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The book describes the difficulties of the current international corporate income tax system. It starts by describing its origins and how changes, such as the development of multinational enterprises and digitalization have created fundamental problems, not foreseen at its inception. These include tax competition—as governments try to attract tax bases through low tax rates or incentives, and profit shifting, as companies avoid tax by reporting profits in jurisdictions with lower tax rates. The book then discusses solutions, including both evolutionary changes to the current system and fundamental reform options. It covers both reform efforts already under way, for example under the Inclusive Framework at the OECD, and potential radical reform ideas developed by academics.
Jurisdiction to Tax Corporate Income Pursuant to the Presumptive Benefit Principle intends to demonstrate that the profit shifting phenomenon (i.e., the ability of companies to book their profits in jurisdictions other than those that host their economic activities) is real, severe, undesirable, and above all, the natural consequence of both the preservation of three fundamental paradigms that have historically underlain corporate income taxes and their precise legal configuration. In view of this, the book submits a number of proposals in relation to the aforementioned paradigms and in the light of the suggested “presumptive benefit principle” so as to counteract profit shifting risks and thus attain a more equitable allocation of taxing rights among States. This PhD thesis obtained the prestigious European Academic Tax Thesis Award 2018 granted by the European Commission and the European Association of Tax Law Professors. What’s in this book: This book provides a disruptive discourse on tax sovereignty in the field of corporate income taxation that endeavors to escape from long-standing tax policy tendencies and prejudices while considering the challenges posed by a globalized (and increasingly digitalized) economy. In particular, the book offers an innovative perspective on certain deep-rooted paradigms historically underlying corporate income taxation: tax treatment of related parties within a corporate group along with the arm’s-length standard; corporate tax residence standards; and definition of source for corporate income tax purposes, with a particular emphasis on the permanent establishment concept. The book explores their respective origins, supposed tax policy rationales, structural problems and interactions; ultimately showing how the way tax jurisdiction is currently defined through them inherently tends to trigger profit shifting outcomes. In view of the conclusions of the study, the author suggests the use of a new version of the traditional benefit principle (the “presumptive benefit principle”) that would contribute to address the profit shifting phenomenon while serving as a practical guideline to achieve a more equitable allocation of taxing rights among jurisdictions. Finally, the book submits a number of proposals inspired by the aforementioned guideline that aspire to strike a balance between equity, effectiveness and technical feasibility. They include a new corporate tax residence test and, most notably, a proposal on a new remote-sales permanent establishment. How this will help you: With its case study (based on the Apple group) empirically demonstrating the existence of the profit shifting phenomenon, its clearly documented exposure of the reasons why traditional corporate income tax regimes systematically give rise to these outcomes, its new tax policy guideline and its proposals for reform, this book makes a significant contribution to current tax policy discussions concerning corporate income taxation in cross-border scenarios. It will be warmly welcomed by all concerned—policymakers, scholars, practitioners—with the greatest tax policy challenges that corporate income taxation is facing in the contemporary world.
In this book the authors attempt to integrate the various theoretical and empirical approaches to the fiscal rationality of the corporation income tax. The material has been compiled from original sources and is presented without many of its abstruse aspects, in an attempt to provide a reasonable coherent and complete picture of the state of the art.
This paper uses a multi-region, forward-looking, DSGE model to estimate the macroeconomic impact of a tax reform that replaces a corporate income tax (CIT) with a destination-based cash-flow tax (DBCFT). Two key channels are at play. The first channel is the shift from an income tax to a cash-flow tax. This channel induces the corporate sector to invest more, boosting long-run potential output, GDP and consumption, but crowding out consumption in the short run as households save to build up the capital stock. The second channel is the shift from a taxable base that comprises domestic and foreign revenues, to one where only domestic revenues enter. This leads to an appreciation of the currency to offset the competitiveness boost afforded by the tax and maintain domestic investment-saving equilibrium. The paper demonstrates that spillover effects from the tax reform are positive in the long run as other countries’ exports benefit from additional investment in the country undertaking the reform and other countries’ domestic demand benefits from improved terms of trade. The paper also shows that there are substantial benefits when all countries undertake the reform. Finally, the paper demonstrates that in the presence of financial frictions, corporate debt declines under the tax reform as firms are no longer able to deduct interest expenses from their profits. In this case, the tax shifting results in an increase in the corporate risk premia, a near-term decline in output, and a smaller long-run increase in GDP.
Several recent papers argue that corporate income taxes should not be used by small, open economies. With capital mobility, the burden of the tax falls on fixed factors (e.g., labor), and the tax system is more efficient if labor is taxed directly. However, corporate taxes not only exist but rates are roughly comparable with the top personal tax rates. Past models also forecast that multinationals should not invest in countries with low corporate tax rates, since the surtax they owe when profits are repatriated puts them at a competitive disadvantage. Yet such foreign direct investment is substantial. We suggest that the resolution of these puzzles may be found in the role of income shifting, both domestic (between the personal and corporate tax bases) and cross-border (through transfer pricing). Countries need cash-flow corporate taxes as a backstop to labor taxes to discourage individuals from converting their labor income into otherwise untaxed corporate income. We explore how these taxes can best be modified to deal as well with cross-border shifting.