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The star formation histories and evolution of 70 dwarf irregular galaxies that reside in differing local and global environments are investigated. Local environment is defined by the local galaxy number density, where high indicates at least one neighbor within 200 kpc and low indicates no neighbors within 1 Mpc. Global environment is classified as either the field or a galaxy group / cluster. The shallow gravitational potentials of these galaxies are more susceptible to changes in morphology and dynamics by external perturbations, making dwarf irregular galaxies ideal candidates for a study on the role of environment in galaxy evolution. Absolute magnitudes, colors, central surface brightnesses, and star formation rates were compared using UBVRIJHK and Halpha photometry. With a high degree of statistical significance, galaxies in local high density environments have brighter central and effective surface brightnesses, while those in global high density environments have brighter absolute magnitudes, central and effective surface brightnesses, and higher star formation rates. However, no difference is seen among the different environments when considering star formation rates normalized by HI mass. Sersic profiles were fit to the V and R band surface brightness profiles of the galaxies. No correlation exists between structural characteristics and environment. Spectral energy distribution models were generated by varying the rate of stellar formation and amplitude to replicate periodic burst and constant star formation rate scenarios. Of the 28 galaxies for which star formation history analysis was performed, roughly half were well fit by one of the models. Periodic burst systems account for roughly half of those galaxies, with the remaining galaxies being better represented by continuously star forming systems. The star formation histories are uncorrelated with both local and global environmental classifications. Numerical simulations provide insight into the effects of differing gravitational environments, and indicate global environment having a larger influence on the physical properties of a dwarf galaxy. The star formation histories and structural properties of dwarf irregular galaxies were found to be independent of environment, indicating that cluster membership and proximity to a neighboring galaxy have no systematic long-term effects on the evolution of the objects in this study.
Star-formation is one of the key processes that shape the current state and evolution of galaxies. This volume provides a comprehensive presentation of the different methods used to measure the intensity of recent or on-going star-forming activity in galaxies, discussing their advantages and complications in detail. It includes a thorough overview of the theoretical underpinnings of star-formation rate indicators, including topics such as stellar evolution and stellar spectra, the stellar initial mass function, and the physical conditions in the interstellar medium. The authors bring together in one place detailed and comparative discussions of traditional and new star-formation rate indicators, star-formation rate measurements in different spatial scales, and comparisons of star-formation rate indicators probing different stellar populations, along with the corresponding theoretical background. This is a useful reference for students and researchers working in the field of extragalactic astrophysics and studying star-formation in local and higher-redshift galaxies.
Dwarf galaxy research constitutes an extremely vibrant field of astrophysical research, with many long-standing questions still unsettled and new ones constantly arising. The intriguing diversity of the dwarf galaxy population, observed with advanced ground-based and space-borne observatories over a wide spectral window providing an unprecedented level of detail, poses new challenges for both observers and theoreticians. The aim of this symposium was to bring together these two groups to exchange ideas and new results on the many evolutionary aspects of and open issues concerning dwarf galaxies. The main topics addressed include: the birth of dwarf galaxies: theoretical concepts and observable relics across wavelengths and time, the morphological, structural and chemical evolution of dwarf galaxies, possible evolutionary connections between early-type and late-type dwarfs, the star formation history of dwarf galaxies and its dependence on intrinsic and environmental properties, the origin and implications of starburst activity in dwarf galaxies, the fate of dwarfish systems born out of tidally ejected matter in galaxy collisions.
Although low-mass metal-poor galaxies in the local universe have often been proposed as the 'primordial building blocks' in the hierarchical scenario of structure formation, several lines of evidence suggest that this may not be true. Moreover, it is not clear to what extent dwarf galaxies, because they are metal poor and because of their kinematics and structure, can tell us about how star formation proceeded in the early universe. This volume provides an overview and the most recent advances in this debate. IAU Symposium 255 presents the most up-to-date developments in six key areas, including: Population III and metal-free star formation; metal-enrichment, chemical evolution and feedback; explosive events in low-metallicity environments; dust and gas as seeds for metal-poor star formation; metal-poor initial mass functions, stellar evolution and star-formation histories; and low-metallicity star formation in the local universe. This overview is at a level suitable for research astronomers and graduate students.
