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The Christian life is not meant to be frustrating or impossible to live up to. There are essential truths that will keep your relationship with Christ fresh, dynamic, and fulfilling. Andrew Murray helps you to clear away your spiritual baggage, and provides you with a simple, liberating outlook on the Christian life.
The thing God kept speaking to me today was, how many? And how often? might we have robbed ourselves of a blessing? How many times and how often do you think it takes place that you tie down hands or rob yourself of a blessing. Because sometimes we'll react rashly or so negatively about a situation, instead of responding in the way God wants us to respond. And I believe we have blown our blessings. I believe some of this we started talking about last week, but God's saying he wanted me to talk about this part this week, where we need to understand that sometimes it's not the devil. Sometimes it's not, it's not somebody else. But it's we have robbed ourselves of a blessing. You say, oh, God doesn't work that way. You got anybody here ever have a father, everybody has a father, a dad, anybody here has a mother. Everybody has a mother, even no matter what. And I'm telling you when we look at this, let's say for an example, we have two girls, both the same mother, and let's say this one cleans a room. This one gets all the things are taken care of she's supposed to do. And this one does not. There are certain benefits this one's gonna get. Because this one has done and has been obedient to do what they're supposed to do. The one that was disobedient, and said, I don't want to do it right now. I don't care I don't want to clean my room; it is too messy. They don't receive the blessings, because of obedience, they believe they receive a blessing for their disobedience. And what that means is, they're going to get something because of their obedience. And they're not because of their disobedience. So, the way God looks at us is the same way whenever he tells us to do something, and we don't respond the way we're supposed to. But it actually can rob us. And just so you know, not every time does God necessarily, say, Joshua, you're supposed to write those things down and study them through because I'm just trying to speak to you, doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be obedient by something that God said to you. Sometimes it's about God put laying something on your heart. I went through a season of being robbed by the Spirit, because God told me to give somebody $20 So when I finally caught up, and I realized I shouldn't give them $20, I gave them $40. Because I figured I had some interest to make up. Sometimes we get to the place.
Everyone is controlled by something. Who is controlling your life you the devil or the Holy Spirit? The Bible says we are controlled by the Holy Spirit. But how can someone know who is in control? Our flesh will always manipulate, make demands, and pressure us to fulfill its desires. The Holy Spirit is always gentle, meek and humble. He will lead and guide us in a still small voice. By contrast, the devil s voice is sharp, hard and pressing. The Holy Spirit will always lead us into all truth and bring clarity and understanding to our minds. Satan has only one purpose: to lie, deceive and confuse us. In THE SECRETS OF SPIRITUAL POWER, Joyce Meyer shows people how to obey the Holy Spirit. And through obedience, we experience spiritual power as well as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control."
The thing God kept speaking to me today was, how many? And how often? might we have robbed ourselves of a blessing? How many times and how often do you think it takes place that you tie down hands or rob yourself of a blessing. Because sometimes we'll react rashly or so negatively about a situation, instead of responding in the way God wants us to respond. And I believe we have blown our blessings. I believe some of this we started talking about last week, but God's saying he wanted me to talk about this part this week, where we need to understand that sometimes it's not the devil. Sometimes it's not, it's not somebody else. But it's we have robbed ourselves of a blessing. You say, oh, God doesn't work that way. You got anybody here ever have a father, everybody has a father, a dad, anybody here has a mother. Everybody has a mother, even no matter what. And I'm telling you when we look at this, let's say for an example, we have two girls, both the same mother, and let's say this one cleans a room. This one gets all the things are taken care of she's supposed to do. And this one does not. There are certain benefits this one's gonna get. Because this one has done and has been obedient to do what they're supposed to do. The one that was disobedient, and said, I don't want to do it right now. I don't care I don't want to clean my room; it is too messy. They don't receive the blessings, because of obedience, they believe they receive a blessing for their disobedience. And what that means is, they're going to get something because of their obedience. And they're not because of their disobedience. So, the way God looks at us is the same way whenever he tells us to do something, and we don't respond the way we're supposed to. But it actually can rob us. And just so you know, not every time does God necessarily, say, Joshua, you're supposed to write those things down and study them through because I'm just trying to speak to you, doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be obedient by something that God said to you. Sometimes it's about God put laying something on your heart. I went through a season of being robbed by the Spirit, because God told me to give somebody $20 So when I finally caught up, and I realized I shouldn't give them $20, I gave them $40. Because I figured I had some interest to make up. Sometimes we get to the place.
