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The Structures of the Life-World is the final focus of twenty-seven years of Alfred Schutz's labor, encompassing the fruits of his work between 1932 and his death in 1959. This book represents Schutz's seminal attempt to achieve a comprehensive grasp of the nature of social reality. Here he integrates his theory of relevance with his analysis of social structures. Thomas Luckmann, a former student of Schutz's, completed the manuscript for publication after Schutz's untimely death.
Der vorliegende Band der "Gesammelten Aufsatze" tragt den Titel "Studien zur Phanomenologischen Philosophie." In ihm sind Alfred Schutz' Interpretationen phanomenologischer Haupt them en enthalten. An dieser Stelle soIl nun nicht die Interpreta tion noch einmal ausgelegt werden. Vielmehr wollen wir fragen, we1che Stellung der Autor in der sogenannten "Phanomenolo gischen Bewegung" einnimmt. Schutz selbst bestimmt in einer personlichen Tonbandaufzeich nung! seinen Standort in der Phanomenologie und seine Herkunft aus den philosophischen Schulen der Studienzeit. "Ich traf den groBen Denker zum erstenmal 1932, als er schon lange keine Vorlesungen mehr hielt, zwolf Jahre nach dem Ende meines Studiums an der Universitat Wien. Mein Weg zur Philo sophie Husserls war, wie er selbst einmal sagte, hochst ungewohn lich. Seit meinen fruhesten Studientagen galt mein Interesse am meisten der philosophischen Grundlegung der Sozialwissenschaf ten, besonders der Soziologie. Zu jener Zeit stand ich noch ganz im Banne Max Webers, insbesondere war ich von seinen methodo logischen Schriften fasziniert. Ich erkannte jedoch bald, daB Max Weber die Werkzeuge, we1che er fur seine konkrete Forschung benotigte, zwar geschmiedet hatte, daB aber sein Hauptproblem - das Verstehen des subjektiven Sinnes einer sozialen Handlung fur den Handelnden selbst - noch der philosophischen Begriin dung bedurfe. Mein Lehrer der Rechtsphilosophie, Hans Kelsen, hatte den Versuch unternommen, eine so1che philosophische 1 Tonbandaufzeichnung.
This volume contains a translation of four early manuscripts by Alfred Schutz, unpublished at the time, written between 1924 and 1928. The publication of these four essays adds much to our knowledge and appreciation of the wide range of Schutz’s phenomenological and sociological interests. Originally published in 1987. The essays consist of: a challenging presentation of a phenomenology of cognition and a treatment of Bergson’s conceptions of images, duration, space time and memory; a discussion of the meanings connected with the grammatical forms of language in general; a consideration of the relation between meaning-contents and literary forms in poetry, literary prose narration and dramatic presentation; and an examination of resemblances and differences in the inner forms and characteristics of the major theatrical art forms.
The therapeutic interview approach looks at patients' experiences, emotions and values as the keys to understanding their suffering.
In this book, his major work, Alfred Schutz attempts to provide a sound philosophical basis for the sociological theories of Max Weber. Using a Husserlian phenomenology, Schutz provides a complete and original analysis of human action and its "intended meaning."
Any sound practical philosophy must be clear on practical concepts—concepts, in particular, of life, action, and practice. This clarity is Michael Thompson’s aim in his ambitious work. In Thompson’s view, failure to comprehend the structures of thought and judgment expressed in these concepts has disfigured modern moral philosophy, rendering it incapable of addressing the larger questions that should be its focus. In three investigations, Thompson considers life, action, and practice successively, attempting to exhibit these interrelated concepts as pure categories of thought, and to show how a proper exposition of them must be Aristotelian in character. He contends that the pure character of these categories, and the Aristotelian forms of reflection necessary to grasp them, are systematically obscured by modern theoretical philosophy, which thus blocks the way to the renewal of practical philosophy. His work recovers the possibility, within the tradition of analytic philosophy, of hazarding powerful generalities, and of focusing on the larger issues—like “life”—that have the power to revive philosophy. As an attempt to relocate crucial concepts from moral philosophy and the theory of action into what might be called the metaphysics of life, this original work promises to reconfigure a whole sector of philosophy. It is a work that any student of contemporary philosophy must grapple with.
Over a career spanning nearly seven decades, Jürgen Habermas - one of the most important European philosophers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries - has produced a prodigious and influential body of work. In this Lexicon, authored by an international team of scholars, over 200 entries define and explain the key concepts, categories, philosophemes, themes, debates, and names associated with the entire constellation of Habermas's thought. The entries explore the historical, philosophical and social-theoretic roots of these terms and concepts, as well as their intellectual and disciplinary contexts, to build a broad but detailed picture of the development and trajectory of Habermas as a thinker. The volume will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of Habermas, as well as for other readers in political philosophy, political science, sociology, international relations, cultural studies, and law.
The volume offers a comprehensive introduction to the sociology of time. Based on selected contributions from leading writers, it illustrates the range of issues and perspectives which define the field. The volume traces distinct traditions of time analysis in social science and uses these to explain, for example, the development of capitalist time-consciousness, the ways we structure time in organizations and institutions, and how our time perceptions change in line with changes in culture. The book is for those who wish to understand how time comes to condition our everyday actions and affairs.