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'The Sicilian BB5 Revealed' follows the huge success of 'The Benko Gambit Revealed' and 'The Queen's Pawn Attack Revealed' in a new and innovative series of books. Using fresh, clear presentation, the key ideas of the openings are explained in an entertaining and accessible way. The aim of this series is to provide the essential knowledge to play the opening, while at the same time revealing the current thinking of the World’s elite players. For example, ‘First Moves’ leads readers through the basic opening moves. ‘Heroes & Zeroes’ gives the best and worst performances with the opening and features some of the leading exponents of the Benko Gambit. ‘Tricks & Traps’ reveals how you might catch out your opponent. ‘What’s Hot’ pinpoints the very latest ideas from the world’s elite. A detailed table in the style of ECO is given at the close of the book, summarising the main variations with assessments. 'The Sicilian BB5' is the most popular and successful Anti-Sicilian Variation. It first came to attention when it was used by Vassily Ivanchuk to score a stunning win against Gary Kasparov at Linares in 1991. It has since become recognised as the perfect way to avoid mainline Sicilian theory without compromising White’s attacking ideals. As such it has proved a deadly weapon in the hands of Adams and Grischuk – and even Kasparov himself. In this book you will find full coverage of both 2...d6 3.Bb5+ and 2...Nc6 3.Bb5. You will be shown how to implement in your own games the ideas and attacking systems that have worked so successfully at the highest level.
The Sicilian Defense is the most popular chess opening at every level of tournament play. Here, a multinational line-up of leading experts gives recommendations against their own pet lines in the Sicilian Defense. The authors are all either Grandmasters or International Masters, and readers now have a complete guide to playing with White against the Sicilian.
The Closed Sicilian is an ideal weapon for players who wish for an aggressive way to attack the Sicilian. This book takes a different look at this famous opening. The early moves and ideas are introduced and care is taken to explain the reasoning behind them.
Former US Open Champion Timothy Taylor presents a repertoire for White against the most popular opening in chess – the Sicilian Defence. Taylor’s repertoire is based first and foremost on the Open Sicilian, which is regarded as White’s most ambitious and challenging response to the Sicilian. He focuses on the classical Be2 lines, which were popularized by the success of former World Champion and chess legend Anatoly Karpov. These lines are easy to learn and generally lead to solid positional play, but with a drop of poison. Taylor covers what to do against all the Sicilian variations. He examines the most important games, studies in depth the main plans and tactics for both sides, and highlights the key practical issues. Read this book and you will be ready to slay the Sicilian! *Presents a Sicilian repertoire for White *Covers all the main variations *Ideal for improvers, club players and tournament players
A Variation by Any Other Name... One of the most popular – and intriguing – variations of the Sicilian Defense is the so-called Chelyabinsk Variation. In the West, it is known as the Sveshnikov Variation, while older opening monographs may refer to it as the Lasker-Pelikan Variation. It is called the Chelyabinsk Variation in Russia. It is the variation that arises after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5. Once dismissed by theoreticians as “anti-positional,” it is now common at all levels. In this monumental work, grandmaster Gennadi Timoshchenko, one of the creative founders of the entire line, puts the entire variation into both a personal and historical perspective and then examines the theory and practice of this line in great detail. From the foreword by Garry Kasparov: “Timoshchenko’s book on the Chelyabinsk Variation is both very interesting and necessary. Behind it lies an enormous amount of work, as will become evident as you read and especially play through the author’s analysis. Readers will be able to get a definitive insight into the genesis of the Chelyabinsk Variation...In its 200 chapters, more or less every important branch of the Chelyabinsk Variation is examined. It is also unusual as it contains a huge amount of novelties at various levels of importance.” Extraordinary analytical depth, cross-checked by strong engines, is complemented by historical and biographical perspectives to make this a truly unique opening manual. Regardless of what name you give it, Sicilian Defense: The Chelyabinsk Variation will provide you with a powerful weapon against 1.e4.
Why is this repertoire called simple? For the simple reason that the variations are straightforward, easy to remember and require little or no maintenance. International Master Christof Sielecki has created a reliable set of lines for chess players of almost all levels. The major objective is to dominate Black in the opening, by simple means. You don’t need to sacrifice anything or memorize long tactical lines. Unless Black plays something stupid, when tactics are the simplest punishment. Sielecki developed this repertoire working with students who were looking for something that was easy to understand and to learn. Most of the lines he selected are occasionally played by grandmasters, but on the whole they lie outside the mainstream of opening theory. That means that there is hardly any need to monitor theoretical developments. Sielecki always clearly explains the plans and counterplans and keeps you focussed on what the position requires. Ambitious players rated 1500 or higher will get great value out of studying this extremely accessible book.
The Sicilian Defence is by far the most popular chess opening. If you play 1 e4 as White, on average you are likely to meet the Sicilian in virtually every other game! You need to be prepared to face the Sicilian at all times, and a ready-to-use repertoire against it is an indispensible weapon. In this book, Gawain Jones confronts the challenge of meeting the Sicilian head on. He has constructed a comprehensive Anti-Sicilian repertoire for White, which is based on lines he has successfully employed at grandmaster level. These are sound, reliable options for White, but don't be fooled - they also contain more than a drop of poison. Variations covered include the popular King's Indian Attack, various Bb5 systems and weapons against Black's offbeat tries. A Grandmaster's repertoire against the Sicilian Packed with new ideas and critical analysis Highlights key tactical and positional ideas
Even in the Sicilian Defense, one of the most popular and well-developed chess openings, it is possible to surprise your opponent at move four! With the Kalashnikov Variation, Black immediately forces the opponent to make a difficult decision. It all starts with a Black pawn, kicking White's knight off the central d4-square. This push will lead the game into turbulent waters where your rapid development, attacking options, sound pawn structure and superior preparation will leave your opponent bewildered. Grandmaster Daniel King knows what it takes to play the Sicilian with success, and his articulate explanations and practical approach to playing and learning will help you score your own Sicilian victories. This course is a repertoire for Black, focusing on the most important lines. In addition, there is a selection of well-annotated master games demonstrating key strategic concepts in practical settings. Once you hear about the Bad Bishop Bounce, Liberation Station, and The Trojan Horse, you will be eager to introduce them into your own games. The book also explains how to punish the sidelines you are most likely to face in club and online play, often allowing you to reach a superior position straight out of the opening! This complete repertoire includes answers to all possible alternatives for White after the moves 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 e5.
The 20th Anniversary Edition! In 1998, the authors set out to demonstrate the viability of the Accelerated Dragon as a weapon for Black, not fearing the Maroczy Bind or any other set-up White can come up with. In the intervening year, the opening has been part of the opening repertoires of world top players such as Carlsen, Ivanchuk, and numerous other top grandmasters. Even though the original material is now older, it is still very instructive and will enhance anyone's general understanding of chess and, specifically, of the Accelerated Dragon. This book contains all the original material of the first edition with some additional main games as well a couple of entirely new segments.