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Bugbears are cunning adversaries, creatures that rarely fight to the death, preferring to flee from a lost battle in order to nurse their vengeance for another day. Adventurers who believe they can simply wade into a horde of bugbears and slay them in glorious combat are in for a rude shock and are certain to fall prey to the myriad of traps and ambushes the bugbears use in their own style of warfare. This d20 supplement helps Games Masters use bugbears in their campaign, in a way players will never forget.
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A complete guide to using Demons within Dungeons & Dragons.
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The Slayer's Guide To Orcs
As players progress to mid-level, orcs and goblins can lose their edge as meaningful opponents. At this point it is time to bring the ogres out, multi-Hit Dice monsters with brains and huge weaponry. The Slayer's Guide to Ogres is a complete resource for these fascinating monsters, demonstrating their flexibility for Games Masters and providing a multitude of scenario ideas and extra rules that will keep players guessing even as they engage in bloodthirsty battle. Mongoose Publishing is well known for its acclaimed Slayer's Guide series, guaranteeing instant recognition from gamers. The Slayer's Guide to Ogres covers one of the most popular monsters and so the popularity of this title is assured, developing a well known creature for Games Masters
Kobolds are a common sight in many campaign worlds; deemed by most adventurers to be a minor nuisance at best. Certainly, most experienced adventurers would question the need to study kobolds in any great depth, but then, few have faced the full might of a kobold clan and lived long enough to warn others of the peril they offer. The Slayer's Guide to Kobolds offers insight to all adventurers in the culture and society of this vicious race, enabling them to track down, engage and wipe out dozens of these murderous beasts. It can only be hoped that such efforts will be enough to stall and drive back a race that is, almost literally, numberless. No race in any campaign world, however, exists solely to provide cannon fodder for allegedly heroic adventurers. The Slayers Guide to Kobolds redresses this imbalance by giving Games Masters the information they need to make kobolds a solid and coherent part of their campaign. No longer will players merely scoff and draw their swords when they meet a group of kobolds within some ancient ruin. Finally, kobolds will have the respect they have always deserved. Book jacket.
The Slayer's Guide To Troglodytes
The Slayer's Guide to Undead is written by Gary Gygax and Jon Creffield, and filled with ghoulish secrets and spine-chilling lore describing creatures of the night. At 128 pages, it is another big fat Slayer's Guide, in the same vein as the highly popular Slayer's Guide to Dragons. The incredible front cover has been done by the talented Chris Quilliams, as well as one of the two fantastic but chilling pieces that grace the inside covers. Pull this book out during a game, and your players will start running for cover! The book kicks off with A Demonic Overlord, describing the nature of Undead and their relationship with the Lord of the Damned, Orcus. Excerpts from the Book of Dis give this chapter a creepy tone and GMs are treated to an overview of what creatures make the best types of Undead, as well as a treatise on the nature of Undeath itself, be it corporeal or incorporeal, free-willed or mindless. The Free-Willed Living Dead is a chapter guaranteed to cause players nightmares in their games. Covered here are the more potent forms of Undead including Bodaks, Devourers, Ghouls (including a Ghoul King), Mummies, Wights, Gholles. As well as a massive amount of background information and gaming tips, each also comes with a full-blown template allowing you to turn any existing creature into an absolute nightmare! A complete scenario has been included in the form of The Peak of the Nightlord, designed for 9-11th level characters - and the players had better pray they have a cleric in their ranks! Detailed maps are provided to plot the action as the players attempt to penetrate the lair of a vampire and this scenario is very much in the Gary Gygax mould we all know and love. The Bestiary of the Damned wraps up this 128 page supplement with 20 creatures of the night that can be pulled out on your players at a moment's notice, or be used to fuel your own scenarios. A complete index is included, allowing handy reference during play.