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These lectures were given in 1922, midway between World War I and Steiner's death in 1925. They will be of particular interest to anyone wanting to comprehend Rudolf Steiner's mature understanding of his mission: "enchristing" the world.
"The unconscious psyche of the child is truly limitless in extent and of incalculable age." -- C. G. Jung The Beejum Book offers a journey into a world of fantasy that, deep down, each of us knows and longs for. It tells the story of Teak, a child living abroad between the two World Wars. Teak's mother tells her not to worry about being left alone, because every night, when she goes to sleep, they can meet in Beejumstan. Teak's travels to this magical realm bring her face to face with Lonesome, a well-attired rabbit and Beejumstan's "ambassador without portfolio"; Figg Newton, the alchemist; the witches Rudintruda and Idy Fix; Gezeebius, the Wise Old Man; and many other fascinating characters. Alice O. Howell is a wise woman who can present deep truths in simple and engaging ways. Through this enchanting tale, she suggests that within us are many worlds as real and compelling as the one we know outside. Delightfully told and charmingly illustrated, The Beejum Book offers seekers of all ages a beautiful way of imbibing wisdom.
"We live today at a time when the full mystery of the Resurrection body can become manifest to human beings out of the inspirations of Michael.... This was accomplished by Rudolf Steiner not just in a theoretical sense but also practically, and came about through the establishing of a path, accessible to all human beings, which leads to a union with the forces of the Resurrection body." Sergei Prokofieff approaches the deepest mysteries of the Turning Point of Time (the Christ event) through Rudolf Steiner's spiritual research. At its heart stands the question of the restoration of the "phantom" of the physical body and its transformation into the resurrected body of Christ through the Mystery of Golgotha. The author draws a broad and differentiated picture of the tasks and possibilities that the Easter event--as well as Ascension and Pentecost--present, both for the individual and humanity. The final chapter considers the mystery of Easter Saturday, through which the two polar aspects of the Mystery of Golgotha--death and resurrection--interconnect, also explaining the relationship between the Earth Spirit and the interior of the Earth. An appendix tackles the phenomenon of stigmatization from a spiritual-scientific perspective.
This new publication is a continuation of the book written by Sergei O. Prokofieff, The Mystery of the Resurrection in the Light of Anthroposophy (2008). In studying Rudolf Steiners work, many questions arise that warrant further research, whereas Steiner only suggests a direction in which the subject may be carried forward. This can be seen especially in the field of anthroposophic Christology. When researching this subject, the many questions that arise can lead to being confronted by conundrums. However, studying the work again later, such seemingly impossible questions may suddenly become clear, resulting in completely new and surprising perspectives. Some of these new perspectives will be found in this volume.
Explores ancient beliefs about life after death, highlighting the fact that the early Christians' belief about the afterlife belonged firmly on the Jewish spectrum, while introducing several new mutations and sharper definitions, forcing readers to view the Easter narratives not simply as rationalizations, but as accounts of two actual events: the empty tomb of Jesus and his "appearances." Simultaneous. Hardcover no longer available.
The Bible implores us to take a long look at Jesus, forcefully beckoning us to “come and see” through profound questions connected with Jesus’ death and resurrection. These questions drive us to consider not just the events themselves but also their meaning as we take a long look beneath the surface and find more of the never-ending treasures of Christ. In Captivated, Thabiti Anyabwile invites you to set aside your early lessons on politeness and stare (yes, do stare) into the mystery of the cross and empty tomb. Table of Contents: 1. Is There No Other Way? (Matthew 26:42) 2. Why Have You Forsaken Me? (Matthew 27:45-46) 3. Where, O Death, Is Your Victory? (1 Corinthians 15:55) 4. Why Do You Look for the Living among the Dead? (Luke 24:5) 5. Do You Know These Things? (Luke 24:17)
Exoteric Christianity is to be found in the Gospels and as they have been interpreted through history; esoteric, inner Christianity is the living teaching of the Risen Christ: resurrection. Today it lies in the resurrection of thinking: how dead thoughts can be awakened to life in the form of moral impulses.
"It stands to reason that Saturday was a critical time for Him" "I highly recommend this incredible book as it takes the reader through both the physical and spiritual journey of Him as he underwent His transformation. A five-star read, absolutely." "I for one never really thought about that Saturday, so for me it was a riveting experience, learning about that previously overlooked time." Easter symbolizes the Glorious Resurrection of Jesus Christ from death. This is the most important event in the history of Earth and is rightly celebrated around the world. Holy Bible says Jesus was dead and buried on FRIDAY and that He Resurrected bodily on SUNDAY A few questions remain unanswered related to Christ's Resurrection. What exactly happened when Christ was inside the Tomb for 36 hours between death and resurrection? what happened on EASTER SATURDAY? Very little info is presented in the Bible leading to much debate and speculation among theologians Ever wonder what body did Christ have after Resurrection? We know His body is not fully physical as His own disciples did not recognize Him, and we also know He has not become fully spirit yet.... So, what body did Christ operate out of? These questions remain unanswered for a long time. Trinity has spent nearly a decade researching the mysteries of the Holy Bible and brings well-researched answers to these questions. Click "Buy Now" to start your enlightening journey.
Often ignored, misunderstood, or compared with Christian belief in a haphazard or inconsistent manner, the Mysteries of the Graeco-Roman world, when handled carefully and consistently, can aid in elucidating the context of New Testament texts. By closely examining the Eleusinian Mysteries and the Mysteries of Isis, and particularly their promises of a pleasant afterlife in Hades for those initiated into the cults, this work offers insight into difficult interpretational issues in First Corinthians 15. The work proceeds from a methodological commitment to understanding the Mysteries in their own right and without an overlay of Christian belief. The book includes a broad overview of the Eleusinian Mysteries and the Mysteries of Isis and their place in Graeco-Roman culture, taking a deep and careful dive into conceptions of the afterlife in these cults. In each instance available historical data is considered, from works of mythology to dramas to archeological fragments, all with a focus on afterlife beliefs. With an ultimate goal to better understand Paul’s writing in First Corinthians 15, the study includes an overview of Corinthian society and a particular examination of the available evidence concerning the impact of the Mysteries on Corinthians’ expectation of the afterlife. Having considered the Mysteries independently, the work turns to First Corinthians 15 with a brief exegetical overview before drawing careful comparisons between Paul’s teaching and the afterlife beliefs of the Mysteries. The book concludes with suggestions for interpretational issues on Paul’s teaching in first Corinthians 15 regarding death and resurrection and baptism for the dead.