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The Tao of Christ is a Christian interpretation of the sixth century BC Chinese classic, the Tao Te Ching. It translates this ancient work into concepts and language recognizable to Christians, while maintaining the integrity of the ancient text. The Tao of Christ bridges the gap between East and West. It sheds light on two great spiritual traditions. Those who love the Tao Te Ching will see Christianity in a new light. Christians who love Christ will see this ancient Chinese work as evidence of God's wider revelation to all peoples.
"Christ the eternal Tao shows Lao Tzu's Tao Teh Ching as a foreshadowing of what would be revealed by Christ, and Lao Tzu himself as a Far-Eastern prophet of the Incarnate God."--Back cover
"Christ the eternal Tao shows Lao Tzu's Tao Teh Ching as a foreshadowing of what would be revealed by Christ, and Lao Tzu himself as a Far-Eastern prophet of the Incarnate God."-- Back cover.
Comparing the New Testament with the Tao Te Ching, Taoisms most sacred book, Jesus and Lao Tzu reveals a surprising set of examples in which these two spiritual masters point their followers in the same direction. With over 90 parallel sayings, readers find fresh understanding and new perspectives here, since the time-honored teachings are presented side by side. The book also shows how these shared truths transcend traditional religious boundaries.
When Jesus declared himself to be The Way, Jesus' followers were to adopt his way as their way as all disciples do. Over time, as the church became institutionalized, professing Jesus without practicing Jesus, Christians became less Christ-like taking their roles as cheerleaders and chaplains for the status quo. While in our safe sanctuaries we may profess Jesus as The Way while it's obvious to everyone else that we casted it off long ago in favor of more 'realistic' mantras, like this one - the ends justify the means. For Jesus, the ends never justified the means, no matter how good the goal. For Jesus, the means were the end. That was and is his way. You love because you love, it's your way, even if it gets you crucified. You don't judge, condemn, or treat others with contempt, apparently even in the midst of a crucifixion, because that's not your way. You help the least of these precisely because, in God's eyes, we are all children, and none among us, no matter how destitute, are "least." That was Jesus' way and clearly his intent to be the way of his followers. The ends don't justify the means, the means are the end. That was and is to be our way. Can a pianist be separated from daily practice? Can an athlete be dissected from years of work and ongoing training? Can a recovering addict be separated from the 12 Steps? Certainly not. They are constantly on the path to becoming. So, too, with followers of Jesus, to join on the journey, The Word and The Way are One. So, if we are going to follow the Word, then we must walk in The Way. Sooner or later, like the wise magi of old, we'll have to set our direction back to the star light and realign our compass with true North, Jesus' Way. What does Jesus' Way look like? Recently, as I will share in the pages that follow, I have found inspiration in a philosopher that lived long before Jesus named Lao Tzu, which means "The Ol' Boy," a nickname with which a southerner like me can identify. As I've read and reread his work, I've found him to be quite a "Good Ol' Boy" and I have learned much. As therapists often say, "The last animal to discover water was a fish." Which means, if you want to learn about your family, perhaps you need to talk to someone with an outside perspective. This is what I've found, an outside perspective in The Tao, or simply translated into English, The Way, authored by Lao Tzu, whose name is often translated as "Old Child." This Good Ol' Boy lived long before states were united in America or there was an America, long before Britain was an empire, and even a good five centuries before Jesus. Apparently, neither he nor Jesus were big on writing things down, and as legend has it, as Lao Tzu was about to leave the country, a border guard said, "But what about your teachings? How will we know The Way when you're gone?" Lao Tzu saw the concern in his face and wrote The Tao. As I read and reread The Tao, I used many translations, though I have referred to Stephen Mitchell's version the most. Like a fish out of water looking back from whence I came, I see Jesus' Way in a broader perspective hearing The Tao throughout The New Testament, especially in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and the non-canonical Gospel of Thomas. The following pages are what happened when I let Jesus and Lao Tzu sing a duet while I listened for the harmonies. This work is not a translation or a paraphrase of The Gospels or The Tao, but instead a blended format with a revolutionary goal, to reunite Jesus, The Word, with Jesus, The Way in hopes that we will spiritually ascend to where he's been calling us to go for 2,000 years, embodying The Way, The Truth, and The Life. The following pages are what happened when I let Jesus and Lao Tzu sing a duet while I listened for the harmonies.
"A welcome contribution to the important field of deep ecumenism..."--from the Foreword by Matthew Fox.
SUMMARY: Juxtaposed sayings from Christianity and Taoism on themes such as nonviolence, perfection and virtue.
An uplifting study of Jesus, his times and his teaching
Lao Tzu and The Bible: A Meeting Transcending Time and Space Yuan Zhiming Translated by Chen Shangyu Has God's light ever shone on the vast land of China-"Land of God, ' so named by her ancient ancestors? This book vividly recaptures God's universal light shown to the Chinese sage Lao Tzu 600 years before Jesus was born. By comparing Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching with the Bible, Yuan Zhiming offers a ground-breaking interpretation of Lao Tzu's Tao in light of the Word, or Logos. Yuan Zhiming juxtaposes Lao Tzu's "Holy One" with Jesus Christ, systematically and thoroughly unveiling the nature and characteristics of the mysterious Tao in a concrete and understandable manner, resolving a riddle of 2,600 years. "The text speaks to our time, because so many people believe that mere secular teaching of "morality," such as Confucius taught, is sufficient, and because what we really need is a deep spiritual awakening, such as Lao Tzu announced. The profound teaching in Lao Tzu and the Bible enriches the spirit of not only the Chinese people but also the people of the West." -Dr. Paul de Vries, president of New York Divinity School and author of The Taming of the Shrewd Lao Tzu and the Bible offers not only a spiritual feast to the analytical minds about Tao/Word/Logos, illustrating Tao in a tangible form, the Holy One/Jesus Christ, but also provides helpful advice about how to follow and be united with Tao. A work of great erudition and wisdom, it contains deep insight, opening up the secrets of the Tao while also illuminating the Bible. This book will surely delight the hearts and minds of seekers of Tao.
Draws parallels between different religious faiths by presenting side-by-side comparisons of four leaders' teachings on topics such as knowledge, suffering, death, and liberation, along with commentaries for each topic.