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Sklansky traces a shift in American social thought as the gradual demise of the household economy rendered proprietary independence an increasingly embattled ideal. Amid the widening class divide, nineteenth-century social theorists devised a new science of American society that reconceived freedom in terms of psychic self-expression instead of economic self-interest, and they redefined democracy in terms of cultural kinship rather than social compact.
13 lectures, Nuremberg, June 17-30, 1908 (CW 104) Initiation enables a person to see, understand, and communicate what may be observed with spiritual eyes. St. John's text arises from such an initiation. It addresses the fundamental questions of existence that every human being asks: Where are we? Where have we come from? Where are we going? And because it arises from esoteric Christian vision, it emphasizes the task of the individual: What am I, and what is my purpose now in this era of cosmic and human evolution? These talks by Rudolf Steiner unveil the mysteries of John's vision and show it to be a profound description of Christian initiation. As Rudolf Steiner says, "The deepest truths of Christianity may be considered quite naturally in connection with this document, for it contains a great part of the mysteries of Christianity--that is, the profoundest part of what may be described as esoteric Christianity." Steiner shows that the messages to the seven churches and the unsealing of the seven seals must be understood as an initiation text. Based on his initiation and on spiritual science, Steiner interprets John's insights into cosmic and human history. In this way, the spiritual images of John's writing--the twenty-four elders, the sea of glass, the woman clothed with the sun, the vials of wrath, the lamb and the dragon, the new heaven and the new earth, and the number of the beast--all take on new meaning. Since the previous painful century has closed, these important words have even greater meaning and significance. Readers interested in contributing their moral will to future generations cannot afford to pass them by. Includes images of the seven apocalyptic seals painted by G. Rettich in 1907, following sketches by Rudolf Steiner. This volume is a translation from German of Die Apokolypse des Johannes (GA 104).
God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So why does it seem so hard to see God at work within his body and its members? Did God really stop doing great things, or is that just what we say to justify our lack of faith and action? All of us have a natural longing for more. We want more for our lives, our kids, our ministry, and in our Christian walk, but we do not know what is holding us back. An economy is an exchangea system of give and take. Our problem is that we cling to the worlds economy, which focuses on self and is driven by a currency of fear. We are afraid of failure, success and its cost, insignificance, rejection, and exposure. We bring these self-centered fears into the church and fail to trust Godand therefore fail to experience the power and presence of God that we, and the world, desperately need and long for. What if you could make an economic shift where the focus was not self, but something greaterwhere the currency that drives it is not fear, but faith in the person and promises of God? The goal of the Gospel is not mere church attendance, nor is your salvation simply for your sake. Jesus Christ has redeemed you and put his light in you for a reason. What kind of difference would it make in your life, your family, your ministry, your church, or your world if you could overcome your fear, take God at his word, and live like you believe it?
Contending that more is not better for consumers, bestselling author McKibben offers a realistic, if challenging, scenario for a hopeful future. For those who wonder if there isn't more to life than buying, he provides insight on individual responsibility as well as global awareness.
Lists recent events that identify serious flaws in American capitalism, noting the price of affluence on families and the environment, calling for a realignment of power, and sharing examples of beneficial corporate practices.
Money and Soul explores our troubled relationship with money, with finance, and with the economic system in which we are all entangled. It invites readers to consider how childhood experiences with money can shape attitudes, and how attention to individual conscience and shared Quaker values can illuminate big finance and economics questions that lie in the shadows, but cry out for more light. The pamphlet offers a brief sketch of how our political economy has shifted since the late 1970s from a concern for common welfare to a focus on private gain, and offers suggestions, using the framework of the testimonies, for ways that Friends can bring personal practices around money and personal witness around the economy into closer alignment with faith values. This is an invitation to those for whom finance and economics may seem like a closed book to find new openings for discernment and action.
Strategy, Leadership and the Soul presents a new paradigm for organizations. In building their case, the authors present a unique analysis of the dynamics of organizational evolution since 1850 to the present day, reflecting on how the context of the changing nature of society over time has informed the necessary adjustments in structure and leadership and in what way these have been vital to the sustainability of those organizations. The current quixotic context for both small and large organizations - the rapidly changing business landscapes, global interconnectedness, technological innovation and the diversity of the needs of customers and employees alike - requires organizations to 'be in a state of permanent transformation if they are to survive', to become transorganizations. And in order for these transorganizations to survive, a new style of leader is required - a transleader. From their experience as consultants, the authors conclude that transleaders must transform themselves first rather than look to the outside for a solution. The soul of an organization is the intrinsic corporate identity that underlies all that it does, that informs its business practices, its aims and goals, its internal and external relationships and its intangible sense of direction-shared in an aligned way between its employees, its managers, its shareholders and its business partners. It is the extremely present and powerful set of beliefs that make the organization what it is. This is not the same as superficial PR or the 'image' on advertisements, nor is it just brand identity or corporate culture, but the identity that defines and aligns the relationship it has within the various sectors of the organization and in its interface with the global community.
This interpretation is written in the conviction that the key to understanding this work is its literary form: revelatory narrative and allegorical narrative. It reveals the structure of the narrative and its basic underlying pattern of persecution, judgment and salvation. It shares with us the message that even as Christ passed through ......