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The difference between a pastor and a lecturer is the word “supernatural.” Both the lecturer and the pastor stand before people to speak, but the difference in the both of them is the supernatural that accompanies the words of the pastor. It does not matter the size of a church, if it has a big cathedral without the supernatural, it is a warehouse. God told me many years ago that I am not a minister of information, but of the gospel. I have been called to preach the gospel, not to gossip. When a preacher preaches the gospel without power, he is a gossip. Without the supernatural ministry, every other thing is a joke. Do all you can to covet the supernatural in your ministry as a minister of the gospel.
Your Identity Unlocks Your Inheritance! To experience the full inheritance that Jesus purchased at the cross, you must understand your royal identity. In this classic bestseller, Kris Vallotton and Bill Johnson denounce those strongholds of thought that have kept many Christians from enjoying their supernatural inheritance. They lovingly guide readers into a revolutionary understanding of who God says they areroyal heirs to the eternal Kingdom of God. Step into your God-given destiny by dispelling the pauper mindset, uprooting the poverty mentality, and embracing royalty as part of your spiritual DNA! Claim your spiritual inheritance today!
In Miracle Work Jordan Seng tells remarkable stories of physical healings and prophetic messages. His reflections explore the challenges of relying on God's power in contemporary ministry, and help us train and prepare ourselves for the manifestation of power in our work with others.
Todays church has large conferences and outreaches around the world. Television studios broadcast the Gospel, and yet Christianity must mean more than listening to a 30-minute sermon once a week. To be powerful and effective, the body of Christ must yearn to work the works of God. (Christian)
Until this book, the word of knowledge has been a largely misunderstood gift of the Spirit. Now the truth is told! The Word of Knowledge in Action is the first book completely dedicated to a comprehensive, biblically-sound analysis of this spiritual gift. More than that, through testimonies and biblical examples there is page after page of rich, practical advice for implementing this gift in the context of supernatural Christianity. Through personal experience, practical counsel, and biblical revelation, author Art Thomas brings this special spiritual gift to life in a whole new way by citing tested and proven strategies for integrating the word of knowledge into your everyday Kingdom life. With clarity, wisdom, and simplicity, the Scriptures are presented in fresh, vibrant ways, bringing revival to all who will receive.
He heard it while participating in his camp-counseling job at age sixteen: "I am coming soon." Seeing no one was around him, author Franklyn Spence believed he had heard God's voice. More instances of God speaking to him, even through a vision of Jesus, left him overwhelmed spiritually and aware of his gifts for prophecy and healing. He recalls these faith-defining moments in his Christian testimony/self-help guide, Breakthrough into the Supernatural Realm. Growing up in his church, Franklyn remembers being taught God was distant, accessible only for special occasions. However, the God Franklyn experienced at camp was real, intimate and calling him to an impossible task. He states in his book God developing his faith through tests, whether healing a sparrow to praying for strangers, and frequently communicating with him. Franklyn wants readers to have the same relationship with God, hearing His voice as clear as he did at camp.
The Ultimate Treasure Hunt leads believers into a supernatural lifestyle of Kingdom building. Author Kevin Dedmon captures the heart of witnessing and personal evangelism through his taking-it-to-the-streets ministry where healing, miracles, and deliverance are regular occurrences. Based on biblical principles and personal testimonies, you will learn how the simplicity of hearing a word of knowledge from God leads you to clues for the treasure hunt. Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). Witnessing the love and saving grace of Jesus does not need to be invasive or argumentative; rather, it is a supernatural encounter when God reveals Himself in a specific way. The fun begins when you read the step-by-step guidelines for embarking on a successful, fulfilling treasure hunt.
THIS BOOK CONTAINS PRAYERS, INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOUSE BLESSINGS, AND A SECTION OF PHOTOGRAPHS. INTENSE READING ABOUT REAL EXORCISMS AND EXTREME PARANORMAL CASES. Descended from a long line of Spiritual Warriors, Reverend Shawn P. Whittington shares his background, knowledge, and most chilling and life-changing moments. An ordained exorcist and deliverance minister, Shawn and his wife, Sharon (also a minister) have over 40 years of experience with ghosts and demons. They reside in Las Vegas, Nevada. NOTHING IS MORE FRIGHTENING THAN THE TRUTH. Table of Contents 1. Warriors for Christ 2. Catholicism and Spirituality 3. A Calling 4. Never Too Young 5. All Grown Up 6. Vegas Supernatural 7. Home Is Where The Heart Is 8. They Run In A Pack 9. Man With No Face 10. The Holy Spirit 11. Black Dogs And Beasts 12. Paranormal Ministry 13. The Final Chapter Part I and Part II - (Exorcism by Distance) 14. Prayers 15. Photo Gallery
What are spiritual gifts? Storms has spent several decades teaching on the topic of the spiritual gifts and equipping believers in the faithful practice of God's gifts. Yet there remains a great deal of confusion about the nature of the gifts and how they best function in the body of Christ. In this comprehensive guide to the spiritual gifts, Storms addresses the many bizarre and misleading interpretations while confronting the tendency to downplay the urgency of spiritual gifts for Christian living and ministry. He explains how spiritual gifts--both the more miraculous and the everyday--are given to build up the body of Christ. God has graciously provided these "manifestations of the Spirit" so that believers might encourage, edify, strengthen, instruct, and console one another, all with a view to an ever-increasing, incremental transformation into the image of Jesus Christ. Throughout this guide, Sam Storms unpacks the glorious truth that there is a supernatural and divine energy or power that fills and indwells the body and soul of every Christian believer. Understanding Spiritual Gifts is useful as a reference to address common questions about the gifts, but it also serves as a training manual for using and exercising the gifts in ministry. It is perfect for any individual or group who wants to grow in their understanding of spiritual gifts for today.