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The study imparts highly specific data about academic librarian use of library oriented blogs, listservs, publications, association membership and attendance at library conferences. The report includes detail on the percentage of academic librarians who read print publications about libraries, or use library listservs and blogs, as well as the amount of time spent daily on these pursuits. It also includes data on library assocation membership and money spent on library conferences and related expenses. The reports results are based on a representative survey of 555 full time academic librarians in the United States and Canada. Data is presented in the aggregate and broken out by various characteristics such as gender, age, library work title or field, institutional enrollment, Carnegie class, level of education, USA or Canada and other factors. The 44-page report has approximately 100 tables of data as well as explanatory commentary.
This report presents the results of a survey of 555 academic librarians about how they view various aspects of their treatment as employees, their career prospects and their relationship with faculty, students, and library administration The report includes detailed information on levels of satisfaction with salary, retirement, job security and health benefits, office surroundings, physical security and other aspects of the library work experience. It also gives precise information on academic librarian experiences with sexual harassment, and views on the existence of prejudice related to race, income, ethnicity, age, gender and other factors. Data is presented in the aggregate and broken out by various characteristics such as gender, age, library work title or field, institutional enrollment, Carnegie class, level of education, USA or Canada and other factors.
This latest edition of The Survey of Academic Libraries presents data from more than 75 American and Canadian academic libraries. Data are broken out by size and type of library for easier benchmarking. Data coverage includes: trends in staffing and salaries, hiring plans, changes in the deployment of labor in the library, materials spending, including specific data on databases, traditional print books and journals; receipts from grants and endowments, trends in capital spending, spending on library learning centers, trends in spending through online booksellers, plans for digital repository development, and developments in special collections, among other areas. TABLE OF CONTENTS List Of Tables 3 SURVEY PARTICIPANTS 20 Introduction & Demographics 21 Chapter One: Summary Of Main Findings 23 Chapter Two: Staff 36 Chapter Three: Materials Spending 44 Chapter Four: Grants 50 Chapter Five: Capital Spending 64 Chapter Six: Technology Education Center 74 Chapter Seven: Books 78 Chapter Eight: Subject-Specific Investment 86 Chapter Nine: Journals 101 Chapter Ten: Information Literacy 111 Chapter Eleven: Special Collections 117 Chapter Twelve: Building Plans 127 Chapter Thirteen: Notable Library Science Schools 131 OTHER REPORTS FROM PRIMARY RESEARCH GROUP INC.
This study presents 130 tables of data pinpointing academic librarian support and opposition to spending more on various library technologies. The report helps library administrators and vendors to gauge the level of interest in certain library technologies, breaking it down by variables such as library department and college types. Technologies covered include: laptops for patrons, computer labs, digital cameras, library management systems, e-books, student response systems or "clickers", content management systems, virtual whiteboards and other technologies.
The Age Demographics of Academic Librarians: A Profession Apart discusses the current demographics of librarianship in North America and examines how a huge retiree rate will affect the profession. With the average age of librarians increasing dramatically since 1990, this book examines the changes that will have to take place in your library, such as recruiting, training, and working with a smaller staff. The Age Demographics of Academic Librarians provides you with insights on how to make your library’s transition easier when several of your colleagues leave your library. Valuable and intelligent, The Age Demographics of Academic Librarians discusses trends through easy-to-read charts, tables, and comprehensive data analysis. Exploring possible reasons for the anomalies of this trend, this book explores several surprising facts, such as: 16 percent of the 1995 American Research Libraries population of librarians will retire by the year 2000, another 16 percent between 2000 and 2005, 24 percent between 2005 and 2010, and 27 percent between 2010 and 2030, leaving the ARL lacking seasoned librarians the number of ARL cataloging librarians are decreasing, but the number of reference librarians seems to be increasing 54 percent of all ARL librarians who have twenty or more years of professional experience have worked at only one library in the course of their careers Canadian ARL librarians are older than their United States counterparts in 1990, 48 percent of ARL librarians were 45 years old or older; in 1994, the number increased to 58 percentThe Age Demographics of Academic Librarians provides you with valuable insight into the unusual shape and movement of the academic librarian age profile as well as some speculation on its possible effects so you can predict how it will affect your library in the future and help you prepare to take preventative actions.
This study, based on a survey of more than 550 academic librarians, presents 100 tables of data pinpointing how much time academic librarians spend on information literacy task, what they think of the information literacy efforts of their college, and of the information literacy skills of their students and faculty.
The Survey of Academic Libraries, 2014-15 Edition looks closely at key benchmarks for academic libraries in areas such as spending for books and e-books, deployment and pay rates for student workers, use of tablet computers, cloud computing and other new technologies, database licensing practices, and much more. The study includes detailed data on overall budgets, capital budgets, salaries and materials spending, and much more of interest to academic librarians and their suppliers. Data in this 200+ page report is broken out by size and type of library for easy benchmarking.
This study looks closely at the collection development and spending plans of library specialists in medicine and biology, predominantly from major academic institutions, but also including some corporate libraries and smaller colleges. The study covers overall budgetary allocations for medicine and biology, with time series data, as well as data for spending on eBooks, books, journals, databases, and other information vehicles. The study also reports on collection development plans for specific subject areas such as oncology, pharmacology, and evolutionary biology, just to name a few. The 100-page study also gives extensive data on the use of institutional digital repositories, trends in information literacy, relations with library patrons and many other areas of interest.
Every academic library strives to make improvements - in its services, its effectiveness, and its contributions to overall university success. Every librarian wants to improve library quality, but few are knowledgeable or enthusiastic about the means and mechanisms of quality improvement. This book assists librarians to make sense of data collection, assessment, and comparative evaluation as stepping stones to transformative quality improvement. Creating value lies in a library’s ability to understand, communicate and measure what matters to users, and what can be measured can be managed to successful outcomes. Complex and fragmented subject matter is synthesized into clear and logical presentation Focuses on current research and best practices International in scope