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This book is one of the many Islamic publications distributed by Mustafa Organization throughout the world in different languages with the aim of conveying the message of Islam to the people of the world. Mustafa Organization is a registered Organization that operates and is sustained through collaborative efforts of volunteers in many countries around the world, and it welcomes your involvement and support. Its objectives are numerous, yet its main goal is to spread the truth about the Islamic faith in general and the Shi`a School of Thought in particular due to the latter being misrepresented, misunderstood and its tenets often assaulted by many ignorant folks, Muslims and non-Muslims. Organization's purpose is to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge through a global medium, the Internet, to locations where such resources are not commonly or easily accessible or are resented, resisted and fought!
In 680 C.E., a small band of the Prophet Muhammads family and their followers, led by his grandson, Husain, rose up in a rebellion against the ruling caliph, Yazid. The family and its supporters, hopelessly outnumbered, were massacred at Karbala, in modern-day Iraq. The story of Karbala is the cornerstone of institutionalized devotion and mourning for millions of Shii Muslims. Apart from its appeal to the Shii community, invocations of Karbala have also come to govern mystical and reformist discourses in the larger Muslim world. Indeed, Karbala even serves as the archetypal resistance and devotional symbol for many non-Muslims. Until now, though, little scholarly attention has been given to the widespread and varied employment of the Karbala event. In Reliving Karbala, Syed Akbar Hyder examines the myriad ways that the Karbala symbol has provided inspiration in South Asia, home to the worlds largest Muslim population. Rather than a unified reading of Islam, Hyder reveals multiple, sometimes conflicting, understandings of the meaning of Islamic religious symbols like Karbala. He ventures beyond traditional, scriptural interpretations to discuss the ways in which millions of very human adherents express and practice their beliefs. By using a panoramic array of sources, including musical performances, interviews, nationalist drama, and other literary forms, Hyder traces the evolution of this story from its earliest historical origins to the beginning of the twenty-first century. Today, Karbala serves as a celebration of martyrdom, a source of personal and communal identity, and even a tool for political protest and struggle. Hyder explores how issues related to gender, genre, popular culture, class, and migrancy bear on the cultivation of religious symbols. He assesses the manner in which religious language and identities are negotiated across contexts and continents. At a time when words like martyrdom, jihad, and Shiism are being used and misused for political reasons, this book provides much-needed scholarly redress. Through his multifaceted examination of this seminal event in Islamic history, Hyder offers an original, complex, and nuanced view of religious symbols.
“Oh, Allah, You are my only trust in every calamity. You are my only hope in every hardship. You are the only promise in anxiety and distress, in which hearts become weak and (human) action becomes slight, whereby one is deserted and forsaken by his own friends, and the enemies take malicious pleasure and rejoice at his misfortunes. Oh, Allah, I submit myself to You. My complaint is to You alone against my enemies, and to You alone is my desire and request. Who else other than You can relieve me from grief? You alone are the custodian of every blessing and the master of every excellence and the last resort for every desire.” —the prayer of the Imam-Husayn (AS) on the Day of Ashura
John L. Esposito is one of America's leading authorities on Islam. Now, in this brilliant portrait of Islam today--and tomorrow--he draws on a lifetime of thought and research to sweep away the negative stereotypes and provide an accurate, richly nuanced, and revelatory account of the fastest growing religion in the world. Here Esposito explores the major questions and issues that face Islam in the 21st century and that will deeply affect global politics. Are Islam and the West locked in a deadly clash of civilizations? Is Islam compatible with democracy and human rights? Will religious fundamentalism block the development of modern societies in the Islamic world? Will Islam overwhelm the Western societies in which so many Muslim immigrants now reside? Will Europe become Eurabia or will the Muslims assimilate? Which Muslim thinkers will be most influential in the years to come? To answer this last question he introduces the reader to a new generation of Muslim thinkers--Tariq Ramadan, Timothy Winter, Mustafa Ceric, Amina Wadud, and others--a diverse collection of Muslim men and women, both the "Martin Luthers" and the "Billy Grahams" of Islam. We meet religious leaders who condemn suicide bombing and who see the killing of unarmed men, women, and children as "worse than murder," who preach toleration and pluralism, who advocate for women's rights. The book often underscores the unexpected similarities between the Islamic world and the West and at times turns the mirror on the US, revealing how we appear to Muslims, all to highlight the crucial point that there is nothing exceptional about the Muslim faith. Recent decades have brought extraordinary changes in the Muslim world, and in addressing all of these issues, Esposito paints a complex picture of Islam in all its diversity--a picture of urgent importance as we face the challenges of the coming century.
How a Christian called al-Wahhab fought on the side of Imam Husayn at Karbala against the forces of darkness. That battle between tyranny and freedom took place long ago but it continues today. All sincere believers, Christians and Muslims alike, can join in.
