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Presents twelve topics that provide guidance and growth in the Christian life from one of the greatest devotional writers.
The consuming desire of all true Christians is to be like Christ Jesus. Without doubt, such holy ambition is inspired by the Holy Spirit. For it is God's eternal will that all who are called by Him are to be conformed to the image of His beloved Son. Yet how ironical it is that most Christians seem to undergo great frustration in failing to reach that goal. Does God plan it that way or do we fail to know and appropriate the provision of God? Thank God, He never calls without providing. Therefore, it behooves us to enter into the secret of Christian living. Truth is always simple in nature. This entire secret of Christian living is given in two simple phrases, which are: "in Christ" and "Christ in us."In this present volume, brother Watchman Nee presents the secret of Christian living in three parts; namely, in Christ, Christ in us, and some applications. These are messages given mainly from 1934 to 1938 in various cities of China. They are more direct, more illustrative and easier to understand. It can be viewed as a companion volume to the classic, The Normal Christian Life.
What is joy? Ask ten different people and you'll get ten different answers. Yet if you asked: a man who grew up fatherless and destitute in the slums of Atlanta a young widow who decided to bring a neglected garden back to life in spite of agonizing physical pain and a deeply wounded spirit or author Dan Lord himself, ex-frontman for a popular indie rock band each would point to the one source of their joy: Jesus. They made the choice for joy, against all odds, and so can you, though the obstacles might seem insurmountable. Worry and anxiety, pain and suffering, the daily grind -- all these and more can block your path. When faced with such challenges, is it possible to get past the barriers, let go, and experience God's joy? When you look around, you might wonder -- although joy is a fruit of the Spirit, it doesn't seem to be hanging visibly from many Christian boughs. Choosing Joy aims to change that -- and change your life in the process -- as it helps you discover the key to this most attractive but seemingly elusive gift. Choosing Joy will help you overcome the obstacles and focus your heart, mind and strength on God so that you can receive the happiness and peace that the world cannot give.
This book comes out of years of reflection, failures, and some successes in the task of reaching out to others with the gospel. Many Christians think of the task of mission as an entirely verbal activity, when perhaps the best kept secret of New Testament teaching about mission is that it involves a whole range of activities that explicitly promote Christ to the world and draw others to him, and only a few of them involve speaking. Without diminishing or downplaying the importance of speaking the gospel, John Dickson shows that, on the other hand, downplaying the range of activities that promote Christ to the world has its own set of problems. It can make those who are not confident about speaking—of anything, let alone Jesus—feel inadequate and self-conscious in the task of reaching out to others. Equally, it can make those who do have a flair for speaking feel as though they are fulfilling Christ’s mission just by talking. But the reality is that the Lord wants our whole life, not just our lips, in the task of bringing the gospel to the world. Every facet of our lives can be used by God to promote the news of his power and mercy. In this practical guide to the biblical art of sharing your faith, John Dickson offers refreshing insight into the ways that all Christians can and should be involved in spreading the good news of Jesus. While not all Christians are called and gifted to become evangelists, we are all called to promote the gospel through a wide range of activities—prayer, financial partnership, good deeds, godly lives, public worship, daily conversation, etc.—with and without our lips. As readers engage with this book, grapple with its arguments and hear the stories of people coming to faith, they will be inspired to see the whole of life as significant for bringing the gospel to the world, and they will be liberated out of guilt and self-consciousness in evangelism into becoming perfectly natural promoters of Jesus Christ.
For practical steps on how to know Christ in a fresh, new way. Also, look for The Highest Life and The Inward Journey, the companion volumes in Edwards's introduction to the Deeper Christian Life.
How can a feeble faith in an almighty Christ move mountains? Part of Andrew Murray’s classic Secret Series devotionals, The Secret of the Faith Life provides insight into the need, power, and blessedness of a wholehearted faith in Jesus and an unreserved surrender to Him, so that we can be prepared to receive Him in the fullness of His love and abiding presence.
The consuming desire of all true Christians is to be like Christ Jesus. Without doubt, such holy ambition is inspired by the Holy Spirit. For it is God's eternal will that all who are called by Him are to be conformed to the image of His beloved Son. Yet how ironical it is that most Christians seem to undergo great frustration in failing to reach that goal. Does God plan it that way or do we fail to know and appropriate the provision of God? Thank God, He never calls without providing. Therefore, it behooves us to enter into the secret of Christian living. Truth is always simple in nature. This entire secret of Christian living is given in two simple phrases, which are: "in Christ" and "Christ in us" In this present volume, brother Watchman Nee presents the secret of Christian living in three parts; namely, in Christ, Christ in us, and some applications. These are messages given mainly from 1934 to 1938 in various cities of China. They are more direct, more illustrative and easier to understand. It can be viewed as a companion volume to the classic, The Normal Christian Life.
Provocatively argues that concealing Christian identity in American public life is the best way to maintain faithful witness and integrity.