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Druidry is primarily a reconstructed ethnic religion derived from what is known about the beliefs of the ancient Celts. Those who follow it may be drawing on anthropology, folklore, archaeology, history and even academic research; others may hear the 'Druidic Call' to celebrate Earth and Sky but may not know where to learn more. These are the seekers whom The Solitary Druid is dedicated to. An essential first step in Paganism and a necessary one for those new to the Druid's path, focusing on the core teachings of modern Druidry.
Druidry is a wonderful, spiritually fulfilling life path. Through the magic that is Druidry, we build deep and abiding relationships with the natural world around us, and through our connection to the natural environment we walk a path of truth, honour and service. We aim to immerse ourselves in the present moment, in the present environment, in order to share in the blessing that is the cycle of life. Throughout the ages, people have withdrawn from the world in order to connect more fully with it. This book is an introductory guide for those who wish to walk the Druid path alone, for however long a time. It is about exploration and connection with the natural world, and finding our place within it. It covers the basics of Druidry and how, when applied to the everyday life, enriches it with a sense of beauty, magic and mystery. This book is for those people who feel called to seek their own path, to use their wit and intelligence, compassion and honour to create their own tradition within Druidry.
The Hedge Druid's Craft blends the traditions of Wicca, Witchcraft and Druidry into a spiritual path that uses the techniques of "hedge riding" to travel between the worlds, bringing back wisdom and enchantment into our everyday lives. It is about working with boundaries, with a foot in either world, living around the edges and working with liminal times and places. For those whose paths meander and often overlap, and those who would not be constrained nor confined by labels, yet who seek some definition, this book is for you. If you are interested in Witchcraft, Wicca or Druidry, this book will sing to your soul.
Experience the Mystery and Magic of Contemporary Druidry The Book of Hedge Druidry is for those who feel called to explore a powerful earth-based spirituality rooted in Celtic lore. With hands-on practices as well as fascinating perspectives on what it means to be a Druid, this book walks you through the magic of the liminal realm and helps you fill your own cauldron of inspiration. Longtime Druid Joanna van der Hoeven guides you in creating an altar and crafting rituals based on the Wheel of the Year and important life passages. You will discover enchanting moon rites and ideas for daily practice as well as insights for working with herbs, spells, and the ogham alphabet. When you step onto the Hedge Druid's path, you learn to work with the in-betweeen places, straddling the boundary between this world and the next and developing profound relationships with ancestors, goddesses, gods, spirits of place, and the Fair Folk. Druidry is a powerful tradition that evokes the mystical spirit of times past. This comprehensive guide to solitary Druidry will connect you to a higher wisdom for the benefit of all.
Call forth dragons and feel the ancient songs of the Celts stirring in your blood. Access the deep wisdom of the Druidic orders and reclaim the Elemental gifts of the Otherworld. Become a spiritual warrior of the Celtic Craft--a Dragon-Rider. The dragon is a symbolic representation of the alchemist's or magician's works of power. Druid Power presents techniques for self-transformation through Celtic faerie craft and Elemental magic. Rich with mythological information and psychological insight, this innovative guide bridges ancient Celtic Druidic Tradition with modern transpersonal psychology. Reawaken your connection to the magick of the natural world through traditional ceremonies, guided journeys, and unique exercises that lead to a direct connection with the Elemental forces of Nature. Experience the strength and purity of fire, the emotional alchemy of water, the profound reality of earth, the awareness of air, and the transcendent mystery of spirit. Enter the realm of myth where magick and the mundane blend. Druid Power is your guide to finding your way to the Otherworld and back again--richer, wiser, healed, and whole.
Taking both Zen and Druidry and embracing them into your life can be a wonderful and ongoing process of discovery, not only of the self but of the entire world around you. Looking at ourselves and at the natural world around us, we realise that everything is in constant change and flux - like waves on the ocean, they are all part of one thing that is made up of everything. Even after the wave has crashed upon the shore, the ocean is still there, the wave is still there - it has merely changed its form. The aim of this text is to show how Zen teachings and Druidry can combine to create a peaceful life path that is completely and utterly dedicated to the here and now, to the earth and her rhythms, and to the flow that is life itself. ,
The classic guide to living a spiritual life rooted in Celtic antiquity and revived to meet the challenges of contemporary life. Druidry offers people a path of harmony through reconnection with the green Earth. The Druidry Handbook is the first hands-on manual of traditional British druid practice that explores the Sun Path of seasonal celebration, the Moon Path of meditation, and the Earth Path of living in harmony with nature as tools for crafting an Earth-honoring life here and now. From ritual and meditation to nature awareness and ecological action, John Michael Greer opens the door to a spirituality rooted in the living Earth. Featuring a mix of philosophy, rituals, spiritual practice, and lifestyle issues, The Druidry Handbook is an essential guide for those seriously interested in practicing a traditional form of druidry. It offers equal value to eclectics and solitary practitioners eager to incorporate more Earth-based spirituality into their own belief system.
In this beautifully-written guide, Chief Druid Philip Carr-Gomm shows how the way of Druids can be followed today. He explains the ancient history and inspiring beliefs of the ancient Druids; Druidic wild wisdom and their tree-, animal-, and herb-lore; the mysteries of the Druids' seasonal celebrations; their use of magic; and how their spirituality relates to paths such as Wicca. This guide shows how the wild wisdom of the Druids can help us to connect with our spirituality, our innate creativity, the natural world, and our sense of ancestry.
Do you want to learn about the connection between the Celts and the druids? Have you ever been curious about the differences between ancient and modern druids? Are you interested in discovering the druids' beliefs and principles? Do you want to learn about the different Druidic ceremonies and rituals? Are you looking to understand the difference between being a solitary druid or joining a group? Then this is the book for you! Reading this book, you will: Understand what Druidry is and what it means to be a Hedge Druid Learn how to tap into the Awen for infinite inspiration Discover the beliefs of the first Druids Find out how to connect with nature, meditate, and create an altar Find your spirit guide and seek their guidance Break through to the astral plane and travel when you are there Discover the deep secrets of the universe Master basic spells and rituals that all Druids should know Throughout the book, you will find easy to understand, step-by-step instructions on how to set up your own prayer and ritual space, prayers you can follow or rewrite to suit your own purposes, rites and rituals, tarot card spreads, and much more.