"Surely, whoever follows me will be martyred. Whoever does not follow me will not witness the Triumph." These were some of Imam Hussain's last words before leaving Medina. He set out from Medina towards Kufa, and ultimately to Karbala, knowing the great sacrifice that he would make. He foretold of his fate and knew that his movement will only result in a crushing military defeat. But he also knew the great value - the great triumph - that was to be gained. He set out not to achieve any immediate results or short term goals. Rather, his movement was meant to build an eternal legacy and achieve lasting reform in the nation of his grandfather. But what and how did Imam Hussain reform the nation of his grandfather? Why did Imam Hussain sacrifice as he did? What was the context in which this sacrifice and tragedy took place? What was the role of the remainder of the Household of the Prophet before and after the tragedy? What was Imam Hussain's goal and how did he triumph despite the grand massacre? Understanding Karbala is an in depth historical and theological analysis that attempts to answer these far-reaching questions about Imam Hussain's movement. Based on the work of Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Saeed al-Hakeem, the book looks at the driving factors behind Imam Hussain's journey. It sets the theological framework for studying the movement of the Household of Prophet Muhammad, and then begins to analyze their choices as seen in their words and actions, as well as the historical context in which they operated. The book also looks at the great triumph Imam Hussain aimed for and was able to achieve through his movement. By studying the short and long term effects of the grand tragedy, the book sheds light on Imam Hussain's objectives and achievements, and how the remainder of the Household of the Prophet worked to preserve that triumph.
The book, Imām Ḥusayn The Savior of Islam, compiled by Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi, contains seven sections that discuss different aspects related to the event of Karbalâ. In addition, six sections are written or translated by either Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi or Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi. Husayn – The Heir of the Divine Guides (by Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi), takes a general look at the event of Karbalâ in a very factual way. It answers questions such as ‘Who was Imam Husayn?’ ‘What did he do?’, ‘Against whom?’, and ‘Why?’. Due to its factual nature, this section of the book can easily be used in an Islamic History class, since it provides an accurate historical account of what took place through the Shî`ah perspective. The language used is also quite simple and easy for children and adults alike to understand. The Martyr – An Analysis (by Ayatullah Mutahhari, translated by Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi), discusses the status and sanctity of martyrdom in Islam, using Imam Husayn as an example. This chapter provides the reader with a much deeper insight into the issue of martyrdom and even jihad, even exploring the rationale and way of thinking of a martyr. Furthermore, it puts into perspective the struggle of Imam Husayn and reminds us of his greater mission. The Martyrs of Karbalâ (by Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi), is once again quite factual, in that it lists the names of the people martyred in Karbalâ according to: their tribe, their relation to Imam Husayn a, whether they died in Karbalâ or afterwards, and their relationship to the other martyrs. In my view, this section would probably be of most use to a young scholar who is conducting research on the event. The Family of Imam Husayn (by Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi), sheds some light on the women and children in Imam Husayn’s a family, particularly about their cultural and familial origins. Hind or Uraynab, A Good Example of Umayyad Propaganda (by Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi), is perhaps the most distinct in the entire book. It discusses the narration of an event involving the marriage of Imam Hasan or Imam Husayn to a woman named Uraynab or Hind, who chose to marry the Imam instead of Yazîd. Thus, the narration implies that the conflict between Imam Husayn and Yazîd originated due to a fight over a woman, and had little to do with ‘the Truth’. However, what is strange about this narration is that it has six uniquely different versions. In order to indicate the various flaws in the event, the author chooses to analyze and crosscheck all six of the narrations, and to evaluate them historically. In doing so, the author successfully illustrates an example of an Umayyad-fabricated narration, which happens to have no basis whatsoever. The Selected Sayings and Letters of Imam Husayn, (by Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi). In most of theses letters and sayings, Imam defines and again re-defines his purpose of traveling to Karbalâ, for example he says: “I am not rising (against Yazîd) as an insolent, or an arrogant [person], or a mischief-monger or as a tyrant. I have risen as I seek to reform the ummah of my grandfather. I wish to bid the good and forbid the evil …”. The Life of Imam Husayn, which happens to be the longest section of the book, and is reproduced from Shaykh al-Mufid’s Kitãb al-Irshãd (translated by Doctor I. K. A. Howard). It is a semi-detailed account of the entire life of the Imam, starting from his birth, going on to talk about the period of his khilafa, to the cause of his death and his place of burial. It then includes a chronological list on the life of all fourteen Ma`sûmîn.
Hussain is a man whose story has transcended generations and borders for over 1300 years. Hussain's selfless pursuit for moral justice in the face of brutal oppression has inspired hope for millions. The battle of Karbala, where Hussain and his loyal companions bravely stood against an army of thousands, forever changed the course of history. As we remember the tragedy of Karbala, one wonders how the intricacies of this story, that we hear every year, reached us? How do we know exactly what happened on? How do we know the names of those who fought and died alongside Imam Hussain? How do we know of the dialogue that happened in Karbala both during the battle and the night prior among the tents of Imam and how did all this information reached us? In this book we shall be exploring the brief history of the that is the narration of Karbala. A brief description of major events after the tragedy of Karbala have been presented.