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Hermann Cohen was a star pupil of the great composer/pianist Franz Liszt in Paris in the mid 1800s. Cohen became an international concert pianist in his own right and mixed with many of the famous names of the day. He provided piano accompaniment for Giovanni Mateo De Candia ( Mario), the Pavarotti of his day, on concert platforms in Paris and London. After converting to Catholicism, Cohen became a Carmelite and preached throughout Europe. In1862, he officially restored the Carmelite Order to England (Kensington Church and Priory). In France, he became friends with many future French saints. These will all be mentioned in the course of our story. One of his many Canticles, the The Divine Prisoner`s Little Flower, greatly influenced St. Thrse of Lisieux, often known as the Little Flower. Cohen inspired Raphael Kalinowski to turn from a worldly life and become a Carmelite like himself. Timothy wrote a biography of St. Raphael Kalinowski published last year by Balboa Press. In Timothy Tierney`s book you will witness, through his rich and fluent narrative, the encounter with Cohen, a genius who savoured the intoxicating highs of success as an artist and the despairing depths of a gambler enslaved by his addictions.. Through music, the atheistic Cohen experienced and discovered the spiritual realm (Luis Jorge Gonzalez, OCD, emeritus professor of the Teresianum, Rome).
Everyday Holiness presents the spiritual journey to and with Christ as possible, noble, challenging, and rewarding. It describes the many aspects of holiness and how it is essential to our growth in Christ. Holiness is the most important developmental area in life and the greatest goal to which we can aspire. The Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales wrote: "All of us can attain Christian virtue and holiness no matter in what condition of life we live and no matter what our life's work may be." This book should be read slowly, prayerfully, and seriously. It invites us to ponder the meaning of life and how holiness benefits every aspect of our church, our society, and ourselves. Because all good things lead to God, the book infuses a deeper meaning into the ordinary circumstances of daily life, thus showing how holiness is not a static reality but a dynamic force that transforms every aspect of our day. The book is replete with concrete examples and practical illustrations that show how living holiness is possible today. Indeed, holiness is our greatest need, deepest joy, and hardest challenge. Everyday Holiness is for everyone who wants to love God more and serve him better.
Roy Schoeman, a Jewish convert to Catholicism, and best-selling author of Salvation Is From The Jews, once again shows the clear links between Judaism and Catholicism in these inspiring stories of sixteen Jews who became "fulfilled Jews", as Schoeman says, through their spiritual journeys to the Catholic Church. The sixteen people whose stories are told here are a variety of Jews, including some who came from secularized, liberal or even atheistic backgrounds, while others came from Orthodox Judaism. Some were well trained Jews, others unschooled in Judaism; some rich and wildly successful, others down and out. But their common link was they all had a profound longing for God that gave them no peace until they found God Himself in the Catholic Church. Some of these converts are famous people like Edith Stein, Alphonse Ratisbonne, Karl Stern, and Rabbi Zolli, while others are less well known, but all have powerful stories of life-changing spiritual transformations. Roy Schoeman's work, Honey from the Rock illuminates the essential link between the Jewish faith and Catholicism through the lives of those who were born into the Jewish faith and have come to know the fulfillment of their faith in Christ and His Catholic Church. I recommend Honey from the Rock to anyone who desires to understand the revealed faith of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, which is fulfilled in Jesus Christ and His Mystical Body, the Church. Honey from the Rock illustrates in a most concrete way the truth expounded so well by Roy Schoeman in his earlier work, Salvation is from the Jews, which I also wholeheartedly recommend. Raymond L. Burke, Archbishop of Saint Louis This book is far more than just another collection of conversion stories. It is a spiritual pathway with each story creating a stepping stone to transformation. These life changing encounters will deepen your faith and provide insights into the riches of the Catholic Church. It is filled with Jewish wit and wisdom and climaxes in the radical transformation of conversion. I highly recommend this book to all who wish to grow deeper and learn about the Faith from a Jewish point of view. You won't be disappointed! Brother Bob Fishman - B.S.C.D. Roy Schoeman has given us all a great gift in showing us the mysterious and wonderful ways in