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The utility of congruence lattices in revealing the structure of general algebras has been recognized since Garrett Birkhoff's pioneering work in the 1930s and 1940s. However, the results presented in this book are of very recent origin: most of them were developed in 1983. The main discovery presented here is that the lattice of congruences of a finite algebra is deeply connected to the structure of that algebra. The theory reveals a sharp division of locally finite varieties of algebras into six interesting new families, each of which is characterized by the behavior of congruences in the algebras. The authors use the theory to derive many new results that will be of interest not only to universal algebraists, but to other algebraists as well. The authors begin with a straightforward and complete development of basic tame congruence theory, a topic that offers great promise for a wide variety of investigations. They then move beyond the consideration of individual algebras to a study of locally finite varieties. A list of open problems closes the work.
The first three chapters of this work contain an exposition of the Wedderburn structure theorems. Chapter IV contains the theory of the commutator subalgebra of a simple subalgebra of a normal simple algebra, the study of automorphisms of a simple algebra, splitting fields, and the index reduction factor theory. The fifth chapter contains the foundation of the theory of crossed products and of their special case, cyclic algebras. The theory of exponents is derived there as well as the consequent factorization of normal division algebras into direct factors of prime-power degree. Chapter VI consists of the study of the abelian group of cyclic systems which is applied in Chapter VII to yield the theory of the structure of direct products of cyclic algebras and the consequent properties of norms in cyclic fields. This chapter is closed with the theory of $p$-algebras. In Chapter VIII an exposition is given of the theory of the representations of algebras. The treatment is somewhat novel in that while the recent expositions have used representation theorems to obtain a number of results on algebras, here the theorems on algebras are themselves used in the derivation of results on representations. The presentation has its inspiration in the author's work on the theory of Riemann matrices and is concluded by the introduction to the generalization (by H. Weyl and the author) of that theory. The theory of involutorial simple algebras is derived in Chapter X both for algebras over general fields and over the rational field. The results are also applied in the determination of the structure of the multiplication algebras of all generalized Riemann matrices, a result which is seen in Chapter XI to imply a complete solution of the principal problem on Riemann matrices.
The first book devoted to the general theory of finite von Neumann algebras.
Here, the eminent algebraist, Nathan Jacobsen, concentrates on those algebras that have an involution. Although they appear in many contexts, these algebras first arose in the study of the so-called "multiplication algebras of Riemann matrices". Of particular interest are the Jordan algebras determined by such algebras, and thus their structure is discussed in detail. Two important concepts also dealt with are the universal enveloping algebras and the reduced norm. However, the largest part of the book is the fifth chapter, which focuses on involutorial simple algebras of finite dimension over a field.
"The interplay between finite dimensional algebras and Lie theory dates back many years. In more recent times, these interrelations have become even more strikingly apparent. This text combines, for the first time in book form, the theories of finite dimensional algebras and quantum groups. More precisely, it investigates the Ringel-Hall algebra realization for the positive part of a quantum enveloping algebra associated with a symmetrizable Cartan matrix and it looks closely at the Beilinson-Lusztig-MacPherson realization for the entire quantum $\mathfrak{gl}_n$. The book begins with the two realizations of generalized Cartan matrices, namely, the graph realization and the root datum realization. From there, it develops the representation theory of quivers with automorphisms and the theory of quantum enveloping algebras associated with Kac-Moody Lie algebras. These two independent theories eventually meet in Part 4, under the umbrella of Ringel-Hall algebras. Cartan matrices can also be used to define an important class of groups--Coxeter groups--and their associated Hecke algebras. Hecke algebras associated with symmetric groups give rise to an interesting class of quasi-hereditary algebras, the quantum Schur algebras. The structure of these finite dimensional algebras is used in Part 5 to build the entire quantum $\mathfrak{gl}_n$ through a completion process of a limit algebra (the Beilinson-Lusztig-MacPherson algebra). The book is suitable for advanced graduate students. Each chapter concludes with a series of exercises, ranging from the routine to sketches of proofs of recent results from the current literature."--Publisher's website.
