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Perpetua is the first of three novels in The Third Testament for the Third Millennium, a bold re-telling of the New Testament in a 21st Century context, asking Christians to question what they believe and why.
Spirit is the second of three books in The Third Testament for the Third Millennium, a bold re-telling of the New Testament in a 21st Century context, asking Christians to question what they believe and why.
Unity is the third and final book in The Third Testament for the Third Millennium, a bold re-telling of the New Testament in a 21st Century context, asking Christians to question what they believe and why.
The Complete Edition of the Third Testament for the Third Millenium brings together all three volumes of the series: Perpetua, Spirit, and Unity.
With Apocrypha/Deuterocanonical Books A.D. 1611 KJV wording with modern punctuation and spelling Uses synonyms for obsolete words 5 1/2 X 9 1/4 % Font size: 10
Description Perpetua is the first of four novels in the Third Testament for the Third Millennium (3T3M) which re-writes the whole of the New Testament in a 21st Century context, asking Christians to question what they believe and why. Perpetua, an Afro-Caribbean young woman from a run-down estate in South London says that she is the fourth person of the Godhead, a claim mirrors the claim of Jesus to be the second person of the Godhead, She recruits followers from supermarket shelf stackers and sets out to bring God back to the people. Her teaching and miracles cause religious and political disturbance and through a combination of cock-up and conspiracy she is humiliated and murdered live on television on Good Friday 2007. Two days later on Easter Sunday she appears on every television channel in the world speaking to people in their own language but all records of her death broadcast have mysteriously disappeared. Perpetua's story is told by: Jack, a tabloid journalist; Claire, a supposed social worker tasked with keeping tabs on Perpetua; Beth, a teenage FE multi-media student; Damian, a theology student. Drawing on his first hand knowledge of politics, church affairs and journalism and his theological studies, the book raises all the issues of the Gospels in a sharp, 21st Century context. In addition to its theological content, it is a witty critique of contemporary journalism, politics and the Church. Written in novel form, Perpetua operates at two levels, as a straight, fascinating novel and as a theology and ethics textbook particularly suitable for young people. 3T3M consists of four novels: Perpetua. Spirit, mirroring the first half of Acts, the story of Perpetua's followers in a rural English diocese and London during the Blair/Brown handover. Spirit, mirroring the second half of Acts, including the Epistles, follows Perpetuanism to America during the 2008 crash. Vision, a re-telling of the Revelation of Saint John the Divine.
Provides an overview of various models of reading the Bible in the Third Millenium.
The birth of this book The Third Testament is based on a discovery in times of tragedy, pain, suffering, lamentation, and derision of lost hope on a tropical island of beauty, Hawaii. A place of many ancient historical tales, it gave light to a true story of a divine intervention when death invasions threatened her salvation since childhood. This shocking and spellbinding battle of attacks by unparalleled phenomenon of demonic forces reveals a translucent phantom of deceivers in the atmosphere of our world, unfounded by many in humanity yet spoken of in biblical times by Jesus Christ.
It took me a while but Ive seen the light but as may you. How I got there with the rest of this book is hard to ascertain now (although Ive actually now managed to write about this concisely at the end, now that Im writing this right now in the future now sounds a bit ridiculous, I know, and far too many nows), but what Ive put Im damn sure is true and it will be as true for anyone else. And thats why I think this book has so much value. With these writings, it should all damn well work!! Read on please
This work is a series of sermons produced by Emeritus Professor Hans Mol, and based on Biblical texts, the Commentaries of John Calvin on these texts, and on Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. Mol is Australia's pre-eminent scholar in the sociology of religion, particularly in Australia. His 1971 volume, Religion in Australia, was the first attempt at statistical analysis of religion in Australia, which was also internationally significant. Parallel to Mol's interest in the sociology of religion has been his interest in Calvin. Indeed the theological basis of his life has been as a Calvinist. Here in this volume he brings both of these interests together. His sermons, preached over the years in Canberra, seek to apply the teachings of Calvin to a world-view in which the scientific study of religion, and indeed the wider study of sociology, are of central significance. In these sermons, he succeeds considerably in this. The volume is a substantial contribution to scholarship, in that the combination of these two factors has only rarely been attempted. Thus, the volume has originality and will have enduring value. It is especially appropriate that it should be published at this time, in preparation for the 500th Anniversary of Calvin's birth (1509-2009).