which Y'shua, the Messianic Son of David, and His Mother Miryam continue to speak deeply to the longing hearts of that people to whom, more than all others, we Gentiles owe an incalculable debt. Mark Shea, Senior Content Editor, God's covenant with Israel was neither revoked nor abolished. It was fulfilled in Jesus Christ, and Honey from the Rock is powerful proof of that fulfillment. Israel's prayer and piety, vocation and sacrifice - all are transformed as they are restored. All find their completion in the lives we encounter here. Pope Pius XI put it well when he said that Spiritually we are Semites. May all Catholics be enriched by this movement of the Spirit, because for us it's a movement homeward Scott Hahn, author, Rome Sweet Home This is a gripping book sketching powerfully the Jewish metaphysical restlessness that nothing can satisfy until they taste Honey from the Divine Rock and recognize in Christ the King of the Jews and the Roman Catholic church as fulfillment of Judaism. This book is a constellation made up of sixteen sons and daughters of Israel for whom overwhelming talents, wordly success, money, pleasure brought nothing but despair. Each one of them had its own path; but what is striking is the role played by the Holy Virgin and the holy hunger for the Eucharist in some of the most amazing conversions. This book will bring joy to its readers and rekindle their hope in the power of G
Beiser's intellectual biography comprehensively and accessibly maps out Herman Cohen's intellectual development over seven decades. Maintaining that most interpretations have failed to appreciate the philosophical depth and sophistication of Cohen's Judaism, Beiser argues that his religion was in fact consistent with his radical rationalism.
A collection of papers, this volume deals with different aspects of Cohen's thought, ethical, political, aesthetic, and religious aspects in particular. It represents attempts to follow the ubiquitous presence of certain important themes in Cohen and their capacity for containing meanings that cannot be limited to a single philosophical sphere.
Having been out of print for half a century, the original text is here re-edited and enhanced by scholarly perspectives and updated and corrected in the light of knowledge which was not available to the author at the time. Book includes 9 photos. More Information Enriched by a broader range of contemporary literature about the philosopher, educator, spiritual writer, and victim of the catastrophe that engulfed her as part of her Jewish people, this new presentation of the biography everyone cites so frequently brings the reader closer to the real Edith Stein. The editors have avoided weighing down this engaging life story with intrusive scholarly notes and commentaries. Instead they have relegated such material to a separate section of “Gleanings.” This gives the reader the option of enjoying the biography unencumbered by supplementary matter or delving into the Gleanings when desired. The three editors/translators are close to the Stein family as well as to her Carmelite family which she entered in 1933. Susanne Batzdorff is Edith Stein’s niece, who has known her in person. Josephine Koeppel and John Sullivan are both Carmelites who have occupied themselves with the life and work of the saint and have talked with several Carmelite religious who lived with Edith Stein. Complementing their notes and comments that deepen the knowledge of the famous phenomenologist and Carmelite is an insightful “Foreword” contributed by Sr. Amata Neyer, OCD, who knew Posselt personally. She has served as prioress of the Cologne Carmel and as archivist for its Edith Stein Archive.
First published in 1966, this book chronicles a full eight centuries of the Carmelite tradition, from the order’s beginnings as a group of lay hermits on Mount Carmel through St. Teresa of Avila’s Discalced Carmelite Reform in the 16th century, to Carmel’s rich diversity today. Since the appearance of this work, important new discoveries in the study of Carmelite history have come to the fore. New scholarly research, for example, would call for a revision of some sections of this book, notably the account of the origins of the Carmelites and related dates and figures, as well a more nuanced picture of the beginnings of the Teresian Reform. In the meantime, Journey to Carith remains unsurpassed as a concise and readable overview both of the origins of the order and of the Discalced Carmelites in particular. It is a fascinating account of one of the oldest religious families in the Christian West, with a uniquely important spiritual tradition.
"Little known outside his native Poland, Joseph Kalinowski (Raphael of St Joseph. OCD) was born in 1835 and became, by turns, an engineer, a military officer, a leader in the 1863 insurrection against Russian domination, an exile in Siberia, a tutor, and eventually a Discalced Carmelite priest. ..." [from back cover}