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A retelling of the story of the German Renaissance and Reformation through the lives of two controversial figures of the 16th century: the Saxon court painter Lucas Cranach and the Wittenberg reformer Martin Luther.
The book is about the battle between Satan (the Serpent) and Jesus Christ (the Lamb) culminating in the victory of Christ over Satan. What can human beings learn from how God uses His creatures in history to fulfill His purposes? This is done through fictional but real events/occurrences in the Bible to bring to live these events as narrated by the animals, birds and fishes.It focuses on the Bible narrative in Genesis Chapter 3 vs 15: "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."
An intriguing piece of literature to entice your child to learn the Word of God in a fun and captivating way. Both the child and the parent can engage in a question-and-answer activity, giving the truth of the Word an exciting approach that the child and parent can enjoy. These collections of stories will remain in your family for generations to come.
A humorous, speculative novel fills in the lost years of Jesus' life, told from the perspective of Biff, his childhood best friend.
An economic and social history of early New South Wales, told through the life stories of pioneer 19th century horsemen. Traces the origin and development of the horse in Australia and a special tribute to Australia's internationally acclaimed thoroughbred expert C. Bruce Lowe.
Venice, a long time ago. Three prominent Venetians await their most loathsome and foul dinner guest, the erstwhile envoy from the Queen of Britain: the rascal-Fool Pocket. This trio of cunning plotters—the merchant, Antonio; the senator, Montressor Brabantio; and the naval officer, Iago—have lured Pocket to a dark dungeon, promising an evening of sprits and debauchery with a rare Amontillado sherry and Brabantio's beautiful daughter, Portia. But their invitation is, of course, bogus. The wine is drugged. The girl isn't even in the city limits. Desperate to rid themselves once and for all of the man who has consistently foiled their grand quest for power and wealth, they have lured him to his death. (How can such a small man, be such a huge obstacle?). But this Fool is no fool . . . and he's got more than a few tricks (and hand gestures) up his sleeve. Greed, revenge, deception, lust, and a giant (but lovable) sea monster combine to create another hilarious and bawdy tale from modern comic genius, Christopher Moore.
Everyone knows about the immaculate conception and the crucifixion. But what happened to Jesus between the manger and the Sermon on the Mount? In this hilarious and bold novel, the acclaimed Christopher Moore shares the greatest story never told: the life of Christ as seen by his boyhood pal, Biff. Just what was Jesus doing during the many years that have gone unrecorded in the Bible? Biff was there at his side, and now after two thousand years, he shares those good, bad, ugly, and miraculous times. Screamingly funny, audaciously fresh, Lamb rivals the best of Tom Robbins and Carl Hiaasen, and is sure to please this gifted writer’s fans and win him legions more.
A National Book Award winner and New York Times bestselling author deepens and refreshes our view of early Christianity while casting a disturbing light on the evolution of the attitudes passed down to us. "Confirms her reputation as both a scholar and a popular interpreter.... Continuously rewarding and illuminating." —The New York Times How did the early Christians come to believe that sex was inherently sinful? When did the Fall of Adam become synonymous with the fall of humanity? What turned Christianity from a dissident sect that championed the integrity of the individual and the idea of free will into the bulwark of a new imperial order—with the central belief that human beings cannot not choose to sin? In this provocative masterpiece of historical scholarship Elaine Pagels re-creates the controversies that racked the early church as it confronted the riddles of sexuality, freedom, and sin as embodied in the story of Genesis. And she shows how what was once heresy came to shape our own attitudes toward the body and the soul.
In the pre-Christian world, children were slain on pagan altars, and now, in the post-Christian world of the affluent West, children are again the object of adult hostility. In the U.S.A. the abuse of children has been called a "national emergency", while in almost every country on earth the killing of children still unborn has become an ideology of "choice". In this challenging book, John Saward examines the work of several Roman Catholic writers, including St. Therese of Lisieux, G. K. Chesterton, Charles Peguy, Georges Bernanos and Hans Urs von Balthasar who rose up in defense and celebration of childhood. This is a ground-breaking work in the theology of childhood and the analysis of modernity.