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Within the compass of this substantial volume, a major study work, Dr. J. Sidlow Baxter points out the marvel of the structural design of the Scriptures. First examining the “architecture” of the Bible, he suggests the basic approach to, and expectation of what is to be gained by the study of Scriptures. He then makes clear how a certain fitness for delineating the spiritual truths of the Bible may be acquired - and so he leads the reader to understand the structure of the Bible as a whole. In the second part of his book, Dr. Baxter points to the two dispensations defined in John 1:17 and offers stimulating comparisons between the Old and New Testaments. Further chapters lead toward a clear understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Church, and the entire New Testament. Included in the text are useful outlines and tables to summarize key factors, figures, pronouncements and turning points which have pivotal or crucial significance in the total message of the Bible.
Keith Clouten has comprehensively researched the extent to which the Lord was involved in providing the inspired writings as we have them today. It is made clear that, though He oversaw the whole process, He didn’t puppeteer it. Moses, John, and all the Bible writers in between were God’s penmen, not pen. The principles of revelation and inspiration that shaped the biblical Canon carry over to the prophetic status and ministry of Ellen White. Clouten takes a balanced approach in emphasizing that her faulty humanity didn’t differ from that of David, Jonah, and others, or affect the legitimacy of her messages or fulfillment of the prediction in Joel 2:28. Readers of this valuable book will be stirred with a fresh appreciation for God and His immeasurable desire to teach His wayward children how He plans to redeem them.
Learn to Pray Targeted, Specific, Result-Oriented Prayers Prayer practitioners Eddie Smith and Michael L. Hennen identify twenty-seven principles that will equip you to pray more purposefully and effectively. Using them, you will focus on the Lord's answers rather than your requests understand strategies for a successful offensive grasp the critical importance of timing learn the enemy's goals and strategies and prepare for victory as God's glory is revealed Complete the practical survey that follows each principle to spiritually map your prayer target. Then use your map to effectively focus both personal and corporate prayer. This goal-based, proactive approach to prayer will bring results in individuals, churches, cities, and nations as you enter into partnership with God.
The Bible is a simple story told in a complex way. For anyone who has been intimidated at the thought of reading the entire Bible from beginning to end, this book should make that story easier to understand. Ancient biblical storytelling and symbolism are explained in clear, simple, everyday language to make the meaning easier for anyone to comprehend. The entire Bible was written so that everyone can know God's plan and how it has changed through the ages in response to the actions of mankind. Every book in the Bible is written for everyone to increase their learning and understanding, but not every book is written to everyone, and we must learn how to divide God's Word to understand what is relevant for today. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Tim. 2:15, emphasis added). This book will give you a basic understanding of the Bible and will teach you how to divide God's Word to make studying easier and less confusing. Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. (1 Cor. 15:1-4)
Reading Revelation Responsibly is for those who are confused by, afraid of, and/or preoccupied with the book of Revelation. In rescuing the Apocalypse from those who either completely misinterpret it or completely ignore it, Michael Gorman has given us both a guide to reading Revelation in a responsible way and a theological engagement with the text itself. He takes interpreting the book as a serious and sacred responsibility, believing how one reads, teaches, and preaches Revelation can have a powerful impact on one's own--and other people's--well-being. Gorman pays careful attention to the book's original historical and literary contexts, its connections to the rest of Scripture, its relationship to Christian doctrine and practice, and its potential to help or harm people in their life of faith. Rather than a script for the end times, Gorman demonstrates how Revelation is a script for Christian worship, witness, and mission that runs counter to culturally embedded civil religion.
How does your personal faith journey relate to the big picture of the Bible? Christians often encounter various Bible passages through unrelated readings, studies, and sermons, making it difficult to grasp the progression of Scripture as a whole. Living God's Word surveys the entire Bible through broad themes that trace the progression of God's redemptive plan, focusing on how each portion of Scripture fits into the overarching narrative. Once you see the Bible as a Great Story, you'll begin to see how your own life fits into what God has done and is doing in the world. Each section of Living God's Word deals with a section of Scripture and includes: Reading and listening preparation An explanation A summary Observations about theological significance Connections to the Great Story Written assignments for further study Living God's Word is ideal for introductory college courses, adult Sunday school classes, small groups, or anyone who wants to understand how their life fits into the story of the Bible, enabling them to live faithfully in deep and important ways.