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In our faith journeys, we need direction to achieve our desired goals. The Seven Laws of Faith provides a step-by-step approach to understanding our journeys, growing in knowledge, and achieving desired ends. Faith is often taken for granted and in many respects can be seen as events and instant solutions to problems. The Seven Laws of Faith shows the essence of relationships and, is expressed in worship and service. We can move from having faith in God to having the faith of God, and exercising the power and authority that He generously gives. Faith can only grow through belief, love, worship, and service. This is the dynamic faith that can move mountains.
Absolute essentials to living an effective and successful Christian life from the founder of Crusade for World Revival.
Several years ago Pastor Ray Pritchard set out on a journey. The destination of his journey was to discover the basic laws of the Christian’s life. Not surprisingly, his journey began and ended in the same place—God. Romans 11:36 poetically proclaims "for from Him and through Him and to Him are all things." All spirituality flows from a correct perspective of God, and all heresy begins with a misunderstanding of God. From this beginning, Pastor Ray compiled the Seven Laws of the Spiritual Life. These laws are the basic truths that every believer needs to know in order to have a healthy relationship with God.
A popular presentation of God's basic laws of Christian growth that produce an abundant and effective spiritual life.
WITH A BRAND NEW LOOK! ON FEBRUARY 22, 1980, KHORSHED AND RUMI BHAVNAGRI’S WORLD WAS SHATTERED. ONE MONTH LATER, A NEW ONE OPENED. Khorshed and Rumi Bhavnagri lost their sons, Vispi and Ratoo, in a tragic car crash. With both their sons gone, the couple felt they would not survive for long. They had lost all faith in God until a miraculous message from the Spirit World gave them hope and sent them on an incredible journey.
God’s plan for you as a believer is that you live in victory on earth with your eyes earnestly focused on the life of eternity with Him. The Lord revealed this much to prophet Jeremiah when He declared in Jeremiah 29:11, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” John the Apostle reiterated the same promise when he wrote in 3 John 2, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospered.” Victory connotes winning over circumstances that are in opposition to the fulfillment of your destiny, and to be victorious is to be free to live and utilize your potentials as God has ordained. From the Scriptures, we can therefore boldly conclude that there are three levels of prosperity the Lord plans for His children: prosperity in health, material prosperity, and prosperity in the spirit. I call this total or true prosperity. Therefore, to be a prosperous Christian, you must seek for and position yourself to be a partaker of this total prosperity. And this may not be possible unless you obey certain laws that pertain to life and godly living. These laws are seven in number. This book is a compilation of all the seven laws in one volume.
Experience With God Creates A Different Reward Than The Laws of God. Every Law Contains A Different Reward. Your Love For God Does Not Guarantee A Productive Life. In This Fascinating Study, Dr. Mike Murdock Reveals The Hidden Laws That Guarantee Your Personal Success.
This work was inspired by the book Sefer Ha?Madah (The Book of Knowledge) by Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, also known as Maimonides. Sefer Ha?Madah is the first volume of his work Mishneh Torah, which is his monumental codification of the Oral Torah Law. In it, Maimonides explains the Torah's path to true and proper faith-based knowledge. The essential points of our present book, and much of its text, have been taken from Maimonides? holy words in Sefer Ha?Madah, Beyond that, we have added background information and explanations to produce a book meant specifically for those who are, or who want to become, righteous Gentiles in God's eyes. We have not attempted to include every proper and righteous outlook, character trait, and path in life for Gentiles. However, in a general manner, this book presents the proper views and behaviors for a righteous person of any nationality or culture.
This book is mainly based on the seven Hermetic Principles of Reality and Being as described in the Hermetic text “The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece” and it could be considered its commentary. The seven Laws of Reality can be considered as the essential principles of all the western and eastern spiritual wisdom traditions and can be employed in order to realize one's real nature of Pure Being and change one’s life conditions and circumstances. In final analysis, Truth is always found to be the same whether stated in modern scientific terms or in the language of ancient religion or philosophy, the only difference being in the form of presentation, always bearing in mind that no human formula will ever be able to describe every side of it. Part one of the book describes the seven Hermetic Laws or Principles which govern Reality: the Principle of Mind, the Principle of Cause and Effect, the Principle of Vibration, the Principle of Correspondence, the Principle of Polarity (or Opposites), the Principle of Rhythm (or Cyclicity) and the Principle of Gender. Part two offers many useful methods that can be employed in order to realize one's nature of Pure Being and change one’s conditions and circumstances by working with the seven Hermetic Laws of Reality.
In Opening the Gates of Heaven, Perry Stone shows you how to release the flow of heaven's blessing through both God's revelation and the intervention of angelic messengers.