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The bestselling author of The Lamb’s Supper continues his thoughtful exploration of the complex relationship between the Bible and the Catholic liturgy in a revelatory work that will appeal to all readers. Scott Hahn has inspired millions of readers with his perceptive and unique view of Catholic theology and worship, becoming one of the most looked-to contemporary authorities in these areas. In Letter and Spirit, Hahn extends the message he began in The Lamb’s Supper, offering far-reaching and profound insights into what the Bible teaches us about living the spiritual life. For both Christians and Jews, the texts of the Bible are not simply records of historical events. They are intended, through public recitations in churches and synagogues, to bring listeners and readers into the sweeping story of redemption as it unfolds in the Bible. Focusing on the Catholic Mass, Hahn describes how God’s Word is meant to open our eyes to the life-giving power of the sacraments, and how the liturgy brings about the “actualization” of the saving truths of Scripture. Letter and Spirit is a stunningly original contribution to the field of biblical studies and will help Hahn’s many loyal and enthusiastic readers understand the relationship between the Bible and the Mass in a deeper way.
The person to whom I had addressed the three books entitled De Peccatorum Meritis et Remissione, in which I carefully discussed also the baptism of infants, informed me, when acknowledging my communication, that he was much disturbed because I declared it to be possible that a man might be without sin, if he wanted not the will, by the help of God, although no man either had lived, was living, or would live in this life so perfect in righteousness. He asked how I could say that it was possible of which no example could be adduced. Owing to this inquiry on the part of this person, I wrote the treatise entitled De Spiritu et Littera, in which I considered at large the apostle's statement, "The letter kills, but the spirit gives life." In this work, so far as God enabled me, I earnestly disputed with those who oppose that grace of God which justifies the servances of the Jews, who abstain from sundry meats and drinks in accordance with their ancient law, I mentioned the "ceremonies of certain meats" [quarumdam escarum cerimoniæ] - a phrase which, though not used in Holy Scriptures, seemed to me very convenient, because I remembered that cerimoniæ is tantamount to carimoniæ, as if from carere, to be without, and expresses the abstinence of the worshippers from certain things. If however, there is any other derivation of the word, which is inconsistent with the true religion, I meant no refernce whatever to it; I confined my use to the sense above indicated. This work of mine begins thus: "After reading the short treatise which I lately drew up for you, my beloved son Marcellinus," etc.
Letters by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson of Lubavitch.
This is the fourth annual volume of the remarkably popular journal of biblical theology edited by Scott Hahn and his St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. This volume features important new works by Hahn, Gary Anderson, John Cavadini, Brant Pitre, among others. Inspired by the ground-breaking work of Yves Congar and Jean Danielou, this volume includes original and thought-provoking contributions on such topics as: the Tabernacle and the origins of Christian mysticism; Jesus self-consciousness of being the new Temple and the new High Priest; and the doctrine of the indwelling of the Trinity in the soul; Hahn contributes a new perspective on the Gospel of John, showing how Israel's Temple and feasts are fulfilled in Christ and the sacraments of the Church. As the editors write in their introduction to this volume: The Temple theme is perhaps the richest in all of biblical theology, embracing the mysteries of Christ, Church, and Kingdom; liturgy, sacraments, and priesthood; salvation, sanctification, and divine filiation. These are the beautiful mysteries we contemplate in this volume of Letter & Spirit.
This is the sixth annual volume of the remarkably popular journal of biblical theology edited by Scott Hahn and his St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. This volume features an all-star lineup tackling one of the most controversial and important subjects in biblical scholarship the inspiration and truth of Sacred Scripture. What does it mean to say that Scripture is "the Word of God"? Are there "errors" in Scripture? These are some of the questions addressed in important new works by Hahn, Brant Pitre, Pablo Gadenz, Michael Waldstein, John Betz, and Germain Grisez. Highlights include Hahn's new essay on the "the truth and humility of God's Word" and Gadenz's authoritative review of the Catholic teaching on the "inerrancy" of Scripture. This volume also includes a never-before-translated essay by Romano Guardini, "Holy Scripture and the Science of Faith." From the Editors' introduction: " The widespread erosion in the assumption that Scripture is the true Word of God forms the broader context for the articles and studies in this volume of Letter & Spirit. As we see it, the work we present in these pages is no ivory tower exercise. It is no exaggeration to say that at stake in this discussion is the future of the identity of the Church and the mission of the Word incarnate. If the Scriptures cannot be trusted to communicate the truth about God and his saving message, if they do not bring us to the encounter with the living God who speaks his Word, then it must be asked: what is the meaning and purpose of the Church?"
This is the seventh annual volume of the remarkably popular journal of biblical theology edited by Scott Hahn and his St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. This volume responds to the call of Pope Benedict XVI in his Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini for a thoughtful return to the Fathers of the Church and how they approached Sacred Scripture. This is not in any way to jettison historical-critical methods and the valuable insights that modern biblical scholarship has brought to light. It is simply to acknowledge what Pope Benedict calls for, a measured return to the interpretive methods employed by the Church Fathers as well as the theology that flowed from their exegetical labors. As he said, "The Church Fathers present a theology that still has great value today because at its heart is the study of sacred Scripture as a whole. Indeed, the Fathers are primarily and essentially commentators on sacred Scripture." Highlights include original articles by Fr. William Kurtz, SJ, Matthew Levering, Father Stephen Ryan, OP, Stephen Hildebrand, Owen Phelan, and Michael Barber, as well as an original translation of Joseph Ratzinger's (Pope Benedict XVI) foundational essay "Vicarious Representation" by Father Jared Wicks, SJ.