Galaxy evolution depends on a diverse suite of factors, from the environment in which the galaxy exists to the number of supernovae that explode throughout its history. The structure and stellar populations present will also be altered by a galaxy's merger history, stellar mass, star formation rate, among other influences. Some factors, like mergers, are dependent on the environment of the galaxy, while others, like feedback from star formation, are intrinsic to the galaxy themselves. Dwarf galaxies are sensitive to many of these factors due to their smaller masses, hence shallower potential wells. Dwarfs are also interesting in themselves as the least massive structures that can form stars, forming the faint limit of galaxy types. There is some indication that the evolutionary pathway of dwarfs might be different than their more massive counterparts. Indeed, some dwarfs may be the stripped remnants of larger galaxy after a major interaction. Regardless, dwarfs are thought to be the building blocks of larger galaxies via hierarchical galaxy formation and understanding these small dwarfs helps us build a more complete picture of galaxy formation and evolution at all masses. As dwarfs generally have low stellar mass, they are very faint. Our most complete sample of dwarfs is therefore restricted to those that are nearby. These nearby systems are dominated by dwarfs satellite to the Milky Way and M31. However, the evolution of these satellites will be greatly influenced by their massive host. By studying nearby isolated dwarfs, we can try to separate the secular evolutionary processes of dwarfs from the influence of their larger host. Additionally, stellar populations can be resolved in these nearby galaxies, and so their structures can be probed to much fainter regimes than integrated light studies allow.The Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy (Sag DIG) is one of the most isolated, low mass galaxies, located at the edge of the Local Group. Its isolation from other galaxies coupled with its relative proximity provide an excellent opportunity to study the intrinsic properties of this low mass system. We preform an in-depth analysis of its resolved stellar populations and its structural properties as the first galaxy in the larger dataset, Solitary Local Dwarfs Survey (Solo). Solo is a wide field photometric study targeting every isolated dwarf galaxy within 3 Mpc of the Milky Way. Solo is based on (u)gi multi-band imaging from CFHT/MegaCam for northern targets, and Magellan/Megacam for southern targets. All galaxies fainter than M ~ -18 (in the V band) situated beyond the nominal virial radius of the Milky Way and M31 (> 300 kpc) are included in this volume-limited sample, for a total of 42 targets. For Sag DIG, we provide updated estimates of its central surface brightness and integrated luminosity, and trace its surface brightness profile to a level fainter than 30 mag./sq.arcsec. Sag DIG is well described by a highly elliptical (disk-like) system following a single component Sersic model. However, a low-level distortion is present at the outer edges of the galaxy that, were Sag DIG not so isolated, would likely be attributed to some kind of previous tidal interaction. Further, we find evidence of an extremely low level, extended distribution of stars beyond ~5 arcmins (> 1.5 kpc) that suggests Sag DIG may be embedded in a very low density stellar halo. We compare the stellar and HI structures of Sag DIG, and discuss results for this galaxy in relation to other isolated, dwarf irregular galaxies in the Local Group. Sag DIG, and the similarly isolated dwarf Aquarius, both have HI distributions that are more circular than their stellar components. In contrast, Wolf - Lundmark - Mellote (WLM), another isolated but slightly more massive dwarf, has stellar and HI components that trace each other well. Sag DIG and Aquarius also differ in that there is no signature of rotation in the HI of Sag DIG, while there is clear rotation in both the HI and stellar component for Aquarius. These preliminary comparisons demonstrate some of the potential analysis which will be possible on a much larger scale with the full Solo Survey.
This timely book presents an overview of the galaxies within the Local Volume, including the Local Group and our closest neighbours, the Andromeda Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds. Presented here are the latest results from radio, infrared and optical surveys as well as detailed multi-wavelength studies of individual galaxies. The book aims to provide a vibrant forum for presentations and discussions across a broad range of astrophysical topics.