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You have a cute girl in your life that YOU WANT TO FUCK IN THE PUSSY. You see her every once in a while, and you want to TURN THINGS SEXUAL, without it being weird, without coming across as creepy.without getting a verbal/sexual harassment charge, without it taking weeks or months (or for some guys: years), You want to FUCK HER HARD and FUCK HER FAST, yet when she's with you, you do nothing because you don't know how to make moves on her. Your lack of knowledge on how to ESCALATE THE INTERACTION TOWARDS SEX paralyzes you from taking action. As a result of lack of action, you end up stuck in the friend-zone. You just fucked yourself by not knowing how to fuck her.As a man, it's your responsibility to SMOOTHLY LEAD A WOMAN INTO A SEXUAL STATE OF MIND, PHYSICALLY AROUSED, AND BANG THE SHIT OUT OF HER. Here is the truth: even if a woman really likes you, she will usually avoid making blatant sexual moves on a man (initially), because society will judge her for being sexually aggressive and label her as a stigmatized "slut". So she's waiting on you to make the moves on her because she knows that a HIGH STATUS ALPHA MALE GOES AFTER WHAT HE WANTS IN LIFE AND TAKES IT.In the age of the #MeToo movement, NOT knowing how to properly escalate an interaction towards sex can land you in jail. You have to escalate aggressively, but smart. WOMEN WANT TO FUCK - just not with losers who don't "get it". You have to know what you're doing and DO IT WITH EXTREME CONFIDENCE. After a decade of experience in the field and thousands of approaches, I've boiled down what I have learned into a STEP-BY-STEP GAME-PLAN with SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of leading a woman through a dating process that ends in mutual sexual ecstasy. Instead of having to endure hundreds of harsh blowouts: "get the fuck out of here", "you're creepy","lets just be friends" speech,"uhh that's gross", and learning through trial and error, the written-guide will show you how to GET LAID THE SMART AND FAST WAY, so you don't have to go through the bullshit. By implementing the techniques in this book, you'll have a woman STOP showing you their innocent prudish side, START showing your her secret wild, sexual side, and TURN HER INTO A FUCK-BUDDY.This reality will be yours: You'll have that female "friend" completely naked undressed on your bed ready to be sexually ravaged, She won't stop hitting you up and asking to seeing you again - sending you random dirty texts and photos of herself naked, You'll hear her say "DADDY, FUCK ME HARDER!!!!" and realize that you have the power because you can go out at ANY NIGHT and use this system to get laid on THAT SAME NIGHT YOU MEET HER.This is what you'll learn: How to completely UNFUCK YOUR SEX LIFE FOR 2021.How to tap into a woman's primal instinctive biological drives, implement trigger phrases, and touch specific areas on her body in a specific sequence to create a burning desire within a woman and become her sexual obsession. How to meet a woman, flip her sexual arousal switches, use scientific principles that trigger sexual attraction, turn off her impulse control, and FUCK HER ON THE SAME DAY.How to utilize a specific pattern of behaviors to BECOME HER PHYSICAL ADDICTION.FUCK YOUR EXCUSES.INVEST IN YOURSELF AND TAKE ACTION EVERY DAY!