Lie superalgebras are a natural generalization of Lie algebras, having applications in geometry, number theory, gauge field theory, and string theory. Introduction to Finite and Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras and Superalgebras introduces the theory of Lie superalgebras, their algebras, and their representations. The material covered ranges from basic definitions of Lie groups to the classification of finite-dimensional representations of semi-simple Lie algebras. While discussing all classes of finite and infinite dimensional Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras in terms of their different classes of root systems, the book focuses on Kac-Moody algebras. With numerous exercises and worked examples, it is ideal for graduate courses on Lie groups and Lie algebras. Discusses the fundamental structure and all root relationships of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras and their finite and infinite dimensional representation theory Closely describes BKM Lie superalgebras, their different classes of imaginary root systems, their complete classifications, root-supermultiplicities, and related combinatorial identities Includes numerous tables of the properties of individual Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras Focuses on Kac-Moody algebras
Motivated by applications in theoretical computer science, the theory of finite semigroups has emerged in recent years as an autonomous area of mathematics. It fruitfully combines methods, ideas and constructions from algebra, combinatorics, logic and topology. In simple terms, the theory aims at a classification of finite semigroups in certain classes called “pseudovarieties”. The classifying characteristics have both structural and syntactical aspects, the general connection between them being part of universal algebra. Besides providing a foundational study of the theory in the setting of arbitrary abstract finite algebras, this book stresses the syntactical approach to finite semigroups. This involves studying (relatively) free and profinite free semigroups and their presentations. The techniques used are illustrated in a systematic study of various operators on pseudovarieties of semigroups.
These 34 papers cover topics ranging from various problems on varieties and other classes of algebras including categorical aspects and duality theory to the structure of finite algebras and clones on finite (or infinite) sets.As well as survey articles by invited speakers, the papers contain full proofs of new results not published elsewhere. The volume ends with a list of problems.
Extending Structures: Fundamentals and Applications treats the extending structures (ES) problem in the context of groups, Lie/Leibniz algebras, associative algebras and Poisson/Jacobi algebras. This concisely written monograph offers the reader an incursion into the extending structures problem which provides a common ground for studying both the extension problem and the factorization problem. Features Provides a unified approach to the extension problem and the factorization problem Introduces the classifying complements problem as a sort of converse of the factorization problem; and in the case of groups it leads to a theoretical formula for computing the number of types of isomorphisms of all groups of finite order that arise from a minimal set of data Describes a way of classifying a certain class of finite Lie/Leibniz/Poisson/Jacobi/associative algebras etc. using flag structures Introduces new (non)abelian cohomological objects for all of the aforementioned categories As an application to the approach used for dealing with the classification part of the ES problem, the Galois groups associated with extensions of Lie algebras and associative algebras are described
Accosiative rings and algebras are very interesting algebraic structures. In a strict sense, the theory of algebras (in particular, noncommutative algebras) originated fromasingleexample,namelythequaternions,createdbySirWilliamR.Hamilton in1843. Thiswasthe?rstexampleofanoncommutative”numbersystem”. During thenextfortyyearsmathematiciansintroducedotherexamplesofnoncommutative algebras, began to bring some order into them and to single out certain types of algebras for special attention. Thus, low-dimensional algebras, division algebras, and commutative algebras, were classi?ed and characterized. The ?rst complete results in the structure theory of associative algebras over the real and complex ?elds were obtained by T.Molien, E.Cartan and G.Frobenius. Modern ring theory began when J.H.Wedderburn proved his celebrated cl- si?cation theorem for ?nite dimensional semisimple algebras over arbitrary ?elds. Twenty years later, E.Artin proved a structure theorem for rings satisfying both the ascending and descending chain condition which generalized Wedderburn structure theorem. The Wedderburn-Artin theorem has since become a corn- stone of noncommutative ring theory. The purpose of this book is to introduce the subject of the structure theory of associative rings. This book is addressed to a reader who wishes to learn this topic from the beginning to research level. We have tried to write a self-contained book which is intended to be a modern textbook on the structure theory of associative rings and related structures and will be accessible for independent study.