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Over the past decade there has been a dramatic change in the role played by design automation for electronic systems. Ten years ago, integrated circuit (IC) designers were content to use the computer for circuit, logic, and limited amounts of high-level simulation, as well as for capturing the digitized mask layouts used for IC manufacture. The tools were only aids to design-the designer could always find a way to implement the chip or board manually if the tools failed or if they did not give acceptable results. Today, however, design technology plays an indispensable role in the design ofelectronic systems and is critical to achieving time-to-market, cost, and performance targets. In less than ten years, designers have come to rely on automatic or semi automatic CAD systems for the physical design ofcomplex ICs containing over a million transistors. In the past three years, practical logic synthesis systems that take into account both cost and performance have become a commercial reality and many designers have already relinquished control ofthe logic netlist level of design to automatic computer aids. To date, only in certain well-defined areas, especially digital signal process ing and telecommunications. have higher-level design methods and tools found significant success. However, the forces of time-to-market and growing system complexity will demand the broad-based adoption of high-level, automated methods and tools over the next few years.
This book presents an integrated approach to digital design principles, processes, and implementations to help the reader design increasingly complex systems within shorter design cycles. It also introduces digital design concepts, VHDL coding, VHDL simulation, synthesis commands, and strategies together. · VHDL and Digital Circuit Primitives· VHDL Simulation and Synthesis Environment and Design Process· Basic Combinational Circuits· Basic Binary Arithmetic Circuits· Basic Sequential Circuits· Registers· Clock and Reset Circuits· Dual-Port RAM, FIFO, and DRAM Modeling· A Design Case Study: Finite Impulse Response Filter ASIC Design· A Design Case Study: A Microprogram Controller Design· Error Detection and Correction· Fixed-Point Multiplication· Fixed-Point Division· Floating-Point Arithmetic
Electronic systems based on digital principles are becoming ubiquitous. A good design approach to these systems is essential and a top-down methodology is favoured. Such an approach is vastly simplified by the use of computer modeling to describe the systems. VHDL is a formal language which allows a designer to model the behaviours and structure of a digital circuit on a computer before implementation. "Digital System Design with VHDL" is intended both for students on Digital Design courses and practitioners who would like to integrate digital design and VHDL synthesis in the workplace. Its unique approach combines the principles of digital design with a guide to the use of VHDL. Synthesis issues are discussed and practical guidelines are provided for improving simulation accuracy and performance. Features: a practical perspective is obtained by the inclusion of real-life examples an emphasis on software engineering practices encourages clear coding and adequate documentation of the process demonstrates the effects of particular coding styles on synthesis and simulation efficiency covers the major VHDL standards includes an appendix with examples in Verilog
This book has been designed for a first course on digital design for engineering and computer science students. It offers an extensive introduction on fundamental theories, from Boolean algebra and binary arithmetic to sequential networks and finite state machines, together with the essential tools to design and simulate systems composed of a controller and a datapath. The numerous worked examples and solved exercises allow a better understanding and more effective learning. All of the examples and exercises can be run on the Deeds software, freely available online on a webpage developed and maintained by the authors. Thanks to the learning-by-doing approach and the plentiful examples, no prior knowledge in electronics of programming is required. Moreover, the book can be adapted to different level of education, with different targets and depth, be used for self-study, and even independently from the simulator. The book draws on the authors’ extensive experience in teaching and developing learning materials.
Rapid advances in microelectronic integration and the advent of Systems-on-Chip have fueled the need for high-level synthesis, i.e., an automated approach to the synthesis of hardware from behavioral descriptions. SPARK: A Parallelizing Approach to the High - Level Synthesis of Digital Circuits presents a novel approach to the high-level synthesis of digital circuits -- that of parallelizing high-level synthesis (PHLS). This approach uses aggressive code parallelizing and code motion techniques to discover circuit optimization opportunities beyond what is possible with traditional high-level synthesis. This PHLS approach addresses the problems of the poor quality of synthesis results and the lack of controllability over the transformations applied during the high-level synthesis of system descriptions with complex control flows, that is, with nested conditionals and loops. Also described are speculative code motion techniques and dynamic compiler transformations that optimize the circuit quality in terms of cycle time, circuit size and interconnect costs. We describe the SPARK parallelizing high-level synthesis framework in which we have implemented these techniques and demonstrate the utility of SPARK's PHLS approach using designs derived from multimedia and image processing applications. We also present a case study of an instruction length decoder derived from the Intel Pentium-class of microprocessors. This case study serves as an example of a typical microprocessor functional block with complex control flow and demonstrates how our techniques are useful for such designs. SPARK: A Parallelizing Approach to the High - Level Synthesis of Digital Circuits is targeted mainly to embedded system designers and researchers. This includes people working on design and design automation. The book is useful for researchers and design automation engineers who wish to understand how the main problems hindering the adoption of high-level synthesis among designers.
