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Helena Blavatsky's 'The Secret Doctrine' is a seminal work in the realm of esoteric and spiritual literature. Published in three volumes, this book delves into the ancient wisdom teachings of theosophy, touching on subjects such as cosmogony, anthropology, and metaphysics. Blavatsky's writing style is complex and intellectual, reflecting her deep knowledge of Eastern and Western philosophies. The text is rich in symbolism and allegory, inviting readers to engage with its deeper meanings and uncover profound truths about the nature of reality. 'The Secret Doctrine' is a valuable contribution to theosophical literature, offering insight into the mysteries of the universe and the spiritual evolution of humankind. Blavatsky's extensive research and profound spiritual experiences influenced her writing, making this work a testament to her visionary insights and metaphysical exploration. Recommended for readers interested in esoteric philosophy, comparative religion, and the mystical traditions of the East.
This is the somewhat controversial, third volume of The Secret Doctrine by Helena Blavatsky which was published by Annie Besant after Blavatsky's death. Chapters include: Modern Criticism and the Ancients; The Origin of Magic; The Secresy of Initiates; Some Reasons for Secresy; The Dangers of Practical Magicl Old Wine in New Bottles; The Book of Enoch the Origin and the Foundation of Christianity; Hermetic and Kabalistic Doctrines; Various Occult Systems of Interpretations of Alphabets and Numerals; The Hexagon with the Central Point, or the Seventh Key; The Duty of the True Occultist toward Religions; Post-Christian Adepts and their Doctrines; Simon and his Biographer Hippolytus; St. Paul the real Founder of present Christianity; Peter a Jewish Kabalist, not an Initiate; Apollonius of Tyana; Facts underlying Adept Biographies; St. Cyprian of Antioch; The Eastern Gupta Vidya & the Kabalah; Hebrew Allegories; The Zohar on Creation and the Elohim; What the Occultists and Kabalists have to say; Modern Kabalists in Science and Occult Astronomy; Eastern and Western Occultism; The Idols and the Teraphim; Egyptian Magic; The Origin of the Mysteries; The Trial of the Sun Initiate; The Mystery Sun of Initiation; The Objects of the Mysteries; Traces of the Mysteries; The Last of the Mysteries in Europe; The Post-Christian Successors to the Mysteries; Symbolism of Sun and Stars; Pagan Sidereal Worship, or Astrology; The Souls of the Stars—Universal Heliolatry; Astrology and Astrolatry; Cycles and Avataras; Secret Cycles; The Doctrine of Avataras; The Seven Principles' The Mystery of Buddha' Reincarnations of Buddha; An Unpublished Discourse of Buddha; Nirvana-Moksha; The Secret Books of Lam-Rin and Dzyan; Amita Buddha Kwan-Shai-yin, and Kwan-yin.—What the Book of Dzyan and the Lamaseries of Tsong-Kha-pa say; Tsong-Kha-pa.—Lohans in China; A few more Misconceptions Corrected; The Doctrine of the Eye & the Doctrine of the Heart, or the Heart's Seal; and, Some Papers On The Bearing Of Occult Philosophy On Life.
A fountain of esoteric knowledge for deep truth seekers, this classic work examines the birth and structure of the universe and how everything has the Divine as its source. It also traces the development of humanity--drawing from sacred scriptures, mythology, and legends to give a spiritual view of human beings. Volume III is an index to help readers find any topic easily. Illustrations.
The Book of Dzyan is a sacred text containing esoteric wisdom on the nature of existence, the Seven Creations, and cosmic evolution.
The Secret Doctrine is one of the most influential esoteric and occult books of all time. In the first part of the book the author explains the origin and evolution of the universe itself, in terms derived from the Hindu concept of cyclical development. While in the second part she describes the origins of humanity through an account of "Root Races" said to date back millions of years.