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From the days of Father Abraham to the rise of King David were ten turbulent centuries filled with pathos and drama. These were the times of many notable personalities from the Old Testament. This is the epoch of the famous patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Their exemplary lives, as they stood true and faithful in the midst of adversity, are especially poignant today. They were followed by the exciting and tumultuous life of Joseph, who rose to become prime minister of Egypt, and saved that nation from starvation and ruin through his prophetic gifts. From the desert and thundering slopes of Mount Sinai then came the amazing life of Moses, who rose out of his own fear to become one of the greatest prophets and leaders ever known, who used the power of the priesthood to unleash an astonishing flood of miracles that exceeded any other epoch until the ministry of Jesus Christ. He was soon followed by the great Ephraimite general, Joshua, who in his old age lead the children of Israel forth in battle as they conquered the land of Palestine which had been promised to them by the Lord. However, Israel’s rise to greatness was short-circuited by several hundred years of iniquity as they turned from the Lord and wallowed in sin. Fortunately, the Lord did not forsake them as he sent messages of light and hope to many prophets and judges such as Gideon, Deborah, Ruth and Samuel, whose lives still inspire us today. Eventually the children of Israel began to see glimpses of a new golden epoch of righteousness and prosperity through the influence of the prophet Samuel and the rise of King Saul and King David. All of these great names belong to the thrilling third thousand years of human history. The Third Thousand Years, like its predecessor, The First 2,000 Years, makes the Old Testament come alive with new understanding. Obscure and misunderstood passages of scripture can now be understood through the additional light of modern revelation. The text is carefully documented so that every important point is correlated with appropriate passages in the scriptures. Helpful maps, charts and illustrations are also included to enhance our understanding of this fascinating and dynamic epoch of history. This eBook includes the original index, illustrations, footnotes, table of contents and page numbering from the printed format.
From a prize-winning author, this book charts the course of Christianity from ancient history onwards.
There is no period when the distant roar of history can be heard pounding on the pages of the past with greater fury than during the ten savage centuries known as The Fourth Thousand Years. This was the age of the first world empires, the days when Assyria, Babylon, Greece and Rome each displayed their passion for power. It was an age which demanded the resounding and inspired voices of many of God’s greatest spokesmen. The turbulent chaos of these centuries brought forth many mighty prophets of God -- Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Jonah, Lehi, Nephi, Daniel, Zechariah, and many others. The lives and times of all these men are in these pages. This is the third and final volume of this series dealing with the Old Testament. The volumes which preceded it were entitled: The First 2,000 Years, which covered the period from Adam to Abraham, and The Third Thousand Years, which covered Bible history from Abraham to David. This present volume deals with the exciting scriptural epic which emerged between the time of David and the coming of Christ. For those who find the Old Testament arduous reading, these three books should prove especially inspirational and helpful. This eBook includes the original index, illustrations, footnotes, table of contents and page numbering from the printed format.
William L. Holladay offers an illuminating and informative overview of the Psalms, chanted, sung, and recited by so great a cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1) through the past three thousand years.
LBC Collection copy was presented to Lancaster Bible College in honor of Charlie Jones for the Charles & Gloria Jones Library, Erick Erickson.
A Masterful blend of archaeology, anthropology, astronomy, and lively personal reportage, Maya Comos tells a constellation of stories, from the historical to the mythological, and envokes the awesome power of one of the richest civilizations ever to grace the earth.
Written by a team of eminent international scholars, this book is the first to recount the history of Chinese painting over a span of some 3000 years.
A comprehensive anthology of Chinese poetry from the 12th century B.C. to the present. "This magnificent collection has the effect of a complete library rather than of an anthology of poetry.... A lyric quality comes through into our own language... Every page is alive with striking and wonderful things, immediately accessible." -- Publishers Weekly "Sunflower Splendor is the largest and, on the whole, best anthology of translated Chinese poems to have appeared in a Western language." -- The New York Times Book Review "This remarkably fine anthology should remain standard for a long time." -- Library Journal ..". excellent translations by divers hands. Open to any page and listen to the still, sad music... " -- Washington Post Bookworld
Describes the first 1,000 years of Christian history, from the early practices and beliefs through the conversion of Constantine as well as documenting its growth to communities in Ethiopia, Armenia, Central Asia, India and China.