many evangelical pulpits and popularized by books and movies, but does it really line up with the Bible? Dr. Barber provides a careful examination of Scripture and a critical analysis of the biblical commentaries that form the basis of the pretribulation rapture belief. Once a pretribulationist himself, he found that his in-depth study of the Bible quickly revealed the errors of this position. With spiritual, biblical, and intellectual insight, The Day of the Lord: The Key to Understanding End-Time Prophecy challenges the very foundation of pretribulation theology. Dr. Barber stresses the importance of sola scriptura as he guides readers through his compelling and convincing argument for a clearer understanding of end-times prophecy.
The prophets of old warned that certain "key" end-time prophecies wouldn't be revealed until "the time of the end." For centuries, scholars have curiously wandered through a valley of endless supposition, hoping to stumble upon a proper understanding of "end-time" events. Hence, much of our teaching about the "latter days" is not strongly supported by scripture! Well, finally, the "the time of the end" has come! Today, we can scripturally prove the answers to questions like: - Will the Rapture of the Church occur before, during, or after "The Great Tribulation Period?" - Will the "Beast" really be a man? - Will the "Door of Salvation" still be open when the tribulation period ends? - Who or what are the "two-hundred million killer horsemen" in John's vision? - Is our interpretation of end-time prophecy "emotionally obscured?" The scripturally sound answers to these questions will likely surprise you!
Many Christians base their understanding of the end times on the popular pretribulation rapture view. They expect that Jesus will rescue them just-in-time before the tribulations of the Antichrist. However, few people realize that every single biblical promise of being raptured at that time is conditional on personal spiritual readiness. Eminent Christian leaders such as A.B. Simpson, founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, as well as Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission, first taught this biblical perspective of a conditional rapture. In their captivating account, the authors take their readers on a fascinating journey through the pages of the Bible, showing how biblical prophecies from Daniel to Revelation point toward not just one but two raptures: a conditional first fruits rapture for the ready wise virgins of the church, and a later rapture for foolish virgin believers who are spiritually unprepared. Packed with fresh scriptural insights, this book will prepare and equip you for the times ahead! Worthy to Escape makes for a thoroughly intriguing read! It is rare for Christians to apply the Hebraic traditions regarding marriage to the rapture. That and the books strong focus on spiritual intimacy set it apart from the majority of end times writings. Messianic Rabbi Ed Rothman, Hon. M. Div., Hon. Dr. M.S. & J.C., Seed of Abraham Messianic Congregation, St. Louis Park, MN Everyone should become familiar with the first fruits rapture. I highly recommend this book! Rev. J. McCracken, Team Leader, TrueBridge Family of Churches Any student of eschatology needs to read this book and consider its insights. Bible colleges and seminaries should use it as a reference work and make it required reading. Pastor T. Porta, Grace Gospel Church, Cambridge, MN
I was asked recently why I decided to write this book when there are numerous "famous" authors on the subject? The question took me by surprise, but as I pondered my reasons, my response was two-fold: - I wanted to write a book that the general public (lay persons) could read with a high degree of comprehension, using word structure that is common in everyday language. - I wanted the book to lend itself to being used as the material for a detailed Bible study on the end-times. I am currently working on a journal to complement the book. As the reader works through the chapters of this book, he/she will discover: - how Daniel's prophecies predict the seven years of Tribulation. These prophecies serve as the backbone of this book; - why Christ chose the seven churches in chapters 2 and 3; - details about the rapture . . . when it will occur, who is involved""Don't be left behind; - details of the Judgment Seat of Christ; - details of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; - description of the Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets, and Seven Bowls""when they occur, their devastation and purpose; - the Antichrist""discussed in detail; - details about the great revival during the first months of Tribulation; - who the two witnesses are and their purpose during the first half of Tribulation; - details regarding the Marriage Supper of the Lamb; - fascinating details of the Glorious Appearing and Armageddon; - surprising revelations about Satan; - details of the Judgment of the Sheep and Goats and the Great White Throne Judgment; - fascinating details about the Millennial Reign of Christ; - how many Books of Life exist. Are there more than one? - a full discussion of the New Heaven and New Earth; - the author's "time line" of events that happened during the seven-year Tribulation Period and beyond.