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The Seed, the Covenants, and the Prophecies is designed for students and laymen. It is held together by a thin thread, the promised “Seed of the Woman,” a promise that makes its way throughout the Old Testament on the wings of prophecy to find its fulfilment in the New Testament. The “Seed of the Woman” is initially perceived indistinctly, but as revelations are made by God’s inspired holy prophets over time, a detailed portrait emerges of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word of God, in His all-embracing fullness. Arranged chronologically, the book provides from a literal biblical perspective an abridged historical timeline of God’s covenants with the Jewish people of Israel and Judah, and of the Old Testament Messianic prophecies that have found fulfilment in the New Testament. Events are liberally documented with excerpts and explanatory footnotes. Interwoven with the unfolding fabric of ancient, medieval, and modern political and religious conflicts, it is hoped that the book will stimulate interest in God’s Word, elicit dialogue, and provide readers with a fair measure of enjoyment as well as spiritual direction.
There's been an on going struggle between the seed of Satan and the seed of God. Satan has tried numerous times to contaminate the bloodline in which the Messiah of Israel would come. It's been a game of chess between the God of Israel who would bring about these Messianic prophecies, and the enemy of the Jewish people who would like nothing more than to destroy the Jews and those prophecies. To eliminate Israel is to eliminate the promises of God and the return of Jesus. Satan has raised empire after empire, dictator after dictator in his quest to destroy the Jews. These empires no longer exist but the Jewish people still remain. God has made promises to the Jewish prophets that he would preserve the Jewish people. God has preserved the Messianic bloodline in order to bring about those prophecies despite satanic attempts to eliminate them. In this book we go to the very beginning to see how this conflict began and where it will culminate in the greatest battle of all time according to Bible prophecy. August Rosado is the founder of Today in Bible Prophecy Ministries based in Corpus Christi Texas. He travels the country as he preaches at Churches on the soon return of Jesus the Messiah. He and his wife are on full time staff with People's Baptist Church and are representatives of Roloff Homes. He host tours to Israel and has been married for 23 years to Patty Rosado have three daughters and have six grandchildren. The ministry's website is and August Rosado is available for Church speaking and Israel tours.
Where can you find answers for an uncertain world? The answers have been waiting for you all along. They're in the pages of the Bible. By studying Bible prophecy, you can learn crucial information about future prophetic events - the time of the end. Whether you are unsure of the value of the Bible's prophecies or regard them with deep respect, this Bible Study aid, "You Can Understand Bible Prophecy", is meant to help you accurately understand Bible prophecy. We want you to see the true scope of prophecy - how it links mankind's past, present and future. Learn how a knowledge of prophecy can provide you with a balanced perspective and the details of God's wonderful plan for humanity. Chapters in this ebook: -- Why Prophecy? -- The Fundamentals of Bible Prophecy -- Jesus Christ's Life and Death in Prophecy -- Promise and Covenants: A Prophetic Legacy -- God Confirms His Credibility to the World -- History Proves the Accuracy of Bible Prophecy -- The International Scope of Prophecy -- The End of 'This Present Evil Age' -- The Coming "Abomination of Desolation" -- What Is 'the Lord's Day'? -- The Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ -- Beyond the Millennium Inside this Bible Study Aid ebook: "God inspired much of prophecy to relate to the first and second appearances of Jesus as the Messiah." "Another purpose of prophecy is to urge repentance and offer everyone forgiveness through Jesus Christ’s suffering and death." "The history of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah is a powerful testimony to the accuracy and precision of Bible prophecy." "Many prophetic passages describe the time of God’s preparation of the world to accept the rule of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God."
This book tells the fascinating story of the fulfillment of the very first prophecy in the Bible. I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel (Genesis 3:15 NKJV). Eve, the mother of the human family, had rebelled against God in the Garden of Eden and brought sin into the world. This Messianic prophecy promised that Eves Seed would one day bring salvation to the world. From that time forward, everything that happened in the Bible pointed straight to the fulfillment of this prophecy. Its the main story line of the Bible. The Seed of the Woman, the Story of an Ancient Prophecy Fulfilled is Jim Tunstalls winsome account of how that narrative developed; ultimately resulting in the birth of Jesus Christ. Marys baby and Eves Seed is now the Savior of the world.
"The Grace of God, the Will of Man: A Case for Arminianism" was written by an impressive team of evangelical scholars from many traditions. This work carries on the ancient debate about the scope of God's saving purposes and the manner of his effecting salvation in human beings. It defends the proposition that God is a dynamic personal Agent who respects the freedom he chose to delegate to his human creatures and relates sensitively to us in the outworking of his plans for the whole of history. God is love and expresses his power by working salvation among us under conditions of genuine mutuality. The contributors to this volume are Christian scholars who are eager to present this evangelical model as an alternative to deterministic theology. They do not claim to have said the last word on the subject but want at least to keep the ball of theological discussion in play.
Absorbing the Old with the New “The time is coming declares the L-rd, when I will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel…I will put my laws in their minds and write it on their hearts” (Jeremiah 31:31-33). The New Covenant Prophecy tells the very personal, real-life story of a Jewish believer who believes that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Jewish Messiah. His fascinating background includes being born in London into a wealthy Jewish family, parental divorce, anti-Semitism, and a supernatural spiritual experience when a Voice told him that he was loved and would be used to minister to God’s people. Jews, Messianic Jews, Christians, and nonbelievers alike will be enthralled with the intriguing details of his life in England and the United States—not only what was going on spiritually but also his keen mind for business-building and entrepreneurship. Written from a Messianic perspective, the author shares his spiritual discoveries in sensitive yet exciting ways that reveal the Good News of Yeshua so Jewish people can better understand the New Covenant—and Gentile believers can better understand the Church’s reconnection to Israel in the last days.
""Is our faith a unilateral contract to acquire a free ticket to heaven, or is it a two-way blood covenant between us and our savior... a commitment unto death?"" So begins the first essay in this book, a collection of essays by Gavin Finley, MD. These writings are prophetic. They do not follow conventional wisdom, nor do they stand with the status quo. What the writing of Gavin Finley will do is shake up our staid notions -- bringing old paradigms into question and new thoughts into view. Reminiscent of the best of C.S. Lewis, Francis Shaeffer, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the writing of Gavin Finley is not for the faint of heart. At turns acerbic and brilliant, this writing is for those whose heart yearns for the deeper quest in God, and a deeper understanding of who we are, and where we are going in the coming seasons. These essays outline a glorious Bride, awaiting the return of her Beloved by actively walking out His end-time plan!