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This is the tale of William Wallace, who saved his country's honour in its darkest days. He will not be forgotten for as long as Scotland exists.
This book examines literary examples concerning William Wallace against the background of various historical sources and evaluates the construction, the changes, and the relevance of this Scottish national myth.For over 700 years, William Wallace has been fascinating people. What he achieved for his country is almost unbelievable. Already during his lifetime, Wallace's reputation must have been legendary. Over the centuries, a powerful myth has been created around his person, which was fostered by diverse writers, and even by Hollywood. There have been several periods throughout Scottish history when the interest in William Wallace intensified enormously, resulting in an increase of literary publications on the freedom fighter. These climaxes appeared whenever the Scots were dissatisfied with the English rule and brought the old animosity between England and Scotland to new life. These tensions caused many writers to revive memories of Wallace and his ideals by projecting the medieval story into their own time. Thus, more and more bits and pieces were added to the myth whose message seems to have had tremendous effects on the Scots. Wallace's unfulfilled quest of freeing Scotland even became an issue in several programs of political parties.With the release of the film "Braveheart" in the mid-1990s, the Wallace cult was reborn once more. Was it the prevailing political situation that stimulated such an overwhelming enthusiasm for William Wallace again? Did the Wallace myth influence the Devolution Movement? Is Wallace's spirit still alive today? Do the Scots still cherish what he fought for, and will they finally achieve his goal of a fully independent Scottish Nation? With regard to the current political situation, the author finds interesting answers to these questions and discusses the chances for a possible Scottish independence.
Sir William Wallace of Ellerslie is one of history's greatest heroes, but also one of its greatest enigmas - a shadowy figure whose edges have been blurred by myth and legend. Even the date and place of his birth have been mis-stated - until now. James Mackay uses all his skills as a historical detective to produce this definitive biography, telling the incredible story of a man who, without wealth or noble birth, rose to become Guardian of Scotland. William Wallace, with superb generalship and tactical genius, led a country with no previous warlike tradition to triumph gloriously over the much larger, better-armed and better-trained English forces. Seven hundred years later, the heroism and betrayal, the valiant deeds and the dark atrocities, and the struggle of a small nation against a brutal and powerful empire, still create a compelling tale.
William Wallace of Elderslie, younger son of a country knight, came to fame through his active opposition to the aggressive imperialism of England's King Edward I. This work cuts through the myths still perpetuated today to produce a biography of Wallace driven by contemporary medieval records rather than Victorian legends.
Reproduction of the original: Sir William Wallace by A. F. Murison
At the turn of the fourteenth century in Scotland, young Archie Forbes becomes involved with both William Wallace and Robert the Bruce in the struggle for Scottish independence from English rule.
William Wallace has always been one of the great heroes of Scottish history. By no means prepared by birth, education or training for leadership, Wallace nevertheless rose to prominence during the Wars of Independence, leading forces which broke the sequence of English victories and inspiring his countrymen in the process. While others yielded and collaborated, Wallace set an example of constancy and perseverence and became the Guardian of Scotland. Even his terrible death in London in 1305 can be seen as a victory as it provided inspiration for the continuance of the struggle against English domination. Despite Wallace's almost mythical status, modern-day perceptions of him are not always based on objective analysis of the historical facts. In this revised and expanded edition of his best-selling biography, Andrew Fisher investigates the man and his times to create a more authentic picture of Wallace than has ever been available previously.
The film Braveheart was a great inspiration to people all over the world. This is the true story of Braveheart, William Wallace, Scotland's great liberator. Ross chronicles his effect on the landscape of Scotland as we know it today. This book will hold the attention of the casual reader and entice the more knowledgeable historian.
The Wallace catalogs the sheer brutality of war. We are regaled with such detailed accounts of the sacking of towns and the burning down of buildings full of screaming inhabitants that the smells and sounds, as well as the terrible sights, of war are graphically conveyed in language which seems designed not only to express Wallace's rage and Hary's antipathy but also to incite hatred of the English in his readers.