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From Las Vegas, Mount Charleston looks like little more than a giant gravel mound in the distance, towering 11,916 feet above the neon lights of the entertainment capital of the world. Only a fraction of the nearly 40 million people who visit this 24-hour city ever bother to look west and skyward toward the mountain.The truth is that this very mountain is a silent memorial to fourteen men who died there in a plane crash on November 17, 1955; men who were part of the secret development of the U-2 spy plane, integral to America's success in the Cold War. The United States government was so determined to keep their mission a secret that it lied to the families of the victims, sealed the crash records and even rigged the site with explosives in an effort to obliterate any remnants of their existence.If it weren't for the curiosity of one visitor, the national secret that haunted the mountainside might never have been revealed. In these pages, finally, the story is told.
Author Hans Moederzoon van Kuilenburg was a 10-year-old girl living in Amsterdam when German soldiers invaded Holland in the spring of 1940. The Dutch had intended to stay neutral at the outbreak of the war, as their military was no match for the Nazi hordes. Within five days, Holland had fallen and the German occupation was underway. The five ensuing years were among the darkest chapters in Dutch history, culminating in the "hunger winter" of 1944, during which 30,000 Dutch citizens died of hunger and cold. Even today, people like the author, who grew up during that time, are more prone to heart attacks as a result of the physical stress of those years. But despite having capitulated so quickly in the face of the overwhelming might of the German war machine, there were many heroes in Holland during the occupation; people like the author's father, a civilian supervisor of marine supplies, who robbed the Germans blind and gave stolen food and clothing to Dutch people in need. Eventually his activities attracted the attention of the German authorities and he was imprisoned. Thankfully Hans' mother was able to stage a dramatic escape with the help of the family doctor. The Silent Heroes is a true story of heroism, survival and resistance during a time of fear, despair, and hardship. Hans Moederzoon van Kuilenburg was born in Amsterdam and immigrated to the U.S. in 1959. She had a distinguished career as a medical assistant before retiring. In addition to writing, she also does photography and sometimes exhibits her work. The Silent Heroes is her first book. Publisher's website: http: //
The Triforce, that golden entity set in place by the three goddesses to protect all Hyrule, has been broken-into nine shards instead of three this time. Darkness creeps along the fringes of not only Hyrule, but also of Termina and Twilight. These three realms, intimately linked, can only be rescued by...A young boy who cannot speak but whose courage will emanate louder than any evilhe faces.A princess as timeless as the shadowy realm from which she returns.These two Heroes against three great enemies: Ganondorf, Majora, and the young, ambitious Zaruman, who connects both guardians and enemies of the three realms in ways which the heir of Link could never imagine...In a race against time and in a mission which breaks the boundaries of time, Heroand Princess must combine courage and wisdom to collect the notes of a powerfulrequiem and use their knowledge of the ancient legends to press forward and resurrect a mighty weapon from Hyrule's past. Aided by a strange voice, Great Fairies, and their own intuition, will they succeed like the Hero who came before them?Can darkness and light converge without creating shadow?
"Animals have always served alongside soldiers and many have shown outstanding courage in action, going beyond the bounds of training and duty to display selfless displays of devotion."--Cover
In the early years of World War II, it was an amazing feat for an Allied airman shot down over occupied Europe to make it back to England. By 1943, however, pilots and crewmembers, supplied with "escape kits," knew they had a 50 percent chance of evading capture and returning home. An estimated 12,000 French civilians helped make this possible. More than 5,000 airmen, many of them American, successfully traveled along escape lines organized much like those of the U.S. Underground Railroad, using secret codes and stopping in safe houses. If caught, they risked internment in a POW camp. But the French, Belgian, and Dutch civilians who aided them risked torture and even death. Sherri Ottis writes candidly about the pilots and crewmen who walked out of occupied Europe, as well as the British intelligence agency in charge of Escape and Evasion. But her main focus is on the helpers, those patriots who have been all but ignored in English-language books and journals. To research their stories, Ottis hiked the Pyrenees and interviewed many of the survivors. She tells of the extreme difficulty they had in avoiding Nazi infiltration by double agents; of their creativity in hiding evaders in their homes, sometimes in the midst of unexpected searches; of their generosity in sharing their meager food supplies during wartime; and of their unflagging spirit and courage in the face of a war fought on a very personal level.
