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This textbook deals with the most important items in Marine Geology, including some pioneer work. The list of topics has grown greatly in the last few decades beyond the items identified by Eugen Seibold as central and now includes prominently such things as methane and climate change; that is, the carbon cycle and the Earth system as a whole. Relevant geophysical, geochemical, sedimentological and paleontological methods are shortly described. They should allow the reader to comment on new results about plate tectonics, marine sedimentation from the coasts to the deep sea, climatological aspects, paleoceanology and the use of the sea floor. The text tries to transmit to the reader excitement of marine geological research both aboard and in modern laboratories. Basic mineralogical, geochemical, biological and other relevant data and a detailed list of books and symposia are given in an Appendix. This Introduction builds on the third edition of “The Sea Floor” by E. Seibold and W.H. Berger. While much of the original text was written by Seibold, a considerable portion of the material presented in this edition is new, taking into account the recent great shift in marine geological research, some of it with great relevance to human concerns arising in a rapidly changing world.
Man's understanding of how this planet is put together and how it evolved has radically changed during the last twenty years. This great revolution in geology now usually subsumed under the concept of Plate Tectonics and its ramifications - was an outgrowth of the study of the ocean floor. In its impact on the earth sciences, it is comparable to the revolution brought about by Charles Darwin (1809-1882) a century ago. The evolution of the biosphere was the focal point at that time. We are now discussing the evolution of the lithosphere, the uppermost 100 km of the Earth. Darwin drew his inspiration from observations made during the voyage of the Beagle, and his work gave strong impetus to the first global oceanographic expedition, the voyage of HMS Challenger (1872-1875). Ever since, oceanographic research has been intimately associated with fundamental advances in the knowledge of Earth. This should come as no surprise. After all, our planet's surface is mostly ocean. This booklet is the result of our conviction that to study introductory geology and oceanography and environment al science, one needs a summary of the tectonics and morphology of the sea floor, of the geologic processes active in the deep sea and in shelf seas, and of the climatic re cord in deep sea sedi ments. Our aim is to give abrief survey of these topics.
An account of some aspects of marine geology and marine geophysics, comprehensible to those at an early stage in their study of geology and to scientists who are not specialists in these fields. There are many biologists, chemists, mathematicians or physicists who work in the laboratory or on board ship with geologists and geophysicists and this book will help them to understand the aims of their colleages' experiments. Wherever possible, without a loss of necessary precision, terminology is deliberately simplified.
London : E. Arnold, 1975.
Man's understanding of how this planet is put together and how it evolved has changed radically during the last 30 years. This great revolution in geology - now usually subsumed under the concept of Plate Tectonics - brought the realization that convection within the Earth is responsible for the origin of today's ocean basins and conti nents, and that the grand features of the Earth's surface are the product of ongoing large-scale horizontal motions. Some of these notions were put forward earlier in this century (by A. Wegener, in 1912, and by A. Holmes, in 1929), but most of the new ideas were an outgrowth of the study of the ocean floor after World War II. In its impact on the earth sciences, the plate tectonics revolution is comparable to the upheaval wrought by the ideas of Charles Darwin (1809-1882), which started the intense discussion on the evolution of the biosphere that has recently heated up again. Darwin drew his inspiration from observations on island life made during the voyage of the Beagle (1831-1836), and his work gave strong impetus to the first global oceanographic expedition, the voyage of HMS Challenger (1872- 1876). Ever since, oceanographic research has been intimately associ ated with fundamental advances in the knowledge of Earth. This should come as no surprise. After all, our planet's surface is mostly ocean.
Junior, Senior, Graduate level text for Marine Geology, Marine Stratigraphy and Sedimentology or plate tectonics. Course found in both Geology and Oceanography departments. The first comprehensive and entirely new volume on marine geology since the emergence of the plate tectonic revolution in earth sciences and deep-sea drilling. Written by a foremost authority in the field.
This marine-geological approach to the structure and function of the earth is unique in its presentation of how a practicing earth scientist actually studies the earth. Exposition begins under the oceans and ends up on the continents, covering a far-reaching range of topics, from the history of geology under the sea to the examination of the driving force of the lithospheric plates. Illustrated.
This fully revised and expanded edition of "Marine Geology closely examines the interrelationship between water and its life forms and geologic structures. It looks at several ideas for the origins of the Earth