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The world of literature responds to the "spirit of carnival" in ways that are both social and cultural, mythological and archetypal. Literature provides a mirror in which carnival is reflected and refracted through the multifarious perspectives of verbal art. In his original, wide-ranging book, David K. Danow catches the various reflections in that mirror, from the bright, life-affirming magical side of carnival, as revealed in the literature of Latin American writers, to its dark, grotesque, death-embracing aspect as illustrated in numerous novels depicting the dire experience of the Second World War. The remarkable meshing of these two diametrically opposed yet inextricably intertwined facets of literature (and of life) makes for an intriguing sphere of investigation, for the carnival spirit is animated by a human need to dissolve borders and eliminate boundaries—including, symbolically, those between life and death—in an ongoing effort to merge opposing forces into new configurations of truth and meaning. Expanding upon the seminal ideas of Mikhail Bakhtin, carnival, argues Danow, is designed to allow one extreme to flow into another, to provide for one polarity (official culture) to confront its opposite (unofficial culture), much as individuals engage in dialogue. In this case the result is "dialogized carnival" or "carnivalized dialogue." In their artmaking, Danow claims, human beings are animated by a periodic predisposition toward the bright side of carnival, matched by an equally strong, far darker predilection. Carnival forms of thinking are firmly embedded within the human psyche as archetypal patterns. In this engaging exploratory book, we are shown the distinctive imprint of these primordial structures within a multitude of seemingly disparate literary works.
Carnival of the Spirit is a vibrant synergy of African Spirituality, folktales, and kitchen-table wisdom in an exuberant tribute to world holidays and nature's four seasons. Luisah Teish serves up stories of her own family's traditions along with festivals from all over the world-from the Lily Festival in Japan to the Yam Festival in West Africa, from intimate family gatherings to Mardi Gras in New Orleans, and from traditional European holidays to sacred African rituals.
Carnival of the Spirit is a vibrant synergy of African Spirituality, folktales, and kitchen-table wisdom in an exuberant tribute to world holidays and nature's four seasons. Luisah Teish serves up stories of her own family's traditions along with festivals from all over the world-from the Lily Festival in Japan to the Yam Festival in West Africa, from intimate family gatherings to Mardi Gras in New Orleans, and from traditional European holidays to sacred African rituals.
Carnival songs resemble a tabloid newspaper in their verve, spirit and range of themes. They are a measure of social change and an annual summary of events and opinion. The songs involve considerable artistry and are renowned as well for their raucous humor and vulgar concerns. (Promiscuity and sexual misalliances are common subjects.) Banned by Franco during the Spanish Civil War, the Cádiz carnival began a revival in the 1960's following decades of repression. This fascinating book examines carnival song and society during the last years of the Franco dictatorship and the succeeding period of the new constitutional monarchy, when the Andalusians found their voice and Carnival enjoyed an extraordinary florescence. Songs from rural and urban carnivals in several locales throughout the province of Cádiz provide a compelling picture of Andalusian life in both troubled and more flourishing times.
This classic work by the Russian philosopher and literary theorist Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975) examines popular humor and folk culture in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. One of the essential texts of a theorist who is rapidly becoming a major reference in contemporary thought, Rabelais and His World is essential reading for anyone interested in problems of language and text and in cultural interpretation.
Ben Jonson has often been accused of needless erudition and of a morose refusal to join in the festive spirit. Further aggravation has come from the application of Bakhtin’s theory of carnival, especially in its posthumous form as a political allegory portraying the clash of high and low cultures. In an attempt to turn the tables on this tradition, Jonson Versus Bakhtin goes back to the sources, arguing that Jonson’s theatre allows for an original interpretation of the grotesque as a formal culture of antithesis and opposition that includes carnival. A robust observer of popular myths of festive liberation by way of a uniquely compendious adaptation of his sources, Jonson’s grotesque uncannily delves deep into the Renaissance theory of the coincidence of opposites as a way of envisaging virtue and other concepts of the mind, rather than serving up a pompous application of moral precepts or offering a political arena for ritual transgression. While richly based on an appropriate repertory of underlying sources, Jonson Versus Bakhtin steers away from any tiresome reference hunting mania, appealing to a broader audience interested in re-appraising Ben Jonson’s genius for richly contrastive imagery, as well as re-considering the relevance of Bakhtin’s theory to Elizabethan and Jacobean drama and to the Renaissance culture of the grotesque.
Simon Santiago returns in the second book in the Ghost Talker Files! It's been a year since Simon Santiago almost lost his sanity and soul in The Library of Souls. When Simon and his uncle are called to a town that's been tormented by the spirit of a clown named Grimshaw, Simon isn't sure he'll be able to handle the case. But when another paranormal investigation crew shows up in the town, it sets off a dreadful chain of events that might lead Simon and his new friends down the tunnel to insanity. Will Simon be lucky enough to succeed once more? Or will the evil spirit of a long dead clown make sure that never happens again?Find out in The Carnival of Doom, filled once again with spooky photos and plenty of scares
It's time for a friendly competition, and every species picks its own event. The first carnival to take place on Union Station since humanity joined the galactic community is coming, and the ambassadors of the different species are all entered in the election to become Carnival King or Queen. It’s not a job that Kelly wants, and fortunately for her, the humans get a late start at electioneering. The cloned species known as the Gem are held in even lower regard than humans, but maybe carnival will give them a chance to redeem themselves - or themself:-)