Chronicles the writing of the legendary sports journalist, from his first high school job, to becoming the sports reporter for the New York Times, including his pieces on Joe Louis, Muhammad Ali's visit to Fidel Castro and never-before-published articles. Original.
The leader of one of the most successful U. S. Marine long range reconnaissance teams during the Vietnam War, Andrew Finlayson recounts his team's experiences in the year leading up to the Tet Offensive of 1968. Using primary sources, such as Marine Corps unit histories and his own weekly letters home, he presents a highly personal account of the dangerous missions conducted by this team of young Marines as they searched for North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong units in such dangerous locales as Elephant Valley, the Enchanted Forest, Charlie Ridge, Happy Valley and the Que Son Mountains. In numerous close contacts with the enemy, the team (code-name Killer Kane) fights for its survival against desperate odds, narrowly escaping death time and again. The book gives vivid descriptions of the life of recon Marines when they are not on patrol, the beauty of the landscape they traverse, and several of the author's Vietnamese friends. It also explains in detail the preparations for, and the conduct of, a successful long range reconnaissance patrol.
Fallen Heroes When a troop of alien warriors demands the return of an imprisoned comrade -- a prisoner no one on Deep Space Nine™ knows anything about -- Commander Benjamin Sisko has a deadly fight on his hands. Under sudden attack from the heavily armed warriors, Sisko and his crew struggle desperately to repel the invaders and save the lives of everyone on board. Meanwhile, a strange device from the Gamma Quadrant has shifted Ferengi barkeeper Quark and Security Chief Odo three days into the future to a silent Deep Space Nine. To save the station they must discover what caused the invasion to take place -- and find a pathway back through time itself.
Navy nurses serving in the Korean War 50 years ago were called, saved lives, and came home quietly.
The White House stated “A band of vigilantes claiming to be US veterans hiding behind the American flag destroyed three medical buildings in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Defense Secretary called them “GI-Jihadists” wants to teach them that civilians control the military, not veterans.” A group of veterans suspected of stealing top secret documents hires Billy Gottfried. Before he can talk with them, one client is killed in a mysterious explosion. Within days his law clerk disappears. A third explosion claims the life of an FBI agent and uncovers the remains of the law clerk. Gottfried realizes he’s involved in a greater problem: Washington’s power brokers are engaged in a conspiracy to privatize the military by outsourcing food services, hiring private security, and, to help the CIA gain influence in the regions, they’re building foreign weapon factories controlled by tribal leaders loyal to nobody, especially the United States. Enlisting the help of Col. Joseph Vecchio, former air force covert operative, and Dominic Perretti, FBI director of counter terrorism, the three men and Betty O’Grady, topless dancer turned legal assistant, lead the veteran’s fight to convince the White House to drop its opposition to bombing the factories. Silent Heroes – veterans fight against terrorism - is a novel based on true facts. The factories are discovered by American troops, many returning home with missing limbs and tragically disfigured bodies. Their stories are not only ignored, their Commanders order them to keep quiet... The CIA and State Department warn the White House that “The stories told by the soldiers are not true. The buildings are pharmaceutical factories making medicine for the local inhabitants.” Failing to convince the White House, the veterans take action and then return to the states as “Silent Heroes,” accompanying a single flag draped coffin. They’re greeted by the media who, echoing the Secretary of Defense, calls them “GI Jihadists committing terrorist acts while hiding behind the Flag.” Are the veterans GI Jihadists or are they truly Silent Heroes protecting US troops from IEDs and other explosives made in the factories. Silent Heroes – veterans fight against terrorism” presents the facts and the reader is asked to render a verdict: Silent Heroes or GI-Jihadists?