This book is designed specifically to make the cutting-edge techniques of digital hardware design more accessible to those just entering the field. The text uses a simpler language (Verilog) and standardizes the methodology to the point where even novices can get medium complex designs through to gate-level simulation in a short period of time. Requires a working knowledge of computer organization, Unix, and X windows. Some knowledge of a programming language such as C or Java is desirable, but not necessary. Features a large number of worked examples and problems--from 100 to 100k gate equivalents--all synthesized and successfully verified by simulation at gate level using the VCS compiled simulator, the FPGA Compiler and Behavioral Compiler available from Synopsys, and the FPGA tool suites from Altera and Xilinx. Basic Language Constructs. Structural and Behavioral Specification. Simulation. Procedural Specification. Design Approaches for Single Modules. Validation of Single Modules. Finite State Machine Styles. Control-Point Writing Style. Managing Complexity--Large Designs. Improving Timing, Area, and Power. Design Compiler. Synthesis to Standard Cells. Synthesis to FPGA. Gate Level Simulation and Testing. Alternative Writing Styles. Mixed Technology Design. For anyone wanting an accessible, accelerated introduction to the cutting-edge tools for Digital Hardware Design.
Logic design of digital devices is a very important part of the Computer Science. It deals with design and testing of logic circuits for both data-path and control unit of a digital system. Design methods depend strongly on logic elements using for implementation of logic circuits. Different programmable logic devices are wide used for implementation of logic circuits. Nowadays, we witness the rapid growth of new and new chips, but there is a strong lack of new design methods. This book includes a variety of design and test methods targeted on different digital devices. It covers methods of digital system design, the development of theoretical base for construction and designing of the PLD–based devices, application of UML for digital design. A considerable part of the book is devoted to design methods oriented on implementing control units using FPGA and CPLD chips. Such important issues as design of reliable FSMs, automatic design of concurrent logic controllers, the models and methods for creating infrastructure IP services for the SoCs are also presented. The editors of the book hope that it will be interesting and useful for experts in Computer Science and Electronics, as well as for students, who are viewed as designers of future digital devices and systems.
A unique guide to using both modeling and simulation in digital systems design Digital systems design requires rigorous modeling and simulation analysis that eliminates design risks and potential harm to users. Introduction to Digital Systems: Modeling, Synthesis, and Simulation Using VHDL introduces the application of modeling and synthesis in the effective design of digital systems and explains applicable analytical and computational methods. Through step-by-step explanations and numerous examples, the author equips readers with the tools needed to model, synthesize, and simulate digital principles using Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) programming. Extensively classroom-tested to ensure a fluid presentation, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the topic by integrating theoretical principles, discrete mathematical models, computer simulations, and basic methods of analysis. Topical coverage includes: Digital systems modeling and simulation Integrated logic Boolean algebra and logic Logic function optimization Number systems Combinational logic VHDL design concepts Sequential and synchronous sequential logic Each chapter begins with learning objectives that outline key concepts that follow, and all discussions conclude with problem sets that allow readers to test their comprehension of the presented material. Throughout the book, VHDL sample codes are used to illustrate circuit design, providing guidance not only on how to learn and master VHDL programming, but also how to model and simulate digital circuits. Introduction to Digital Systems is an excellent book for courses in modeling and simulation, operations research, engineering, and computer science at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. The book also serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in the fields of operations research, mathematical modeling, simulation, electrical engineering, and computer science.
This book presents an excellent collection of contributions addressing different aspects of high-level synthesis from both industry and academia. It includes an overview of available EDA tool solutions and their applicability to design problems.