“A breakthrough work coming from the heart of evangelical Christianity,” writes theologian David Gushee. “Wilson shows how God has led him on a journey toward a rethinking of what the fully authoritative and inspired Bible ought to be taken to mean in the life of the church today.” “This book … will shape what the church becomes,” writes anthropologist Tanya Luhrmann. “One of the most exquisite, painful, candid, brilliant pieces … that I have ever seen,” writes Christian author Phyllis Tickle. The second edition contains expanded material.
For the better part of fifteen centuries, Christians read Scripture on two complementary levels, the literal and the spiritual. In the modern period, the spiritual sense gradually became marginalized in favor of the literal sense. The Bible came to be read and interpreted like any other book. This brief, accessible introduction to the history of biblical interpretation examines key turning points and figures and argues for a retrieval of the premodern spiritual habits of reading Scripture.
"Fee's book is the most comprehensive treatment available of Paul's understanding of the Holy Spirit, a topic that has rarely received sufficient attention in studies of Pauline theology. Fee's method is exemplary: he first analyzes Paul's statements about the Spirit, in each individual letter, and then moves to a synthesis of Paul's general pneumatology. The result is a book that is deeply exegetical, doing justice both to the particularity of Paul's writings and to the fundamental unity of his vision for the Spirit's role in the life of the Christian community. Most importantly, Fee emphasizes insistently that the Holy Spirit must be experienced as a living presence within the church. That message is both faithful to Paul and urgent for the community of faith in our time." and -Richard B. Hays, Professor of New Testament, The Divinity School, Duke University"With the energy and care that is a trademark of his work, Gordon Fee here fills a significant gap in Pauline Studies. Both those who find talk about the Holy Spirit congenial and those who would happily marginalize it will be instructed by this book. Fee makes a genuine contribution as he examines Paul's letters in conversation with both the exegetical tradition of the academy and the pressing needs of the church." and -Beverly R. Gaventa, Professor of New Testament and Exegesis, Princeton Theological Seminary"Fee uniquely combines professional competence as a text critic, an exegete, an author and editor of major commentaries, and a foremost evangelical interpreter of Paul with a lifetime of formation and ministry among the Pentecostals-this century's providential witnesses to the work of the Spirit of God among us. . . . Fee's work offers an enduring encyclopedia of Pauline pneumatological exegesis, easy to consult for next Sunday's sermon, yet substantial enough to take its place near George Ladd's Theology of the New Testament as a must-have, within arm's reach, for serious interpreters of Paul's gospel. . . . Fee's work is the theological crown of a distinguished exegetical career." and -Russell P. Spittler, Senior Professor of New Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary
Cover -- FRANCISCO DE OSUNA AND THE SPIRIT OF THE LETTER -- Title -- Copyright -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- CHAPTER I. OSUNA AND HIS COMMENTATORS -- Osuna's Life and Work: Problems -- Structure and Style in the Castilian Works -- CHAPTER II. THE NATURAL LAW OF LOVE -- Love: the Unifying Force -- God, Man, and Angels -- Self-love -- The Will -- Natural Love and Grace -- Corazón y ánima -- CHAPTER III. MEDITATION AND CONTEMPLATION: CONCRETE AND ABSTRACT -- The Eagle -- Itinerary of Meditation -- CHAPTER IV. THE EAGLE DESCENDS: INCARNATION OF THE WORD -- The Expansion of Language -- CHAPTER V. OSUNA'S DIALECTIC AND RHETORIC -- Scripture and the Book of Creatures -- A Scriptural Exegesis -- Emotions -- Prolixity and Abbreviation -- Obscurity -- CHAPTER VI. MEDITATION OF A FIGURED PASSAGE -- The First Three Alphabets -- The Position of Treatise IV, Third Alphabet -- A Summary of Treatise IV -- The Heart and the Blood -- The Soul and the Body: Further Details on the Heart -- Some Theories about the Heart and the Blood -- CHAPTER VII. SOME MAJOR FIGURES OF TREATISE IV -- Mutability of the Heart -- Figures of Will and Decision -- The Double Meaning of the Praeteritio -- The Castle, the Terrestrial Paradise and the Ark of the Covenant -- CHAPTER VIII. AN ANAGOGICAL LEVEL: ITS REVELATION AND ITS PURPOSE -- Symbols of the Virgin -- Some Cosmic Concepts Suggested by the Figures -- Time and Eternity: Universal and Particular -- Baptism -- Figurative Language -- CHAPTER IX. THE ALPHABETS: STYLE AND CONTENT -- The Plain Style -- The Figured Style -- Figures as a Memory Aid -- The Science and Art of Contemplation -- Osuna's Ideas and Style in Historical Perspective -- The Poetic of Correspondences -- INDEX -- ADDENDA