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English: This fully translated edition of "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" includes: Full translation of original text to French. Original language and translation presented together. Dive into the heart of darkness with Robert Louis Stevenson's electrifying classic, "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Immerse yourself in the eerie world of Victorian London, where the brilliant Dr. Henry Jekyll's dangerous experiments unleash a malevolent alter ego, Mr. Edward Hyde. As the line between good and evil blurs, this chilling tale of duality and morality will grip you until the very end, leaving you questioning the limits of human nature and the darkness lurking within us all. Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey into the sinister depths of the human soul. This book is presented in English and French together, and is a great resource for those who are learning a new language. By reading the story in both languages, the reader can improve their language skills and build their vocabulary. Studies have shown that bilingualism can improve cognitive abilities such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and multitasking. Reading bilingual books can help to enhance these abilities. Overall, Lingo Libri books provide a range of benefits, from language learning to cultural awareness and cognitive development. They can be a valuable tool for anyone interested in improving their language skills. Français: Cette édition entièrement traduite de "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" comprend: Traduction intégrale du texte original en français. La langue originale et la traduction sont présentées ensemble. Plonge au coeur des ténèbres avec le classique électrisant de Robert Louis Stevenson, "L'étrange cas du docteur Jekyll et de M. Hyde". Plonge dans le monde sinistre du Londres victorien, où les dangereuses expériences du brillant docteur Henry Jekyll libèrent un alter ego malveillant, M. Edward Hyde. Alors que la frontière entre le bien et le mal s'estompe, cette histoire glaçante de dualité et de moralité te saisira jusqu'à la toute fin, te laissant interroger les limites de la nature humaine et les ténèbres qui se cachent en chacun de nous. Prépare-toi à un voyage inoubliable dans les profondeurs sinistres de l'âme humaine. Ce livre est présenté à la fois en anglais et en français, et constitue une excellente ressource pour ceux qui apprennent une nouvelle langue. En lisant l'histoire dans les deux langues, le lecteur peut améliorer ses compétences linguistiques et enrichir son vocabulaire. Des études ont montré que le bilinguisme peut améliorer les capacités cognitives telles que la résolution de problèmes, la pensée critique et le travail multitâche. La lecture de livres bilingues peut contribuer à améliorer ces capacités. Dans l'ensemble, les livres de Lingo Libri offrent toute une série d'avantages, de l'apprentissage de la langue à la sensibilisation culturelle et au développement cognitif. Ils peuvent constituer un outil précieux pour toute personne désireuse d'améliorer ses compétences linguistiques.
English: This fully translated edition of "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" includes: Full translation of original text to Spanish. Original language and translation presented together. Dive into the heart of darkness with Robert Louis Stevenson's electrifying classic, "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Immerse yourself in the eerie world of Victorian London, where the brilliant Dr. Henry Jekyll's dangerous experiments unleash a malevolent alter ego, Mr. Edward Hyde. As the line between good and evil blurs, this chilling tale of duality and morality will grip you until the very end, leaving you questioning the limits of human nature and the darkness lurking within us all. Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey into the sinister depths of the human soul. This book is presented in English and Spanish together, and is a great resource for those who are learning a new language. By reading the story in both languages, the reader can improve their language skills and build their vocabulary. Studies have shown that bilingualism can improve cognitive abilities such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and multitasking. Reading bilingual books can help to enhance these abilities. Overall, Lingo Libri books provide a range of benefits, from language learning to cultural awareness and cognitive development. They can be a valuable tool for anyone interested in improving their language skills. Español: Esta edición íntegramente traducida de "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" incluye: Traducción íntegra del texto original al español. Lengua original y traducción presentadas conjuntamente. Sumérgete en el corazón de las tinieblas con el electrizante clásico de Robert Louis Stevenson, "El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y el Sr. Hyde". Sumérgete en el espeluznante mundo del Londres victoriano, donde los peligrosos experimentos del brillante Dr. Henry Jekyll desencadenan un alter ego malévolo, el Sr. Edward Hyde. A medida que se difumina la línea entre el bien y el mal, esta escalofriante historia de dualidad y moralidad te atrapará hasta el final, dejándote cuestionándote los límites de la naturaleza humana y la oscuridad que nos acecha a todos. Prepárate para un viaje inolvidable a las siniestras profundidades del alma humana. Este libro se presenta en inglés y español conjuntamente, y es un gran recurso para quienes están aprendiendo un nuevo idioma. Al leer la historia en ambos idiomas, el lector puede mejorar sus habilidades lingüísticas y ampliar su vocabulario. Los estudios han demostrado que el bilingüismo puede mejorar capacidades cognitivas como la resolución de problemas, el pensamiento crítico y la multitarea. La lectura de libros bilingües puede ayudar a potenciar estas capacidades. En general, los libros de Lingo Libri aportan toda una serie de beneficios, desde el aprendizaje de idiomas hasta la concienciación cultural y el desarrollo cognitivo. Pueden ser una valiosa herramienta para cualquier persona interesada en mejorar sus conocimientos lingüísticos.
