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This book is Divinely inspired and proclaims the need for all Christians to believe all the words of Jesus Christ exactly as He says in a correctly translated Holy Bible, such as the King James Version and those based on it. Herein includes the First Principles of The Oracles of God, and is for all who sincerely wish that God, The Creator of all heaven and earth, will intervene in the affairs of life and in world circumstances. All that Jesus says and is given us through His holy apostles - very much do apply to all Christians today, the same as yesterday; and will apply forever. As Jesus says, My words will by no means pass away (Mark 24:35). Therefore, this book is for all of Gods children to get understanding of the Lords spiritual precepts and commands. The reader will review from the Holy Scriptures how every Christian should be (especially now) diligently seeking a close relationship with Jesus Christ - to know His Ways. And, know how He has given us spiritual Authority to reverse the rising social turmoil and stop the devastation that has been plaguing this nation, and over the earth. This book will enlighten every reader to know how we need to seriously examine ourselves and our relationship with Jesus Christ. And that we need to do so quickly, rather than blaming others (and each other) for out troubles; and to know that the Way to life abundantly is to truly be in Jesus Christ - not relying on government policies and programs. For the good of all in Gods house, our families and our loved ones, and for the salvation of our country, it is hoped that you and all in your family will obtain a copy of this book, read and study it carefully. Herein are fresh enlightenment of Gods Truth and whole Counsel. Folks; this is sorely needed, because as Jesus says, It-is-written (Luke 4:4). Blessings to all.
This book shows how easy it is to live as a child of the Most High God! It has nothing to do with any type of religion or tradition of men, but it is the true word of God. His simple plan or purpose to redeem man from hell. Man was incapable of delivering himself so God made all the provisions. Man has only to accept that which was done on his behalf at calvary. Under the law it was do and live, but now under grace it’s believe and live. Jesus has already finished the work in fulfilling the law that was against us. He made the way so we may walk therein and live. Acts 8:37…And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Romans 10:9-10…That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
For more than forty years, I have had the privilege of sharing the truths of God's Word with one thought in mind and that was to help simplify a believer's Christianity. Very shortly after I accepted Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I had a well-meaning brother in the Lord caution me: "Be careful that no one tries to convince you that you need to speak in tongues. That's from the devil." The very same week, I had another well-meaning brother inform me: "If you don't speak in tongues, you're not even saved." Someone else said I had to pray the Lord's Prayer every day, another said I had to take communion every week, another said I had to kneel when I pray, another said I had to raise my hands, another said I had to be baptized before my salvation became real. Something was wrong. God can't be that complicated. I got before the Lord and simply prayed: "Lord, you are not a God of extremes. Please make Christianity easy for me," and down through years He has honored that prayer. The "Simplicity of Christ" is designed to help the unbeliever, the new believer, or anyone who is searching for a purpose for their life, understand that God had a plan from the very beginning of time, and that every man, woman, and child who accepts Christ as their Savior has a significant role in that plan. God is a God of revelation. He never intended to keep His plan secret. The book looks at how He revealed His plan, and the reason Christ had to come and die, through the concepts of the Covenant, the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, and the Feasts of Israel. It also takes the reader on a journey through the process the Lord had to take me through in order for the simplicity of His plan to become functional in my everyday life. The book is designed to break down the denominational barriers that keep the believer from truly experiencing the freedom and joy that is found in a personal relationship with the Lord of lords.
Paul's affection for the Corinthian church and his endurance through hardship for their joy testifies to his deep devotion to Christ. His example and instruction in this letter inspires us to find our joy in Jesus. In this first volume of A Sincere and Pure Devotion to Christ, Storms provides readers with fifty daily meditations on this great epistle that are both accessible and substantive. His analysis and application of the biblical text make these meditations suitable for private devotions or small group studies, or as a commentary for Bible study, Sunday School lessons, or sermon preparation.
This book is Divinely inspired and proclaims the need for all Christians to believe all the words of Jesus Christ - exactly as He says in a correctly translated Holy Bible, such as the King James Version and those based on it. Herein includes the "First Principles of The Oracles of God", and is for all who sincerely wish that God, The Creator of all heaven and earth, will intervene in the affairs of life and in world circumstances. All that Jesus says and is given us through His holy apostles - very much 'do' apply to all Christians today, the same as yesterday; and will apply forever. As Jesus says, "My words will by no means pass away" (Mark 24:35). Therefore, this book is for all of God's children to get understanding of the Lord's spiritual precepts and commands. The reader will review from the Holy Scriptures how every Christian should be (especially now) diligently seeking a close relationship with Jesus Christ - to know "His Ways". And, know how He has 'given us' spiritual Authority to reverse the rising social turmoil and stop the devastation that has been plaguing this nation, and over the earth. This book will enlighten every reader to know how we need to seriously examine ourselves and our relationship with Jesus Christ. And that we need to do so quickly, rather than blaming others (and each other) for out troubles; and to know that the Way to life abundantly is to truly be in Jesus Christ - not relying on government policies and programs. For the good of all in God's house, our families and our loved ones, and for the salvation of our country, it is hoped that you and all in your family will obtain a copy of this book, read and study it carefully. Herein are fresh enlightenment of God's Truth and whole Counsel. Folks; this is sorely needed, because as Jesus says, "It-is-written" (Luke 4:4). Blessings to all.
Some memories are permanently seared into our childhood brains with a hot iron of adrenaline and fear. For five-year-old Greg, it was the memory of his ma walking back to the house after confronting his stepdad with a splintered, bloodied baseball bat in her hand. Greg Stier was raised in a family of bodybuilding, tobacco-chewing, fist-fighting thugs. He never knew his biological father because his mom had met his dad at a party; she got pregnant, and he left town. Though his mom almost aborted him, in a last-minute twist, Greg’s life was spared for so much more. Unlikely Fighter is the incredible story of how God showed up in Greg’s life—and how he can show up in yours as well. This is a memoir of violence and mayhem—and how God can transform everything.
Traces the ideal of simplicity through the Bible and the early church and show how simplicity can free us from dishonest speech, obsessive status-seeking, and loss of perspective.
There is knowledge, understanding, and spiritual illumination in this book never seen or written, ever, in the recorded commentary of biblical history. This is a phenomenon of the moment arising out of Words in Daniel's book that have been "closed up and sealed till the time of the end". The challenge confronting every Christian, regardless of his spiritual age or position, is in recognizing that there is much more to know about God than we know but to know more we must be willing to continually repent and change our minds when the Lord allows us to see a clearer vision of the Truth. Those who set aside every influence outside of the simple literal Words of inspired scripture receive knowledge and understanding unavailable from any other source. Theologians of every degree have never seen the thoughts and observations illuminated in the precept upon precept chapters of this book. If we allow the theologian, tradition, or the worldly church to control our mind, we will miss the blessing of simply believing the purity of the Word. God gave us a good mind and He expects us to use it to His glory by understanding the Words He wants us to hear. The In-Visible Truth is an immeasurable blessing, hidden in simplicity. Identifying doctrinal errors in the church along with seeing biblical specifics of RAPTURE carries the believer far beyond the significance of knowing when Jesus will come again. The Lord is right on time every time and it is now time that we understand many things that the He did not allow us to understand in the past. Be blessed. James Scott Rollo