You have a cute girl in your life that YOU WANT TO FUCK IN THE PUSSY. You see her every once in a while, and you want to TURN THINGS SEXUAL, without it being weird, without coming across as creepy.without getting a verbal/sexual harassment charge, without it taking weeks or months (or for some guys: years), You want to FUCK HER HARD and FUCK HER FAST, yet when she's with you, you do nothing because you don't know how to make moves on her. Your lack of knowledge on how to ESCALATE THE INTERACTION TOWARDS SEX paralyzes you from taking action. As a result of lack of action, you end up stuck in the friend-zone. You just fucked yourself by not knowing how to fuck her.As a man, it's your responsibility to SMOOTHLY LEAD A WOMAN INTO A SEXUAL STATE OF MIND, PHYSICALLY AROUSED, AND BANG THE SHIT OUT OF HER. Here is the truth: even if a woman really likes you, she will usually avoid making blatant sexual moves on a man (initially), because society will judge her for being sexually aggressive and label her as a stigmatized "slut". So she's waiting on you to make the moves on her because she knows that a HIGH STATUS ALPHA MALE GOES AFTER WHAT HE WANTS IN LIFE AND TAKES IT.In the age of the #MeToo movement, NOT knowing how to properly escalate an interaction towards sex can land you in jail. You have to escalate aggressively, but smart. WOMEN WANT TO FUCK - just not with losers who don't "get it". You have to know what you're doing and DO IT WITH EXTREME CONFIDENCE. After a decade of experience in the field and thousands of approaches, I've boiled down what I have learned into a STEP-BY-STEP GAME-PLAN with SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of leading a woman through a dating process that ends in mutual sexual ecstasy. Instead of having to endure hundreds of harsh blowouts: "get the fuck out of here", "you're creepy","lets just be friends" speech,"uhh that's gross", and learning through trial and error, the written-guide will show you how to GET LAID THE SMART AND FAST WAY, so you don't have to go through the bullshit. By implementing the techniques in this book, you'll have a woman STOP showing you their innocent prudish side, START showing your her secret wild, sexual side, and TURN HER INTO A FUCK-BUDDY.This reality will be yours: You'll have that female "friend" completely naked undressed on your bed ready to be sexually ravaged, She won't stop hitting you up and asking to seeing you again - sending you random dirty texts and photos of herself naked, You'll hear her say "DADDY, FUCK ME HARDER!!!!" and realize that you have the power because you can go out at ANY NIGHT and use this system to get laid on THAT SAME NIGHT YOU MEET HER.This is what you'll learn: How to completely UNFUCK YOUR SEX LIFE FOR 2021.How to tap into a woman's primal instinctive biological drives, implement trigger phrases, and touch specific areas on her body in a specific sequence to create a burning desire within a woman and become her sexual obsession. How to meet a woman, flip her sexual arousal switches, use scientific principles that trigger sexual attraction, turn off her impulse control, and FUCK HER ON THE SAME DAY.How to utilize a specific pattern of behaviors to BECOME HER PHYSICAL ADDICTION.FUCK YOUR EXCUSES.INVEST IN YOURSELF AND TAKE ACTION EVERY DAY!
Every form of technology humankind has invented has been co-opted for two uses: warfare and getting off. Electricity, internal combustion, the telephone, the Internet -- there's no reason to think this trend will stop as we move into the future of nanotechnology, neuroscience, and space travel. However, whether the future is a Gernsbackian vision of flying cars and cloud cities, or a gritty gray cyberpunk world, there is always a need for sex. Award-winning authors such as Joe Haldeman, Nalo Hopkinson, and Catherine Asaro are among the leading lights of science fiction and erotica who contribute to this book, as well as Paul DiFilippo, Sarah Micklem, Bruce Sterling, M. Christian, Thomas S. Roche, Saachi Green, and many others.
How many more times can you see that beautiful girl only a few feet away from you and not say a word to her? She's absolutely gorgeous and you know without a doubt that you would love to have her in your life. Feel her body pressed against yours. Tell your friends about her. Walk into a party with her on your arm. She's right there, and all you have to do is introduce yourself. But something goes terribly wrong...You completely freeze up. Paralyzed. Just the thought of talking to her makes your heart start to pound out of your chest. Your throat squeezes like a vice. You get a sick feeling in your stomach. Then a burning sensation rising up from your gut and you start sweating bullets.Right away you get in your head and start making excuses about why you can't approach her. "She probably has a boyfriend""What do I say?""If I get rejected I'll look like a total loser, everyone will see it"and the list of excuses goes on and on..Here is what you will learn in this book: - how to terminate excuses forever and approach women, - 6 reasons why you don't know what to say infront of women, - 6 affirmations to never run out of things to say, - 6 mindsets to always have something to say, - 6 chick crack conversation subjects, - 3 good opening lines- 4 examples of cold reads- 7 ways to instantly appear more confident, - 5 tactics to instantly create social proof, - 13 items on the body-language checklist- 4 mistakes that nice guys make- 14 common conversation mistakes a
He’s British. She’s American. They meet on vacation. And agree to fake name each other. One is lying about everything. The other is telling the truth. They’re about to embark on a sexcation. But what happens when it’s over?