Carefully edited for modern readers to allow for easier reading Dr. Henry Jekyll, fascinated by the dichotomy of good and evil, no longer wants to inhibit his dark side. He concocts a potion to create the alter ego of Mr. Edward Hyde. With the burden of evil placed on Hyde, Jekyll can now take pleasure in his immoral, nefarious fantasies-free of conscience and guilt. It's when Hyde turns to murder that Jekyll realizes how monstrous his impulses are and how hard they are to suppress.
English: This fully translated edition of "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" includes: Full translation of original text to Italian. Original language and translation presented together. Dive into the heart of darkness with Robert Louis Stevenson's electrifying classic, "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Immerse yourself in the eerie world of Victorian London, where the brilliant Dr. Henry Jekyll's dangerous experiments unleash a malevolent alter ego, Mr. Edward Hyde. As the line between good and evil blurs, this chilling tale of duality and morality will grip you until the very end, leaving you questioning the limits of human nature and the darkness lurking within us all. Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey into the sinister depths of the human soul. This book is presented in English and Italian together, and is a great resource for those who are learning a new language. By reading the story in both languages, the reader can improve their language skills and build their vocabulary. Studies have shown that bilingualism can improve cognitive abilities such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and multitasking. Reading bilingual books can help to enhance these abilities. Overall, Lingo Libri books provide a range of benefits, from language learning to cultural awareness and cognitive development. They can be a valuable tool for anyone interested in improving their language skills. Italiano: Questa edizione completamente tradotta di "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" comprende: Traduzione integrale del testo originale in italiano. Lingua originale e traduzione presentate insieme. Tuffati nel cuore delle tenebre con l'elettrizzante classico di Robert Louis Stevenson, "Lo strano caso del dottor Jekyll e del signor Hyde". Immergiti nell'inquietante mondo della Londra vittoriana, dove i pericolosi esperimenti del brillante Dr. Henry Jekyll scatenano un alter ego maligno, Mr. Edward Hyde. Mentre il confine tra il bene e il male si confonde, questo agghiacciante racconto di dualità e moralità ti attanaglierà fino alla fine, lasciandoti interrogare sui limiti della natura umana e sull'oscurità che si cela dentro di noi. Preparati a un viaggio indimenticabile nelle sinistre profondità dell'animo umano. Questo libro è presentato in inglese e in italiano insieme, ed è una grande risorsa per chi sta imparando una nuova lingua. Leggendo la storia in entrambe le lingue, il lettore può migliorare le proprie competenze linguistiche e costruire il proprio vocabolario. Alcuni studi hanno dimostrato che il bilinguismo può migliorare le capacità cognitive come la risoluzione dei problemi, il pensiero critico e il multitasking. La lettura di libri bilingue può contribuire a migliorare queste capacità. Nel complesso, i libri Lingo Libri offrono una serie di vantaggi, dall'apprendimento della lingua alla consapevolezza culturale e allo sviluppo cognitivo. Possono essere uno strumento prezioso per chiunque sia interessato a migliorare le proprie competenze linguistiche.
