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This book provides a unified treatment for the study of the existence of equilibria of abstract economics in topological vector spaces from the viewpoint of Ky Fan minimax inequalities, which strongly depend on his infinite dimensional version of the classical Knaster, Kuratowski and Mazurkiewicz Lemma (KKM Lemma) in 1961. Studied are applications of general system versions of minimax inequalities and generalized quasi-variational inequalities, and random abstract economies and its applications to the system of random quasi-variational inequalities are given.
This text provides a unified treatment for the study of the existence of equilibria of abstract economics in topological vector spaces from the viewpoint of Ky Fan minimax inequalities, which strongly depend on his infinite dimensional version of the classical Knaster, Kuratowski and Mazurkiewicz Lemma (KKM Lemma) in 1961. Studied are applications of general system versions of minimax inequalities and generalized quasi-variational inequalities, and random abstract economies and its applications to the system of random quasi-variational inequalities are given.
The book deals with the mathematical theory of vector variational inequalities with special reference to equilibrium problems. Such models have been introduced recently to study new problems from mechanics, structural engineering, networks, and industrial management, and to revisit old ones. The common feature of these problems is that given by the presence of concurrent objectives and by the difficulty of identifying a global functional (like energy) to be extremized. The vector variational inequalities have the advantage of both the variational ones and vector optimization which are found as special cases. Among several applications, the equilibrium flows on a network receive special attention. Audience: The book is addressed to academic researchers as well as industrial ones, in the fields of mathematics, engineering, mathematical programming, control theory, operations research, computer science, and economics.
With the advent of powerful computers and novel mathematical programming techniques, the multidisciplinary field of optimization has advanced to the stage that quite complicated systems can be addressed. The conference was organized to provide a platform for the exchange of new ideas and information and for identifying needs for future research. The contributions covered both theoretical techniques and a rich variety of case studies to which optimization can be usefully applied.
This book discusses basic tools of partially ordered spaces and applies them to variational methods in Nonlinear Analysis and for optimizing problems. This book is aimed at graduate students and research mathematicians.
Studies in generalized convexity and generalized monotonicity have significantly increased during the last two decades. Researchers with very diverse backgrounds such as mathematical programming, optimization theory, convex analysis, nonlinear analysis, nonsmooth analysis, linear algebra, probability theory, variational inequalities, game theory, economic theory, engineering, management science, equilibrium analysis, for example are attracted to this fast growing field of study. Such enormous research activity is partially due to the discovery of a rich, elegant and deep theory which provides a basis for interesting existing and potential applications in different disciplines. The handbook offers an advanced and broad overview of the current state of the field. It contains fourteen chapters written by the leading experts on the respective subject; eight on generalized convexity and the remaining six on generalized monotonicity.
This book presents the mathematical theory of vector variational inequalities and their relations with vector optimization problems. It is the first-ever book to introduce well-posedness and sensitivity analysis for vector equilibrium problems. The first chapter provides basic notations and results from the areas of convex analysis, functional analysis, set-valued analysis and fixed-point theory for set-valued maps, as well as a brief introduction to variational inequalities and equilibrium problems. Chapter 2 presents an overview of analysis over cones, including continuity and convexity of vector-valued functions. The book then shifts its focus to solution concepts and classical methods in vector optimization. It describes the formulation of vector variational inequalities and their applications to vector optimization, followed by separate chapters on linear scalarization, nonsmooth and generalized vector variational inequalities. Lastly, the book introduces readers to vector equilibrium problems and generalized vector equilibrium problems. Written in an illustrative and reader-friendly way, the book offers a valuable resource for all researchers whose work involves optimization and vector optimization.
Advanced Mathematical Analysis and its Applications presents state-of-the-art developments in mathematical analysis through new and original contributions and surveys, with a particular emphasis on applications in engineering and mathematical sciences. New research directions are indicated in each of the chapters, and while this book is meant primarily for graduate students, there is content that will be equally useful and stimulating for faculty and researchers. The readers of this book will require minimum knowledge of real, complex, and functional analysis, and topology. Features Suitable as a reference for graduate students, researchers, and faculty Contains the most up-to-date developments at the time of writing.
In this work, the author examines the following: When the Hamiltonian system $m i \ddot{q} i + (\partial V/\partial q i) (t,q) =0$ with periodicity condition $q(t+T) = q(t),\; \forall t \in \germ R$ (where $q {i} \in \germ R{\ell}$, $\ell \ge 3$, $1 \le i \le n$, $q = (q {1},...,q {n})$ and $V = \sum V {ij}(t,q {i}-q {j})$ with $V {ij}(t,\xi)$ $T$-periodic in $t$ and singular in $\xi$ at $\xi = 0$) is posed as a variational problem, the corresponding functional does not satisfy the Palais-Smale condition and this leads to the notion of critical points at infinity. This volume is a study of these critical points at infinity and of the topology of their stable and unstable manifolds. The potential considered here satisfies the strong force hypothesis which eliminates collision orbits. The details are given for 4-body type problems then generalized to n-body type problems.
Boundary value problems which have variational expressions in form of inequal ities can be divided into two main classes. The class of boundary value prob lems (BVPs) leading to variational inequalities and the class of BVPs leading to hemivariational inequalities. The first class is related to convex energy functions and has being studied over the last forty years and the second class is related to nonconvex energy functions and has a shorter research "life" beginning with the works of the second author of the present book in the year 1981. Nevertheless a variety of important results have been produced within the framework of the theory of hemivariational inequalities and their numerical treatment, both in Mathematics and in Applied Sciences, especially in Engineering. It is worth noting that inequality problems, i. e. BVPs leading to variational or to hemivariational inequalities, have within a very short time had a remarkable and precipitate development in both Pure and Applied Mathematics, as well as in Mechanics and the Engineering Sciences, largely because of the possibility of applying and further developing new and efficient mathematical methods in this field, taken generally from convex and/or nonconvex Nonsmooth Analy sis. The evolution of these areas of Mathematics has facilitated the solution of many open questions in Applied Sciences generally, and also allowed the formu lation and the definitive mathematical and numerical study of new classes of interesting problems.