You see a beautiful woman standing only a few feet away. She's HOT, and you know that you want to BANG HER. You want to do something to start a sexual relationship with her, but yet you don't even know what to say to start things off.You try to find some words to utter to start a conversation, and spark chemistry through flirting, but your brain freezes.Not a word comes out.Anxiety accumulates and you eventually give into one of these excuses: "A cute girl like that has a boyfriend 100%.""If I try to talk to her, it will be awkward and cringe because I suck at conversation.""I won't know what to say, and will look like an idiot in-front of bystanders."How many more times are you you going to put yourself through this painful situation of seeing a sexy, young woman but being PARALYZED FROM TAKING ACTION because you can't think of a few words to say to initiate interaction?This book, based on thousands of approaches and interactions with women and over a decade of research, is: THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO ALWAYS KNOWING WHAT TO SAY, and BEING ABLE TO APPROACH WOMEN ANYTIME AND ANYWHERE.Learn POWERFUL SECRETS contained within this book, including: how to terminate excuses forever and approach women,6 reasons why you don't know what to say infront of women,6 affirmations to never run out of things to say,6 mindsets to always have something to say,5 specific exercises you can do to sharpen your conversation skills,6 chick crack conversation subjects,3 good opening lines4 examples of cold reads5 pillars of game7 ways to instantly appear more confident,5 tactics to instantly create social proof,13 items on the body-language checklist4 mistakes that nice guys make14 common conversation mistakes and sin
Open Her teaches a man how to embody 7 Masculine Archetypes to engage his woman in a deeper, more passionate dance of love. Each archetype brings a power and a gift, a secret key to his woman's love and desire. Open Her will inspire a man to love his masculinity and to know the power it holds to open a woman to ever deepening states of pleasure and love.
The project that captured a nation's imagination. The instructions were simple, but the results were extraordinary. "You are invited to anonymously contribute a secret to a group art project. Your secret can be a regret, fear, betrayal, desire, confession, or childhood humiliation. Reveal anything -- as long as it is true and you have never shared it with anyone before. Be brief. Be legible. Be creative." It all began with an idea Frank Warren had for a community art project. He began handing out postcards to strangers and leaving them in public places -- asking people to write down a secret they had never told anyone and mail it to him, anonymously. The response was overwhelming. The secrets were both provocative and profound, and the cards themselves were works of art -- carefully and creatively constructed by hand. Addictively compelling, the cards reveal our deepest fears, desires, regrets, and obsessions. Frank calls them "graphic haiku," beautiful, elegant, and small in structure but powerfully emotional. As Frank began posting the cards on his website, PostSecret took on a life of its own, becoming much more than a simple art project. It has grown into a global phenomenon, exposing our individual aspirations, fantasies, and frailties -- our common humanity. Every day dozens of postcards still make their way to Frank, with postmarks from around the world, touching on every aspect of human experience. This extraordinary collection brings together the most powerful, personal, and beautifully intimate secrets Frank Warren has received -- and brilliantly illuminates that human emotions can be unique and universal at the same time.