In Robert Louis Stevenson's influential novel of mad science and criminal inquiry, attorney Gabriel John Utterson comes to the aid of Dr. Henry Jekyll, an old friend, only to find himself dragged from a world of genial hospitality into London's foreboding night, which is shrouded in shadows and fog—and stalked by the deranged Edward Hyde. Utterson's quest for truth is not only a detective story laden with twists, but an intense meditation on man's inherently dualistic nature, written in a style that often combines disturbing violence with restrained language typical of the Victorian era.
Robert Louis Stevenson was one of the greatest authors of the nineteenth century. Stevenson still ranks as one of the most translated authors in history. Classic books such as Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are still widely read today and have been made into many critically acclaimed films throughout the years. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a novella about a London lawyer who investigates interesting occurrences surrounding his friend Henry Jekyll and the mysterious Edward Hyde. The novella made the phrase "Jekyll and Hyde" famous.
English: This fully translated edition of "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" includes: Full translation of original text to German. Original language and translation presented together. Dive into the heart of darkness with Robert Louis Stevenson's electrifying classic, "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Immerse yourself in the eerie world of Victorian London, where the brilliant Dr. Henry Jekyll's dangerous experiments unleash a malevolent alter ego, Mr. Edward Hyde. As the line between good and evil blurs, this chilling tale of duality and morality will grip you until the very end, leaving you questioning the limits of human nature and the darkness lurking within us all. Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey into the sinister depths of the human soul. This book is presented in English and German together, and is a great resource for those who are learning a new language. By reading the story in both languages, the reader can improve their language skills and build their vocabulary. Studies have shown that bilingualism can improve cognitive abilities such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and multitasking. Reading bilingual books can help to enhance these abilities. Overall, Lingo Libri books provide a range of benefits, from language learning to cultural awareness and cognitive development. They can be a valuable tool for anyone interested in improving their language skills. Deutsch: Diese vollständig übersetzte Ausgabe von "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" enthält: Vollständige Übersetzung des Originaltextes ins Deutsche. Originalsprache und Übersetzung werden gemeinsam präsentiert. Tauche ein in das Herz der Dunkelheit mit Robert Louis Stevensons elektrisierendem Klassiker "Der seltsame Fall des Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde". Tauche ein in die unheimliche Welt des viktorianischen Londons, wo die gefährlichen Experimente des brillanten Dr. Henry Jekyll ein bösartiges Alter Ego, Mr. Edward Hyde, freisetzen. Die Grenze zwischen Gut und Böse verschwimmt, und diese schaurige Geschichte über Dualität und Moral wird dich bis zum Ende fesseln und dich die Grenzen der menschlichen Natur und die Dunkelheit, die in uns allen lauert, hinterfragen lassen. Mach dich gefasst auf eine unvergessliche Reise in die unheimlichen Tiefen der menschlichen Seele. Dieses Buch wird in Englisch und Deutsch präsentiert und ist eine großartige Ressource für diejenigen, die eine neue Sprache lernen. Indem der Leser die Geschichte in beiden Sprachen liest, kann er seine Sprachkenntnisse verbessern und seinen Wortschatz erweitern. Studien haben gezeigt, dass Zweisprachigkeit kognitive Fähigkeiten wie Problemlösung, kritisches Denken und Multitasking verbessern kann. Das Lesen zweisprachiger Bücher kann dazu beitragen, diese Fähigkeiten zu verbessern. Insgesamt bieten die Lingo Libri-Bücher eine Reihe von Vorteilen, vom Erlernen der Sprache bis hin zum kulturellen Bewusstsein und zur kognitiven Entwicklung. Sie können ein wertvolles Hilfsmittel für jeden sein, der seine Sprachkenntnisse verbessern möchte.
This Top Five Classics edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde includes: • More than 20 illustrations by Charles Raymond Macauley • Introduction • Author bio and bibliography Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, first published in 1886, has been and remains one of the most well-known works of popular fiction in the English language, having spawned hundreds of dramatic adaptations and inspired countless other works—beginning with the first stage production less than a year after the original book was published. It is also one of the most widely translated works in English literature. But if you’ve never read Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, you might be surprised at just how riveting the tale remains—as well as how different it is from what you’ve come to expect.