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Earth is poised at the cusp of a 'Great New Age' long predicted in Hopi prophecies. Humanity will now determine whether this New Age will become an age of Enlightenment, or a New Dark Age of One-World-Order dominion.
The Spiritual, Occult and Historical significance of the "Emerald Tablets" is almost beyond belief of modern man. Written around 36,000 B.C. by Thoth, an Atlantean priest-king, this manuscript dates far back beyond reach of any Egyptian writings ever found. The author, Thoth, a Master-Teacher of the early Egyptians, put this treatise to writing in his native Atlantean language and Dr. Doreal, by use of his expertise as an Occultist and Master of time and space, was given the directive to retrieve these Tablets and translate them into English for the edification of modern man. The powerful and rhythmic verse of Thoth is wonderfully retained in Doreal's translation. Contained within the pages of Thoth's masterpiece of Spiritual and Occult Wisdom is the synthesis of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings, the guideline for initiates of all ages, revealing the Knowledge and Wisdom hitherto held secret, but now in this New Age, revealed to all Seekers on the Path of Light. Dr. M. Doreal, Ms.D., Psy.D., is the Spiritual; Teacher of a multitude of Seekers of Light, having founded a Metaphysical Church and College - The Brotherhood of the White Temple, Inc. He is the author of all of the Organization's writings and teachings, having been given permission for the Esoteric Wisdom to be remitted in a public forum by the Great White Lodge, the Elder Brothers of mankind who shape and form the Spiritual evolution of earth's inhabitants. The Brotherhood of the White Temple, Inc. is a correspondence school, accredited through the State of Colorado, and mails out to its world-wide membership weekly Lessons of Truth. Its four and one-half year College Course unveils the secrets of the Symbolism of all Mystery Schools, giving precisely and beautifully, the step by step progression all Seekers have searched for in their quest for Oneness with God, and for attainment of Cosmic Consciousness. "Read, Believe or not, but read, and the vibration found therein will awaken a response in your soul.' - Doreal
This volume offers clear, accurate, directly transmitted information from the Guardian Alliance regarding human origins, extraterrestrial visitation, the Zeta agenda, Keylontic Science, and Earth's future. It provides the background to understand the true nature of reality and the serious risks that Earth faces at this moment.
A collection of summary charts and condensations of information from Ashayana's workshops covering such topics as: 5 Visitor Differentiation Techniques.
In the vein of bestselling memoirs about mental illness like Andrew Solomon's Noonday Demon, Sarah Hepola's Blackout, and Daniel Smith's Monkey Mind comes a gorgeously immersive, immediately relatable, and brilliantly funny memoir about living life on the razor's edge of panic. The world never made any sense to Amanda Stern--how could she trust time to keep flowing, the sun to rise, gravity to hold her feet to the ground, or even her own body to work the way it was supposed to? Deep down, she knows that there's something horribly wrong with her, some defect that her siblings and friends don't have to cope with. Growing up in the 1970s and 80s in New York, Amanda experiences the magic and madness of life through the filter of unrelenting panic. Plagued with fear that her friends and family will be taken from her if she's not watching-that her mother will die, or forget she has children and just move away-Amanda treats every parting as her last. Shuttled between a barefoot bohemian life with her mother in Greenwich Village, and a sanitized, stricter world of affluence uptown with her father, Amanda has little she can depend on. And when Etan Patz disappears down the block from their MacDougal Street home, she can't help but believe that all her worst fears are about to come true. Tenderly delivered and expertly structured, Amanda Stern's memoir is a document of the transformation of New York City and a deep, personal, and comedic account of the trials and errors of seeing life through a very unusual lens.
An archaic scritpure from the Halls of Ament. This story is in reference to the Holy King James Bible and most of the information and knowledge from the Holy King James Bible; for it is not ye who writings but the Holy Spirit and narrated by Amun Ra the Great. This lost scripture is a testimony and also a witness of: the King Highest, the Book of Me; and the Book of You.Het Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem Nun Samekh Ayin Pe Tsadi Qof Resh Shin Tav.
The inspiring true story of a young woman who became deaf at age 19 while pursuing a degree in music--and how she overcame adversity and found the courage to live out her dreams.
A collection of essays from notable, highly accomplished women in politics, academia, athletics, the arts offering advice for raising empowered girls.
Diaries of Hemiunu, Architect of the Great Pyramid, reveal his privileged, yet dangerous, life as royal architect to Khufu. Diaries answer age-old questions about the design and building of the pyramids, but also about royal-family 'goings-on,' succession rivalries and murder in the harem...