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CMH Pub. 70-63-1. By Daniel K. Elder, et al. Describes the origin and growth of the Office of the Sergeant Major of the Army. Includes biographies of each of the Sergeants Major of the Army
The central role which the noncommissioned officer (NCO) plays in shaping the U.S. Army in peace and war has long been recognized. During times of peace, NCOs train, discipline, and develop those entrusted to their leadership. In wartime, the NCO assumes even greater responsibility for the soldiers he leads in battle.Throughout our nation's history, talented, dedicated NCOs have served bravely, effectively, and with quiet professionalism. They have carried out their demanding missions with minimal fanfare. The Army and the nation are eternally in their debt. The creation of the Office of the Sergeant Major of the Army in 1966 officially acknowledged two trends: the expanding nature of the NCO's duties and responsibilities and the increasing importance of NCO professionalism. The superb noncommissioned officers selected for service as the Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA) did not simply appear overnight. They were selected from among a corps of professional soldiers who had extraordinary records of service and unlimited potential for growth.This firsthand account of our changing Army and of NCOs adapting as we transitioned from a conscript force to the all-volunteer Army underscores the ability and dedication to duty that have been the hallmarks of their careers. At the pinnacle of his profession, each SMA also influenced the development of the Office of the Sergeant Major of the Army. Their stories collectively reflect the course of the U.S. Army from World War II through the challenges of today. Their careers exemplify the enhanced quality, education, and professionalism of the NCO corps.
The Sergeants Major of the Army adds to the growing literature on the Army's Noncommissioned Officer Corps, which has always stood proudly in the front ranks to serve the nation in war and peace. Daniel K. Elder and his fellow contributors tell two stories, an institutional one and a personal one. In the first part of the book they discuss the origin and growth of the Office of the Sergeant Major of the Army, explaining why someone saw a need for such an office and identifying who supported it in its infancy, who made it work, and why it has succeeded as well as it has. In the second part they introduce photographic portraits and biographical vignettes on the soldiers who have occupied this most important post over the past forty years, providing insights into their character, motivations, goals, and accomplishments. The career and life stories of the SMAs are both inspirational and instructive, giving today's soldiers a useful perspective as the Army once again endeavors to transform itself into an even more effective institution.
From the Preface: The Sergeants Major of the Army is an important volume in the official history of the United States Army. The first part of this book describes the origin and growth of the Office of the Sergeant Major of the Army. It explains why some saw a need for such an office and tells who supported it in its infancy, who made it work, and why it has succeeded as well as it has. The second part is a collection of biographical essays that documents the personal and professional lives of the soldiers who have occupied this important post. Through these sections, the reader gains insight into the character and motivations of the select group of soldiers who became the Sergeants Major of the Army.
The foundation of the book and my life were instilled by the good order and discipline of the U.S. Army. An institution which mandates camaraderie and diversity within the ranks, despite the trials and tribulations of the greater society. We are shaped as a diversified force which will put aside differences for the greater good.The lesson learned from my service as an American Soldier shaped my development as I matured from adolescence to manhood. Consequently, this education provided the resolve to handle the trials and tribulations of war at an early age and the transformative impact it made.
CMH Pub. 70-63-1. By Daniel K. Elder, et al. Describes the origin and growth of the Office of the Sergeant Major of the Army. Includes biographies of each of the Sergeants Major of the Army
CMH Pub. 70-63. By Daniel K. Elder, et al. Describes the origin and growth of the Office of the Sergeant Major of the Army. Includes biographies of each of the Sergeants Major of the Army.