Seduction is a SCIENCE. If you apply scientifically-supported psychologically principles designed to generate RAW SEXUAL ATTRACTION in a woman, then you can seduce the MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN on the planet. Psychologists have dedicated decades of research into understanding the elements that drive women into having intercourse. Being a horny bachelor myself, I spent all of my 20s to going through hundreds upon hundreds of academic peer-reviewed articles and case studies to compile a list of crucial KEY PRINCIPLES that when applied on a woman: UNLEASH HER WILD SEXUAL DESIRE. The scientific literature reveals that attraction is NOT something a woman chooses to feel; it's an automatic desire that can be FLIPPED-ON like a light-switch by doing certain KEY BEHAVIORS, and having certain KEY MINDSETS. When the attraction-switches are flipped then a woman will develop a burning desire to be with you. The best part is that is that these specific techniques and ideas are 100% learnable. Are you sick and tired of being exposed to beautiful women in your daily life, but not knowing how to act upon these women to start something special? Do you desire physical intimacy but don't even know how to begin the process of seduction with a woman? Do you want to GET LAID, but every time you try you get hit with harsh rejections and humiliation in the sexual marketplace? This "Simp to Slayer: 50 Mental Models to Transform Your Sex Life" is the SOLUTION. It provides a SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS on what to do to have beautiful women in your life, and enjoy physical ecstasy with them. Because it is a STEP-BY-STEP program that leads to sex, so you have NO EXCUSES to being sexless. Again, just follow the simple STEP-BY-STEP instructions and you will have so much sex from so many options that you'll have to start rejecting women. I have personally used this material to make women PHYSICALLY ADDICTED TO ME. How much longer will you let the excuses of "I don't know what to do" and "I don't know what to say" paralyze you from taking action in the field? It's time to END THE EXCUSES. By going through this program from start to finish you will know WHAT YOU NEED TO DO, WHAT YOU NEED TO SAY, and THE KEY MINDSETS TO HAVE that will lead to you having intimate access to beautiful women and more sex than you have even dreamed of. You don't need to spend huge chunks of your life in trial-and-error learning things by yourself through pain. After thousands of approaches, research, and a decade of personal experience, I have gained untold amounts of experience and compiled THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS THAT I HAVE LEARNED INTO THIS PROGRAM. Get the information you deserve to put yourself into a position to succeed. Subscribe now, start listening immediately, apply the concepts that you learn and see SEXUAL RESULTS.
In 99 Bad Boy Traits That Instantly Attract Women, You're Going to Learn:- Carry yourself in a confident and charming manner that immediately catches women's attention.- Talk to women in a way that communicates you're experienced, you "get it", and she won't be disappointed.- Become a man who doesn't show women he likes them by kissing ass or seeking approval.- Become fearless around women you want and communicate you're their best option.- Stop sacrificing your value and self-image in exchange for attention, affection, and approval.- Handle friction and conflict smoothly, confidently, and in a way that multiplies attraction.- Stop causing women to feel repulsed and "icky" from being way too nice.- Become more of a leader who women are wildly attracted to instead of a follower.- Gain women's loyalty and trust through honesty, straightforwardness, being direct, and not being "sneaky".- Become mentally and emotionally stronger so you can pass her unconscious "attraction tests".- Become straightforward with your intentions instead of leading her to believe you only want to be her "friend".- Stop annoying women by apologizing too much and always making sure they're "ok".- Have the sort of high self-esteem that women find irresistible, intoxicating, and sexy.- Multiply the attraction women feel for you by becoming physically more attractive.- Exact detailed tips, advice, and guides on how to dress more like a bad boy and stop dressing and looking like a "nice" guy.- Get over your fear of beautiful women and how to stop being nervous and intimidated by women.- Get women to see you as "cool" and "awesome" instead of a dork, nerd, or a geek.- Gain women's respect and admiration by being a man who women can't take advantage of.- Become more attractive by not caring so much what women and others think about you.- Not be too "easy" and become a man who's valuable, challenging, and hard to get.- Become a man who is "internally driven" instead of looking for hints and clues "outside of himself" for how he should be thinking, behaving, and living his life.