The Secret of Spiritual Power by George D. Watson: Explore the path to spiritual empowerment with "The Secret of Spiritual Power" by George D. Watson. This spiritual guide offers insights into the source of spiritual strength and provides practical principles for living a spiritually empowered life. Key Aspects of the Book "The Secret of Spiritual Power": Spiritual Insights: Watson delves into spiritual principles and insights, including the role of faith, prayer, and surrender in experiencing spiritual power. Practical Spirituality: The book offers practical guidance for applying spiritual principles to everyday life, relationships, and personal growth. Empowerment and Transformation: "The Secret of Spiritual Power" provides a roadmap for individuals seeking spiritual empowerment and a deeper connection with their faith. George D. Watson was an American evangelist and author known for his inspirational writings and teachings on spirituality. His book reflects his commitment to helping individuals discover the secret to spiritual power.
"The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you," Christ told his followers. And a few fishermen, a tax collector, and a motley group of believers set out to change the world. In fact, they succeeded.In 16th century Europe, the Anabaptists preaching in cities by night, on back streets, and in secret corners behind rail fences set out to do the very thing the apostles had done. They, too, turned the world of their day upside down. What was the secret of their strength? In this book, Hoover explains what gave the Anabaptists their incredible spiritual strength.Was their secret a return to the Bible? No, they were far more than Biblicists. Was it a return to apostolic tradition? No, they were far more than keepers of tradition. Fundamentalism and traditionalism have never held Christianity together nor made it work.The "secret of the kingdom of God" is stunningly simple. With two words Christ revealed it to His disciples. Upon comprehending it, His disciples came to a sudden knowledge of the will of God, of the whole Bible, and of the right way to live.This book is more than an Anabaptist history; it is a challenge to all Christ-followers to put the teachings of Jesus into practice and to be part of a Kingdom movement that transcends the man-made boundaries of denomination.
Albert Hibbert, friend and confidant of the world-renowned 20th century minister, Smith Wigglesworth, relates his personal accounts of this remarkable man of God. In the recorded history of mankind, few people have accomplished more in the realm of the supernatural than Smith Wigglesworth. Discover the secret of Smith Wigglesworth's amazing...
Life Is Never Mainly About Love and Marriage. So Learn to Live and Date for More. Many of you grew up assuming that marriage would meet all of your needs and unlock God's purposes for you. But God has far more planned for you than your future marriage. Not Yet Married is not about waiting quietly in the corner of the world for God to bring you "the one," but about inspiring you to live and date for more now. If you follow Jesus, the search for a spouse is no longer a pursuit of the perfect person, but a pursuit of more of God. He will likely write a love story for you different than the one you would write for yourself, but that's because he loves you and knows how to write a better story. This book was written to help you find real hope, happiness, and purpose in your not-yet-married life.
The ministry contained in this little book has been wrought on the anvil of deep and drastic dealings of God with the vessel. It is not only doctrinal; it is experiential. Only those who really mean business with God will take the pains demanded to read it. For such, two words of advice may be helpful. Firstly, try to remember all through that the spoken form is retained. The messages were given in conference, and the reader must try to get into the spirit and mind of listening, and not only reading. In speaking, the messenger can see by the faces before him where repetition or reemphasis or fuller elucidation is called for. This explains much that would not be the character of a precisely literary production. It has its difficulties for readers, but it also has its values. Of all the books that have issued from this ministry, I regard this one as that which goes most deeply to the roots and foundations of our life in Christ with God. T.A-S.